
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Post by Cory »

Front and center in the camera view was the locker room with the Rated RKO logo emblazoned on it. Renee Young approached the door and knocked on it. The door opened and the World Champion poked his head down to look at Renee. Upon seeing the diminutive EBWF correspondent, Randy looked both ways down the hallway to make sure it was just her, and stood aside, allowing her in.

Randy Orton: Alright, come on in.

Renee Young: Uh, thank you?

Edge: You understand why we're being cautious right? Because there's some psycho murderous Bobo the Clown motherfucker out there looking for us.

Randy Orton: The last thing we need is Paul Heyman and his goon distracting us while we get ready for our match tonight.

Edge: And what is this match anyway? Roman Reigns and CM Punk? What in the Wes-Ikeda-Fuck kind of tag team is that?

Randy Orton: And why is it happening on Warfare? Renee, what are we?

Renee Young: ...the longest reigning tag team champions in company history?

Edge: Nailed it.

Randy Orton: So why again are the longest reigning EBWF tag team champions defending their titles on Warfare for free?

Edge: For the same reason that Rey Mysterio is King of the Ring.

Renee Young: Despite all that, this is a very high profile match. Roman Reigns and CM Punk are two very dangerous competitors. Do the two of you have the ability to focus on this match with the constant possible distraction provided by Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt?

Randy Orton: Renee, you know as well as I do that Edge and I win matches when we're not even trying. Half of the time, I don't even want to be here and I'm the World Champ. That's the quality that we bring to the table. We're better than literally everyone else, and we're practically asleep. So yeah, we have some distractions from Heyman and his mentally challenged heavy. No more serious a distraction than ones we have created for ourselves. Tonight, we'll defend the tag team championships like we always do.

Edge: Even against this bizarre ass team.

Randy Orton: And to be honest, we probably won't even remember doing it next week.

Edge: Renee, I think we're done here.

Edge gestured Renee to exit the locker room. Renee headed out into the hallway as the scene faded to black.