And the Award Goes to...

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And the Award Goes to...

Post by Ashlee »

The Target Center in Minneapolis was already bustling with activity early on Monday afternoon. The cameraman had settled on the empty hallway, and the camera began to move as hurried voices were heard, and the cameraman went to find who was speaking. The EBWF Audience could recognize the voice of Edge before the camera even found him standing with his tag team partner, Randy Orton.

Edge: I don’t know what to tell you, Randy!

Randy Orton: I know what to tell you. That can’t happen! You were distracted.

Edge: Me?! You were afraid to stick your arm under the ring to grab a kendo stick!

Randy Orton: I wasn’t afraid. I was… being cautious.

Edge: Yeah, and when I was looking over my shoulder I was being cautious too. It’s almost as if someone wants us to lose our EBWF Tag Team Titles.

Randy glanced at the camera.

Randy Orton: We both know the EBWF brass don’t like it when we hold gold for too long.

Edge: We’d defend these every, single, week if it meant there were tag teams worth a damn in EBWF.

Randy turned to the camera again.

Randy Orton: What do you want?

Cameraman: Nothin’. Just listening in.

Randy Orton: Well, don’t listen in. This is a private conversation.

From further down the hall a female voice was heard.

Renee Young: Excuse me! Rated RKO?

Randy looked back to the camera.

Randy Orton: See what you did?

Edge: Good goin’ Drew.

Both men scoffed as Renee stepped between them.

Renee Young: Randy, Edge, when we saw you on TV two weeks ago…

Randy Orton: We won our match. And tonight, we’re booked again.

Renee Young: That’s what I wanted to ask you about. Tonight, the two of you take on the unlikely tag team of Rey Mysterio and The Miz.

Edge: Is that an unlikely tag team, Renee? Or is that yet another piecemeal, rag tag, little team thrown together by the EBWF brass to what? Get the main attractions on TV?

Renee Young: Well, the prevailing theory is that because Rey Mysterio is the King of the Ring and The Miz is the Gateway Champion…

Randy Orton: The only reason The Miz is Gateway Champion is because I cashed in that championship, ending yet another historic title reign, to become EBWF World Champion. Miz has been Gateway Champion for four months, and where is he? He went home. And I’ve been here, representing as a double champion. Tonight, they throw together a couple of loosely related guys because EBWF administration wouldn’t know good booking if they used Priceline.

Renee raised her eyebrow.

Edge: Priceline? Expedia was right. there. man.

Randy shrugged.

Randy Orton: What? I like William Shatner.

Edge shook his head.

Edge: I think what Randy is trying to say is that once again, in a feeble attempt to find a team that can beat us, EBWF is going all in on a tag team with no history. Knowing full well that there’s no getting around the 15-year history of Rated RKO.

Randy Orton: This is a waste of our time, Renee. Because Rey and Miz aren’t serious tag team contenders. They’re here because someone at the top of EBWF Tower wanted to remind me that I have a target on my back. Someone wanted to remind me that of all the men on this roster gunning for me, there are two of them that have legitimate claim to a match for this World Championship.

Edge took a step closer to Renee, which caused her to move the microphone from Randy to him.

Edge: And when I hear that, I hear someone at the top of EBWF Tower wanting to remind me that they only see me as a supporting actor in the Randy Orton Show.

Randy shook his head, speaking up.

Randy Orton: And we’ve already told you, this ain’t that.

Edge: No, it’s not. This is the Rated RKO show, and Rey, Miz? We hope you enjoy your guest starring role tonight, because we guarantee it’ll be your last as a tag team.

Randy and Edge both looked directly to the camera.

Randy Orton: Anything else, Drew?

Cameraman Drew: No. Nope, that’ll do it.

Edge: You're damn right it will.

Edge glanced down at Renee and gave her a slight nod.

Edge: Ma’am.

He winked, and Randy laughed, throwing his arm over Edge’s shoulder to lead him away as the scene faded to black.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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