It was Summerslam eve and everyone was getting ready for the biggest party of the summer, one of those individuals was Alexa Bliss who was sitting in her hotel room.
Alexa Bliss:Tomorrow night i go one on one with The Quintessential Diva Trish Stratus,It seems EBWF has decided to label this match a generational clash which is probably the best way to describe it.
Alexa shook her head.
Alexa Bliss:You know my twelve year old self would be excited to face one of her idols on a stage like Summerslam,That's right Trish I used to look up to you when I was a little girl,I would watch EBWF and be excited when you came out I would cheer you on in every match and I saw you as the perfect role model,Someone that I wanted to be like.
Alexa sighed.
Alexa Bliss:When I signed with EBWF I was excited to be in the same company as you and I was excited to meet you. You know they say never meet your idols and I learned that lesson over time as I began to see you for what you truly are and that's scum and what made me fully realize that was earlier this year when I picked you to wrestle Ronda Rousey only for you to refuse,That honestly broke my heart more than anything and the last shred of thought about you being a role model left my mind,
That's why I said what I said about you last month.
Alexa took a deep breath before speaking again.
Alexa Bliss:Now I have to face you tomorrow night at Summerslam Trish and trust me I will not lose,I can't lose because I need to make you pay the consequences of your actions,I need to beat some respect into you.
Alexa took another deep breath.
Alexa Bliss:Now Trish you're probably gonna say that I can't beat you,I have heard people tell me so many times that I couldn't do something and i proved them wrong and you will be no different.
Alexa sighed
Alexa Bliss:I've beaten you before Trish and I'll do it again tomorrow night and maybe after that you will step up and become the role model that I thought you were.
Alexa shook her head.
Alexa Bliss:Good luck Trish because you're gonna need it
Alexa remained sitting as the camera faded to black.
Blissful ending
Blissful ending
"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan