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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:41 pm
by Billy
Good luck Ahmad, and everyone else in my crazy EBWF family!!!

The scene opened on Austin Gunn sitting alone at dimly lit bar. The camera caught him from across the bar, the point of view of a potential bartender. Austin had his head down and a large cowboy hat tilted forward on his head obscuring his eyes and part of his nose. His smile crept out from under the brim of the oversized hat adorned with a metal pendant in the shape of Texas. In the background "All My Rowdy Friends" by Hank Williams Jr. played over a beat down juke box. Austin nodded along with the rhythm of the song. As Austin looked up into the camera he joined in with Hank singing the song.

==\\ AUSTIN GUNN //==
And, I think I know what my father meant. When he sang about a "Lost Highway".

He smiled and left the singing to Junior for a few bars.

==\\ AUSTIN GUNN //==
And nobody wants to get drunk and loud. And, all YOUR rowdy friends have settled down.

Austin stood up and made his way toward the juke box. He laid into it with a thud. The bottom of his fist put an end to the song just as Hank Williams Junior finished up the chorus. Austin looked over his shoulder at the camera and pulled the hat off his head. His white t-shirt and faded jeans tied the ensemble together.

==\\ AUSTIN GUNN //==
That's the moral of the story, loaded right into the opening moments. Get straight to the message so whoever is helping you watch YouTube can get back to their life. From one Austin to another, I think it's time we put this one to rest. You've been opening up cans, chugging beers and stomping mudholes longer than I have been alive. You've got the edge when it comes to experience. No one can take that away from you. But, in all honesty Steve, it's a little pathetic to see you back in the ring trying to take something away from the Young Gunns of the world.

Austin walked slowly back toward the bar as he continued.

==\\ AUSTIN GUNN //==
In your day, you were the toughest SOB in the business. And I commend you for that. And while you may be a son of a bitch, I'm the SON OF A GUNN that's aiming for your head. And, I'm one of the best shooters making my way in this industry. So you run down to the ring. Hit your Lou Thez Press. Mounted punches. Gut kick. Stunner. And, when I kick out you've got nothing left. That's your entire move set. Your entire repertoire. At Warfare, the Kingpin of the Broken Skull Ranch is leaving with a broken skull of his own. And that's the bottom line, because Austin Gunn said, what?

Austin tossed his hat at the camera to end the video in a black screen and EBWF logo.