Lacking Ability

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Lacking Ability

Post by Ashlee »

An EBWF exclusive was uploaded to EBWF’s official YouTube channel, and when viewed, showed Kayla Braxton standing in front of the Rated RKO locker room.

Kayla Braxton: Hello ladies and gentlemen, I’m Kayla Braxton, welcoming you to this EBWF exclusive.

She turned from the cameraman and knocked on the door. A shuffling was heard in the room, and the door opened a bit. The Rated R Superstar, Edge, poked his head out into the hallway and seeing Kayla, shook his head.

Edge: Randy isn’t here, Kayla.

Kayla Braxton: Actually, Edge, I’m sorry to intrude, but I was hoping to get a few minutes of your time.

Edge raised an eyebrow at that, and stepped out into the hallway.

Edge: Okay.

He looked down at Kayla expectantly.

Kayla Braxton: First of all, Edge. How are you feeling?

Edge let out a long breath, and shook his head. Reaching up to run his hands through his hair, he rocked back on his heels a little before scratching the back of his neck.

Edge: That’s a hard question to answer, Kayla. Truly. I’ll try though. I endured one of the most brutal beatings I’ve ever had in my entire career. I was carried out of here on a stretcher. My friends were forced to make very difficult decisions, and all because, what? Paul Heyman wanted to prove a point?

Edge’s nostrils were flaring, and he tried to center himself.

Edge: And then I come back to work, a little worse for wear but fine enough. Only to see that on Warfare I have to face Christian Cage. My once good friend. A guy I’ve known since childhood. A guy who used to call me his brother. Did he call me once after what happened at Summerslam? Did he text? Did he send a damn tweet? He sure as hell didn’t.

Kayla Braxton: Why do you think that is, Edge?

Edge: Because he actually likes this nonsense. He loves it. He thrives on it.

Kayla Braxton: What do you mean?

Edge: Since Summerslam the questions have all been the same, haven’t they? Rated RKO has a target on our backs that’s so big you can see it from outer space! The whole roster wants the world championship. Tag teams are coming out of the wood work for the tag championships. The Miz is the Gateway Champion. Bray Wyatt and Paul Heyman have some vendetta that we don’t understand. And The Coalition writes a bunch of checks that their asses can’t cash. So Christian loves this. Who attacked Edge? Was it The Fiend? Was it The Coalition? Was it Christian maybe? And all those questions being asked, did Christian deny it once? Did he speak out on behalf of The Coalition? Nope.

Edge rolled his eyes.

Edge: Christian likes that he’s become part of this narrative. He likes that the EBWF fans are considering that it may have been him. Let me put some of the rumors to rest. Christian doesn’t have the guts to take me out. Nor the ability. He never has. Christian loves that his name is being mentioned in the same breath as mine for something other than our past. It’s pathetic. Seizing on interest of the internet trolls, the EBWF Brass has decided that the thing to do is put me in a match with him. I mean, I guess people are gonna watch that. Fine.

Kayla Braxton: Given your history…

Edge: Yeah, our history. Growing up together. Training together. Coming up in wrestling together. Being one of the greatest tag teams in the history of our sport. I can wrestle Christian with my eyes closed. I know where he’s going to be in the ring before he goes there. I know what he’s going to do before he does it. I know what holds he’s going to try before he tries them. I’ve never been less concerned about a match, Kayla. But this isn’t going to be just any match…

Kayla raised her eyebrow.

Edge: …This is going to be a fight. I’m going to take all the rage I’ve been feeling in the days and weeks leading up to Summerslam. I’m going to take all the hatred I’ve been feeling since I was attacked and sent home. I’m going to take it to the ring with me, and I’m going to beat some respect back into Jason Reso. I’m going to remind him who has carried him for all of these years. I’m going to reintroduce myself to him, because let me make one thing clear, Christian. You do not know me. You have made it clear that you are not my friend. You are not my brother. And if you want to keep your name in the conversation at my expense? It’s going to be because I beat the hell out of you.

Kayla’s eyes grew a little wide, and Edge exhaled again.

Edge: Thanks, Kayla.

He smiled showing a hint of his jovial self.

Edge: Now, why don’t you go to Christian’s locker room and get an interview with Marty Janetty himself?

She cracked a smirk, stifling a lauigh, and edge backed into the locker room, and closed the door. Kayla looked after him as the scene faded to black.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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