A Certainty

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A Certainty

Post by D.J »

OOC: Can't believe it's been 20 years. Congrats to everyone involved but especially Ashlee and Ben who continue to spoil all of us, and provide us with this crazy creative outlet. Thanks to Will for letting me use AJ. Best of luck to Cory- I can't think of many others I'd rather be facing in a match like this! - DJ

Well- it had happened. The Miz had finally snapped. For months at a time Miz had sported this good guy routine as he held the EBWF Championship. He was in the works of filming a reality show with Mickie, he had been in the public eye as a new father, and all of these things together pointed to nothing but the world's happiest- dare I even say it.. smiliest.. Miz that the world had ever seen. Going into the match with Edge, the self-proclaimed most must-see superstar in EBWF history barely even tossed an insult at the rated R Superstar. It was bizarre to say the least. The Miz felt like an individual who had gotten to a point in his wrestling career that he was simply put.. satisfied. He was a 4 time World Champion- and had held every major title in the history of the company. He was accomplished in and out of the ring, and was certainly in the conversation for being one of.. at the very least.. faces of the company. In a match that was littered with controversy.. as mentioned Miz went head to head with Edge. It was a match that featured Paul Heyman.. a man who was lobbying for Miz to cash in and join forces with him, due to his extreme hatred for Orton. It was a match that also saw Orton come in and offer just enough fireworks to cost Miz the match against his Rated RKO breatheren. This seemed to incite a Miz tantrum of sorts.. in which his reaction was intensified due to the crowd seemingly turning on him, in favor of Rated RKO. Miz responded by ripping RKO signs, snatching headbands off of the head of his own fans, and MOST importantly, letting Wes Ikeda know that he would be cashing in his Gateway Championship on the 20th Anniversary of the company.. in a quest to become a five time EBWF Champion. Miz had had it with Rated RKO, and with all of those that didn't stick by him, throughout this "will he or won't he" cash in the Gateway Strap- time period. This was CERTAINLY a main event that was worthy of such a big night in EBWF History.

The scene opened at the Lambert St. Louis International Airport. We had an outside shot of the airport as various men and women either entered or exited the building returning home or about to fly out to various destinations. All of a sudden through the automatic doors came a very familiar face. It was Mike "The Miz" Mizanin. He was in a very lavish looking pin stripe suit and he was dressed to the nines. His hair was slicked back and he had sunglasses on over his eyes. He had a rolling suitcase that he was dragging behind him, and his wife, Mickie, was on his arm. She wore a very nice dark blue top with light blue jeans. She also had sunglasses over her eyes, and like her husband also had a rolling suitcase in which she dragged along. As Miz and Mickie stepped out onto St. Louis soil for the first time. Immediately cameras rushed them and a couple of people wanted autographs and were tugging at both Miz and mickie. Miz and Mickie pushed their way through the crowd and into a limo that was parked right outside the airport. The camera followed the couple into the limo.

Mickie Mizanin: Well that was eventful.

Mike was silent.

Mickie Mizanin: What's wrong babe?

Mike Mizanin: It's nothing, I'm good.

Mickie Mizanin: You sure?

Mike seemed to snap out of it in that moment.

Mike Mizanin: Yeah yeah.. for sure. I mean who could blame all those folks. The most MUST-SEE couple in the history of the EBWF just got to town.

Mickie was now the one who got quiet.

Mike Mizanin: How about you.. everything good?

Mickie Mizanin: You're going to think I'm weird.

Mike squinted at her, admiring how cute she could be when she was trying not to talk about something, that she wanted to ramble about.

Mike Mizanin: Try me.

Mickie Mizanin: Ok.. you sure?

Mike Mizanin: Positive.

Mickie Mizanin: I don't know why, but everytime I think of St. Louis.. everytime we hold a big event here.. I always think of Wrestlemania back in 2012.

Mike thought to himself and when the event clicked in his brain, he couldn't believe the recall of Mickie. Miz had showed up to that Mania as the EBWF Champion- and it had just been revealed on national TV that Miz was seeing AJ Styles (his opponent and challengers) ex girlfriend in real life, Layla El. It was a relationship that Mickie ultimately got in between, which eventually led to the break-up and in turn the marriage of the now world reknowned Mizanin's.

Mike Mizanin: I can't believe that thought could even be on that brain of yours.

Mickie Mizanin: I told you- don't think I'm weird. I just remember you during that Mania week. You were on top of your game, and on top of the world. NEVER have I ever seen you more sure of yourself but inside the ring and out. It was quite frankly the sexiest thing I've ever seen, and that's why.. well that's why I sort of obssessed over you until you realized how much better I was than miss thing that you were dating!

MIke smiled.

Mike Mizanin: So what are you saying.. that I'm not like that anymore?

Mickie thought to herself for a second.

Mickie Mizanin: No.. I mean that's not what I'm saying.. things are different now.. and if you were still that same brash.. womanizing.. playboy that you were 9 years ago, than I wouldn't have the amazing husband and father that I'm sitting with right now. What I am saying.. is that I think that's who you need to become.. when the lights go on this week. You snapped on national television this past Monday. You and Adam were both getting cheered, but somehow when Randy came and helped Adam beat you.. the fans literally let you know that they liked it.. that they enjoyed every second of it. The fans are CLAMORING for the old Miz.. they want you to be that brash.. win at all cost.. say whatever pushes the most buttons.. Miz.. that they.. and well.. I fell in love with. They may love to hate that Miz, but I loved to LOVE that Miz. The Miz isn't a smiling, high fiving good guy. The Miz is the guy who literally could give a shit what anyone thinks, he is the guy who steps on your head when you're drowning, if it means he gets the win. The Miz.. is.. well the Miz is a bad ass. That's what I remember about 9 years ago. It wasn't Layla that makes me think of it.. it was just how invincible you seemed during that time. You could tell you truly were in the zone- and adding Layla to the mix- was just another piece of the pie that made it work. That was Allen's actual girflriend.. that you started working with as an angle.. but then you started banging her for real.. because you just didn't care to care. Did that make you a great person back then? No. Did it make you the biggest thing in the EBWF.. yes.

Mike smiled.

Mike Mizanin: So you want me to put the moves on Nicole? I mean okay.. if you say so.

Mike smiled and Mickie hit him on the chest playfully.

Mickie Mizanin: I mean.. only if I can join.. she's such a babe.

Mike nodded.

Mike Mizanin: Now we're talking!

Mickie got back on topic.

Mickie Mizanin: I think that's what you need to get back to somehow though. I think you need to channel that on screen asshole that everyone in this country wanted to hit with their large sodas, but also left talking about.

Mike nodded.

Mike Mizanin: Mick..

Mickie Mizanin: Yeah?

Mike Mizanin: Have I ever disappointed on a big stage?

Mickie thought and smiled lightly.

Mickie Mizanin: No..

Mike kissed her on the forehead.

Mike Mizanin: Well then buckle up and enjoy the show..

The scene faded. When we faded back in to the EBWF Logo. It was to a youtube video that was titled. 'Memory Lane For The Miz' It was the Friday before Fanniversary and the Miz had just got done signing autographs with his group. He wore a "Your Favorite Wrestler's Favorite Wrestler" T-Shirt that the fans had not seen in sometime. It was a bit of a throwback shirt. He started walking down a sidewalk.. when the camera panned out to pick up two very familiar faces. AJ Styles.. and Ted DiBiase. The Miz smirked. They were both dressed in expensive suits and approached Miz. All three men embraced before Miz uttered the first words.

The Miz: Well would you look at these two douchebags!

Ted DiBiase: Takes one to know one!

AJ Styles: Well with Anniversaries in the air.. and reunions galore.. I think it would only be right that you would be paid a visit by us today Mikey. Let's face it.. it was when we were either with you.. or you wanting to destroy us.. thus in turn.. motivating you..that you had the most success you've ever had here.

The Miz nodded actually owning that this was pretty accurate.

The Miz: You're not wrong. Now after all this time. After all that's changed.. I go out in front of these people.. given the fact that I'm this new father.. and new husband.. and I try to be this nice guy.. but at the end of the day.. I'm still me.. and the LAST THING.. that I'm going to accept.. is two jamoak a doke milkshakes.. like Rated RKO.. thinking that because I've lately been kind.. that I'm somehow WEAK. I may be a lot of things.. and I'm pretty sure I've been called all of them.. and then some.. but the one thing that I am not.. and WILL not.. ever be is weak.

AJ Styles: Honestly.. I've been through everything with you and more.. when I saw the end of Warfare the other night.. I thought.. Orton is FUCKED

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: Well.. you thought right.. because what happened at the end of Warfare the other night.. was the FINAL poke.. of the one DAMN BEAR.. you just don't want to poke . My simply holding the EBWF Gateway Title.. my hearing Paul Heyman out.. everything that ensued leading up to my match with Edge.. revealed a side of Randy Orton.. that not too many have seen throughout his time here. It revealed an insecure.. SCARED.. little bitch. So what do scared insecure little bitches do to someone that might be an imposing threat to their entire world? They come out.. and they get involved to try and gain an upper hand. To try and gain a.. no pun intended.. EDGE.. that they know they don't have. I barely said two words to Heyman.. and I didn't ask for his fat ass to come out during our match. I didn't want him there. But for Randy to come out.. and provide enough of a distraction for Edge to beat me.. then for the two of them to MOCK ME.. THEN.. for the crowd to basically COSIGN IT.. and support the way that these two do shit.. that was much more than I could take. It was much more than I could accept.

Ted Dibiase: New Life.. but definitely the same Miz.

The Miz smiled.

The Miz: It's true.. and what Randy.. dumb shit that he is.. doesn't realize.. is that what he did.. it made my decision to cash the Gateway Championship in.. a VERY VERY easy one. Not only that.. his actions caused me to realize something that for some unforseen reason I forgot. The freaking fans.. the people who watch the show.. I have NO idea why I ever even cared to have then cheer for me. What have they EVER friggin got me? Back when we ran this company.. not one of them woulda broke for us in traffic.. but SO the hell what? We ran this company.. and on Sunday.. I'm going to kick the absolute shit out of Randy Orton and run it again, this time by my damn self. And if anyone has a problem with it.. too bad.. dare I say it.. I'm just gonna be The Miz.. so everyone else can just BE JEALOUS.

AJ and Ted laughed at the throwback catch phrase.

The Miz: And honestly boys.. Randy Orton knows.. that I.. more than anyone else in this company.. am capable of crashing his little party as EBWF Champion.. as the weeks passed by.. and I gave no indication on whether or not I was going to cash in.. as Heyman prodded and pleaded with me to join him and cash in. The suspense.. the tension.. it all got too much for Randy. Randy.. for as cool.. and carefree.. and ladie dah.. that he acts about everything.. saw his whole little life.. slipping away...if I decided to make one SIMPLE decision.. so he decided to try and get ahead of it. In his brain.. costing me a match.. and getting me speared by his little partner in crime against entertainment.. would deter me from wanting to compete against him. Well Randy may have some talent.. but what he clearly doesn't have is any intelligence. More specifically he doesn't have any intelligence when it comes to me. His actions on Warfare.. not only made me want to compete against him.. they made me want to DESTROY him.. and that is exactly what I'm going to do at Fanniversary. In one effort to intimidate me out of doing the one thing he didn't want me to do.. he forgot an extremely large detail about The Miz. YOU CAN'T INTIMIDATE ME.. you can't BULLY ME.. you can't MAKE me or NOT MAKE me do anything. I have always and WILL ALWAYS.. make the rules for both myself.. and this entire company. So if you try and punk me out of going after you and your title.. if you try to strong arm me into shying away from a fight.. you just DON'T have an understanding of who I am.. when it comes to this business. For a decade now.. I have been the man who has cared the DEEPEST about being the EBWF Champion. I am the man that has been driven by that belt.. more than anyone else that has signed their name on the dotted line here. Orton may have held the belt the longest.. but he's not driven by it. Orton's go with the flow routine.. is going to get him to go right into the flow of a savage beating.. from a man that he didn't want to face.. but then did everything foolishly to make facing him INEVITABLE. The EBWF Title.. is the ONLY thing that motivates me.. not the fans.. not friends.. because those have CLEARLY come and gone over the years. The one thing that hasn't gone anywhere is my want.. my NEED.. to be the champion. I have been in countless groups..have had countless friends turned into enemies..and even enemies that have turned into friends.. perhaps none more famous than the one that I shared with you two.. but there has been TWO constants in the roller coaster of events and relationships.. in my career.. the first.. is that the MIZ HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST that this company has to offer.. and the second.. is.. that THE MIZ.. is ALWAYS.. going to be ABSOLUTELY ABSORBED with the title that CONFIRMS that BELIEF and it's only fitting that on the 20th Anniversary of the EBWF.. that EBWF Champion.. is what I'm going to be... once again.

AJ Styles: Well Miz.. I guess there's nothing but to say.. but good luck.

AJ and Ted held their hands out. Miz looked at both of them.. thought for a second and let out a retort that 2012 Miz would have been proud of.. as he refused to shake either of their hands and walked right by them, and out of the scene.

The Miz: Pfft.. luck.. hilarious.

The scene faded out. As AJ and Ted just looked at each other and smiled knowingly, that an old friend had returned. When we faded back in it was the EBWF logo. The camera remained fixated on it for several beats. All of a sudden the logo started to alter itself on the screen. After a few twists and turns of the design.. all of a sudden it contorted itself into a logo that read MIZ. The camera faded into a closeup of the man himself. He wore a light gray suit and once again fancy designer shades. The camera faded away slightly from Miz' face into a more wider shot.

The Miz: 20 years ago.. this company opened it's doors. 20 years ago the world was introduced to the company that would go on to change the landscape of professional wrestling. Nobody thought it would or could ever be done.. but the EBWF.. would NOT take being second place as an ACCEPTABLE OPTION. The EBWF would REFUSE to play second fiddle to ANY other promotion in the business. The EBWF simply put.. REFUSED.. to not be the best thing in professional wrestling. There have been COUNTLESS superstars that defected from other promotions to MAKE SURE that that goal that the EBWF had for itself was realized. COUNTLESS superstars, that saw the potential in this company and decided to come and try to make an impact. COUNTLESS superstars... that DID make an impact. 20 years is nothing to sneeze at.. but 20 years of absolute GREATNESS is downright remarkable. So allow me to go ahead and..

The Miz clapped seemingly giving a round of applause to the company he worked for.

The Miz: Congratulations. Congratulations to Wes.. to Chris.. to Lynne.. to Jim.. to EVERYONE that makes this company what it is. Congratulations. 20 years- heck of a thing. Makes you really stop to think how it can happen. How a company can pop up.. and dethrone every other that exists in our line of work. How can a company topple every giant that it comes across? How can a company truly and unequivocally become the best and stay there. What the EBWF did.. was it just REFUSED to stop BEING GREAT. What do you need to achieve that notion.. well.. in this business.. you need PEOPLE that have the SAME ATTITUDE.

The Miz paused as he was about to utter a very familiar line that has graced numerous promos over his 10 plus year career.

The Miz: MY NAME.. is Mike Mizanin.. you can call me the Miz.. and I am the god damn PERSONIFICATION of EVERYTHING that I just said that has made the EBWF the GIANT in this industry that it is. Over my career.. I have become NOTORIOUS for NOT taking second place as an ACCEPTABLE OPTION.. I have REFUSED to play second fiddle TO ANY OTHER SUPERSTAR in the business. I REFUSE To not be the best thing in professional wrestling. Though many superstars have come.. most of them have left.. retired.. heck even passed on.. but I AM STILL HERE.. I didn't try to make an impact.. I was the IMPACT.. my talent.. my contributions to this company.. was a friggin ASTEROID striking down on our business. It's been an impact that his been felt as consistently as ANY OTHER in these last 20 years. An impact that continues to be felt.. an impact that continues to be prevalent.. an impact that CONTINUES TO ENSURE.. that this business stays EXACTLY where it is. In order for this company to be where it is.. it's needed a man.. to come along that TOPPLED EVERYONE that was put in his path. A man OBSESSED with BEING THE BEST.. and STAYING THERE. A man who refused to STOP BEING GREAT. I stand in front of all of you today.. as man who you've seen grow in so many ways before your very eyes. A man who's adapted.. who's changed.. who's adjusted to new opponents.. to new challenges.. a man who can one second make you want to hug him and have a beer.. to the next.. someone you want to punch and throw that same beer on. The thing is.. you HAVEN'T STOPPED CARING ABOUT ME ONCE.. and YOU ALL KNOW IT. That is why.. on the 20th Anniversary.. of this global phenomenon of a company.. I AM HEADLINING. I am going one on one with RANDY ORTON.. the LONGEST REIGNING EBWF CHAMPION.. in the history of the company. The man who people think of when they think of the EBWF... the thing I don't get about that though... is why.

The Miz almost started scething as he thought about Orton.

The Miz: Why? Why is Randy Orton the first name that comes out of people's mouths? Huh? The other day someone told me his EBWF Mount Rushmore.. he mentioned the Cena's.. the Triple H's.. the Jericho's.. and then he mentioned Orton..and the way that he said Orton's name in that 4th spot.. it RANG with the inflection of.. "oh and of course Orton." Of course Orton? OF COURSE.. ORTON!?

The Miz stood up and smashed his chair onto a wall that was to his left. He ripped the sunglasses from his eyes and intensely stared into the camera.

The Miz: NO! It's not 'OF COURSE ORTON' it's OF COURSE MIZ. At least it should be. I'm not going to sit here and talk about Randy's marriage.. like I've seen others do. I won't.
Simply put.. it's NOT the reason why he has had success. Randy Orton is a talent.. he is consistent.. he is solid.. but what Randy Orton isn't.. is BETTER THAN ME. The implication that Orton is one of the best that this company has ever seen.. this notion.. that you can EASILY leave MY NAME off the list.. but it is blasphemy to leave off his.. is something that I can NOT stop thinking about. It's something that not only drives me crazy.. but it downright MAKES ME SICK.. Orton may have talent.. he may even be good.. but the one thing Randy Orton lacks.. is the passion.. the drive.. the COMPETITIVE FIRE. Randy Orton stepped into a wrestling ring one day.. and it just made sense that he'd stay there. He was born into it. He had seen it from the time he was a child.. as he watched his father.. it was pre-destined.. written in his DNA.. that he would be a wrestling superstar. It came.. dare I say.. easy to him. Well Randy.. I grew up watching it as a child too. Except I wasn't watching from a front row arena seat watching my father.. I was watching from my television back in Cleveland.. dreaming.. hoping.. PRAYING.. that someday it would be me on that screen. Fantasizing about becoming not only a pro wrestler.. but the best one of all time. Like you Randy, I had all the athleticism in the world, I had a knack for it.. but because of my background.. because of who I was in the public eye at the time.. when I first started nobody took me seriously. Nobody looked at me as someone that could make it in this business of ours. It's not your fault Randy that you were born into this business.. that when you wanted to join it.. your ability, plus your family connections, made it relatively easy for you.. none of that is your fault. I'm not going to come out here and CRITICIZE you for taking things that were given to you.. because A.) ANYBODY would do the same.. and B.) Like I said you ARE GOOD. So though none of your circumstances were your FAULT they HAVE SHAPED.. who you are.

The Miz paused for a second and put his sunglasses back over his eyes.

The Miz: You see Randy that non chalant attitude you have about the EBWF.. about pro wrestling.. is the attitude that breeds from SOMEONE WHO'S HAD IT WAY TOO EASY. I, like you Randy, had the talent, I had the charisma, I had the ability. What I didn't have.. that you had.. was A CHANCE in HELL to make it.. if I I DIDN'T have the passion.. the drive.. the COMPETITIVE FIRE. Nothing about me making it to this match.. to Halloween Night.. on the 20th Anniversary of the greatest company in pro wrestling.. in the main event opposite you Randy, WAS EASY for me. I had to PROVE night in and night out.. that I belonged here.. and guess what Randy.. back in 2011.. Wes decided that I DIDN'T. He released me Randy.. he looked me in the eye and said "Mike.. Good Luck to you.. but we're going to have to let you go." So even though to that point.. I had won titles.. I'd busted my ass.. I'd put myself on the line.. I was told.. it wasn't good enough.. and I was told it was the end of the road. Then something happened.. that would change my life.. and the scope of this entire industry. I was brought back.. and it was at that point Randy.. that I decided to stop trying to EARN People's APPROVAL.. and I decided to START TAKING IT. I decided to become IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.. and that is what I have been for the last 10 years that I've been here. A light switch went off in my head.. and I have managed to stay IN YOUR FACE.. on YOUR SCREEN.. IN THE MIX.. Day in and Day Out through all that time. I have SCRATCHED, CLAWED, hell BULLIED my way to being the man who stands before you today. The man who WILL SOON be the EBWF Champion for a FIFTH time. The man that eats, sleeps, and breaths that idea.. and that is EXACTLY why that idea.. is going to turn into a reality. What have you done Randy? You've coasted. You've held titles for hundreds of days at a time.. you held the Gateway Title for 400 days plus before you finally decided to cash in. Because being the EBWF Champion.. though it's something that's come easy to you.. you don't really care enough about it.. to break the status quo of your easy.. carefree life. When I held the EBWF Gateway Title.. it was like an ATM Card to a gambling addict. It was burning a freaking HOLE on my shoulder.. because I knew it represented me becoming what I SHOULD BE.. and WHAT I WILL BE.. and that is the holder of the ONLY title that TRULY MATTERS. I knew it represented me ONCE AGAIN.. and rightfully SO.. becoming the ONLY SUPERSTAR that TRULY matters. Back at Royal Rumble in 2012 when I beat Brian Kendrick to earn the EBWF Championship for the first time.. I went back to my lockerroom and I was overcome with emotion. Because I knew Randy.. I knew something that you'll never know.. and that is HOW HARD it was for me to get to that point. How HARD I had to work.. JUST to prove that I should be employed here.. and in that moment.. I was holding the ONE THING.. that proved that I was the best. Since then I've held that belt on three other occasions. I have held this company up.. I have entertained masses.. while you've goofed off with your friend. I have kept our product interesting.. I've reinvented myself..while you've been the same 'who gives a shit smirk' Randy Orton.. I've done EVERYTHING.. that his business has needed me to do.. I have not only made this business what it is.. I AM THE MAIN REASON.. why it is set to celebrate 20 years on top. I've WORKED HARD to make that happen.. and that's just NOT something you can relate to Randy, is it?

The Miz bowed his head. Before lifting it to continue.

The Miz: You were always looked at as a sure thing.. and you've done nothing to prove otherwise. For you.. it was a sure thing that success was on it's way and that Failure was NEVER LIKELY. And Randy- I know.. believe me... I know that you've had that success.. you've had success.. similar to mine.. but make no mistake about it Randy.. WE are NOT THE SAME. NOTHING.. NOTHING.. was ever easy for me.. like it has ALWAYS been for you.. and it's because of that.. that I know.. that beating me..on this night.. on this stage.. for THAT belt.. is not only going to be the first REALLY hard thing that you've ever encountered in the ring.. it's going to be something that for all your ability.. for all your talent.. for all your success.. is something that quite simply put for the first time in your life..Failure will not BE UNLIKELY.. in fact Randy.. for the first time in your charmed life and in your happy go lucky career.. FAILURE. IS. A. CERTAINTY




The Miz shook with intensity as the scene faded to black.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)