Take the Plunge
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 10:10 pm
North Pole, Alaska, was a place few went. It was cold most of the year and was its own community far from city life, something King Woods enjoyed once in a while. He arrived in North Pole, Alaska, to take part in the 1st annual ESPN Polar Bear Plunge. King Woods was not here to prove his toughness but to be with the community and have fun since the town goes unnoticed, mostly. The event was for charity and to build relationships, something King Woods never had an issue with. The moment he arrived in town; people wanted to hang with him. It was part of the job, but he did not mind. The city of North Pole, Alaska, did not know it was about to become the center of attention. Once the king was finished meeting everyone in the town, he made his way to Santa’s House near the center of town. Once there, he would have an interview with Erin Andrews.
He entered the front door to warm air and the smell of fresh-baked cookies in the air. He continued around the corner as he notices Erin sitting at the table offering him a spot across from her.
Erin Andrews: Welcome and thank you for taking the time to speak with me.
King Woods: Not a problem.
He sits up straight, wanting to show the proper way to sit when interviewing as she asks the first question.
Erin Andrews: King Woods we are in North Pole Alaska. It is known for some of the harshest weather on earth and yet you decide to come here and give back to the community. Why is that?
King Woods: It is truly a pleasure speaking with you today. It’s nice standing in the presence of beauty. You speak the truth, my faithful subject, knowing what the weather can do here at a moment’s notice. However, it does not bother me Erin, because the EBWF is about expecting the unexpected. I am here to give back to a community that seems to be forgotten daily. Giving back to my loyal subjects is the least I can do for their support. My love and commitment to all of those who follow me have no boundaries, unlike Christian Cage. The people may love him for what he can do in the ring, but he takes it for granted. I understand that without my loyal subjects; I am nothing. King Xavier has always been a humble man and being here where the winters are long and dark, it is my job to be a light that shines throughout the town.
The owner of the home brings them some coffee. The steam clearly visible as both of them enjoy a sip. She places the cup near her as she continues.
Erin Andrews: It is important to mention you’ve quickly established yourself in EBWF as one of the younger athletes in the company. What do you have in store for Christian Cage?
King Woods: Erin, I won’t lie competing against Christian Cage is intimidating. I respect what he has done in EBWF. You can tell he enjoys being champion and who wouldn’t. However, Erin, this time Mr. Cage cannot back up anything he says. He approached me backstage last week simply to mess with my mind. Let’s state the facts, shall we? You mentioned already I’m new. That right there is something he wants to expose, proving that my match against Eddie Kingston was pure luck. Christian Cage is intelligent, knowing what it takes to be successful in the company. He won’t share that success, fearing I will outshine him. It is something that happens to most people when in the presence of royalty. When we talked backstage Erin, I could tell he was nervous. Christian was not a confident man like before. He did not realize I was there to find my next opponent. He thought putting the breakout title on the line would make me nervous, but it doesn’t. It drives me to succeed further than my own expectations will allow me. Christian Cage has been a noble champion, no question about it, but my loyal subjects deserve to share this moment with me. They will cheer for me, pushing me to go beyond my comfort zone, no questions asked.
Erin Andrews: You mentioned Christian Cage is the breakout champion. We know there is mutual respect between the two of you, but why do you feel you’d be a better breakout champion than him?
King Woods: Look, we all have dreams, do we not? You had a dream of becoming the best female sportscaster in the world and achieved it. My dream is to be the face of a company that wants me. EBWF does not need me to be successful, but they want me here to prove that I belong. I thrive on the spotlight and Christian Cage will realize that soon enough, when I defeat him and capture the Breakout title. He has had a glorious reign, but I was born to be champion. I have overcome so many hardships in my life that I refuse to be held back by anyone. Being a breakout champion to me means you’re the next big thing, and beating the champion solidifies that concept. The moment I win the Breakout title, it will be a celebration of breaking down the stereotypes the world has put in place to keep guys like me down. My loyal supporters will never judge me, and having the Breakout title shatters anyone’s expectations of me in this company. I was told the moment I signed with EBWF I make my own path. So, my path has led me to the Breakout title, something I did not demand or request. I let my action prove I deserve this opportunity, so you best believe I am more driven than Christian Cage, and a driven champion is hard to find. He needs the Breakout title to feel important, but my wise counsel already knows that win-or-lose King Xavier will not let the outcome defy him.
A crowd was forming down by the neck as they prepared for the plunge as Erin Andrews wraps up the interview.
Erin Andrews: Are you worried about being in a Steel Cage match?
King Woods: Absolutely not! What kind of competitor would I be if something like this bothered me? EBWF does this to see what we are made of. Christian Cage has to prove to everyone that he can survive inside the steel cage. Whereas, I am in the steel cage to show I have no boundaries and can do anything regardless of what others might say. Most would look at this as a disadvantage for me, but in fact, I have the upper hand. Who’s the quickest? Smartest? and most complete package in EBWF? Yours truly King Woods. The champion has to be extra alert knowing that one mistake and I will escape with the title. Erin, a steel cage to me, shows the owners want a fair and square match with no interference. King Xavier is all about being fair and just, but trust me when I say a steel cage will not hinder me from achieving my goal. I don’t care how many times Christian Cage wants to throw me into the cold steel. I don’t care how much blood, sweat, and tears come out of my body, I will not quit! This is the beginning of the end for Christian Cage and how convenient it ends in a steel cage where he will be knocked out as yours truly pins him 1...2...3 in the middle of the ring. It is almost time for me to take the plunge Erin, so I shall grant you one last question.
Erin Andrews: I appreciate that your majesty. The last question I have for you King Woods, is very straightforward. Will EBWF start the new year with a new Breakout Champion and what happens to Christian Cage if you win!
King Woods: I love the two-part question well-played, madam. I can tell you I am certain that King Woods will enter 2022 as the Breakout Champion. The moment they lock us inside that steel cage, all bets are off. I don’t care if Christian’s little posse wants to involve themselves, I will take them all on. If Christian really values his title, he will tell them to stay out of this and prove he is a man. I am not sure what will happen if Christian loses to a guy in his second career match, but honestly Erin, why should I be concerned with him? He is a nice guy, no doubt about it, and very classy, but maybe it’s time he faces some serious decisions about his career. Perhaps he is worried about what his posse will think if he loses. All I know is that King Woods is going to be in high spirits before, during, and after Christmas Eve of Destruction because life is too short not to enjoy it. I thank you for your time. You’re more than welcome to record the plunge for ESPN.
She agrees as they leave the comfort of Santa’s House and make the quick trip down. King Woods arrives at the edge of the river as he stands in front of everyone, giving them a small speech before doing this.
King Woods: My faithful subjects remember that yours truly is here with you. I am always a man of my word and you can trust that I will provide for you best I can. There is nothing you can do to push me away and if I am blessed to become champion, I will bring it back and celebrate with all of you. You have my word on that.
He stops speaking, turning towards the river as he raises his hand. He doesn’t hesitate to jump in and everyone behind him follows the leader. The water is cold. Taking the king’s breath away, he hangs in the water for a minute as he leaves, grabbing a towel as he heads for shelter with the scene fading.