Many years have passed since that fateful day. It was the best time of his life. Narnia was truly a place where dreams could come true and to King Woods, it was his second home. This was where King Woods was proclaimed King of Narnia. The moment he arrived in Narnia; it was an adventure that ended abruptly having to leave. He was not prepared for it, but he was being pulled back to the mythical land. This time, however, he was returning to speak to the true kings and queens of Narnia. It was quite urgent considering King Woods was competing against Roman Reigns, his toughest challenge to date. He stood before the wardrobe, understanding that once it was opened, there was no turning back.

King Woods turns the knob as the door swings open, a blast of winter air hitting him abruptly. The moment he felt the chill, the memories came flooding back to his time with Aslan. He walked inside, closing the door behind him. He made his way through the wardrobe. It was an odd feeling knowing that Aslan summoned him here. Once in Narnia, King Woods walked the countryside enjoying the beautiful views as he approached Cair Paravel home of King Peter, King Edmund, Queen Lucy and Queen Susan. The doors were open as he casually walked into the Great Hall where the thrones were.

The Great Hall was empty as King Woods felt defeated, not knowing where to find them. He had a feeling Aslan would be with them, which made him proud to be back. King Woods hung his head, ready to leave Narnia, when the door swung open once more and the entire hall is filled with soldiers. The king turns around, wondering what is happening when there before him is a face he knew and Peter, Edmund, Lucy, and Susan.

King Woods kneeled before them, showing respect as Aslan approached him. Xavier stood up, looking down at Aslan as the great Aslan spoke.
Aslan: King Woods, thank you for coming on such short notice. I had a troubling dream about someone trying to hurt you. Someone wants you to acknowledge them. Is this true?
King Woods: Aslan, the dream you had is no dream. It is about to become a reality.
Aslan: Sounds like a discussion at the stone table is needed. We shall meet you there. I’m sure you remember the way correctly?
King Woods: Yes, of course.
King Woods leaves after greeting everyone. Making his way to the frozen lake unsure how solid it was, but it was worth the risk. King Woods steps at the base of the lake and gets a good footing. He makes a run for it, keeping his eyes down for any sudden changes. It seemed longer this time. However, he questioned nothing. He kept moving only a few feet away when he reaches the end and walks up a hill as his destination appears in front of him.

He stood there patiently waiting for Aslan and company. A few hours go by as darkness falls on Narnia the roar of Aslan can be heard. They arrive with one guard as the six of them stand around the table as Aslan spoke.
Aslan: I have told the kings and queens about our past. They know you were the one who came through making Narnia what it is today. I trust you so in return they do as well. The floor is yours to speak to and tell us what we need to know.
King Woods smiled as he speaks.
King Woods: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I am sure you have pressing needs to deal with in a country like Narnia, but a new war is on the horizon. We are royalty and all of those around us give it to us willingly. We do not force the issue because it is not in our nature to be mean. However, there is a man known as Roman Reigns that proclaimed himself Head Of The Table. He wants the world to acknowledge him, but I warn each of you do not give in to his demands. The man known as Roman Reigns wants you to fear him and threatens pain for anyone who does not acknowledge him.
Aslan: What do you think of Roman Reigns? Why should we not acknowledge him? You know Narnia cannot handle another war.
King Woods: Absolutely not Aslan. What place can handle war on multiple occasions? Regarding Roman Reigns, I say this. What exactly I’m I acknowledging? The fact that you are a horrible excuse for a man? Yes, I acknowledge you. Someone, who loves putting people down and through pain and never feeling remorse? Yes, I acknowledge you. A man who sacrifices his own family in order to be successful? Yes, I acknowledge you Roman Reigns. However, if you expect me to acknowledge you for being a great wrestler, I ask you this. What makes you great? Do you have a championship around your shoulder? I know I do so by default. We should acknowledge King Woods long before you. He has been with EBWF for a few weeks and wants to bully people. I dare him to step foot in Narnia and do that. I would humble you quicker than you can blink. It is my duty to step in the ring with him and show him how a true leader acts. I can’t help the fact he was jealous of his own cousin, someone that clearly could outshine him at any time. What kind of man who claims to be the best in the business gets jealous of someone? Most would go out and prove they are the best but he betrays his family, leaving his cousin to make his own path.
Aslan: What about him being Head Of The Table? Is he a lost king?
King Woods: No! he is far from royalty, trust and believe that. He is a smooth talker that can make anyone believe what he is saying. However, he is a fraud that hurts everyone he speaks to. Roman Reigns may tell you he is Head Of The Table, but even he does not realize what that means. All of us standing here in this moment know that in order to be the head of anything, you have to be trusted. He is the most deceitful man around and deserves nothing but the worse. I hate saying that knowing what I stand for, but I’ve had enough of his antics talking down about me. King Woods is someone who speaks for the people and everyone agrees I am the only one who can compete with you. You’re only tough because the competition to this point has not been top-notch, but that stops here. Not only will you be kneeling before me Roman Reigns but you will ACKNOWLEDGE ME proclaiming me Head Of The Table.
He takes a deep breath as he continues.
A man of this caliber does not fool young kings and queens of Narnia. This so-called big dog has no bite and little bark. Being Head Of The Table is important to him because it’s the only time in his life he has felt important. He is trying to compensate for other shortcomings in his life and the world to him is nothing but a cruel place. In fact, the four of you might be young but you could be Head Of The Table before this man because you have courage and leadership. You see, Roman Reigns all your life you’ve fought to be noticed. The family name certainly does not help but to consider you a leader is comical to me. I am sure you will find that disrespectful, but the truth hurts Roman. The truth will also set you free and you’ve been all about speaking “truth” so now it’s my turn. The truth of the matter is this Roman. Nothing you do to me will make me quit. You like beating someone into submission to prove how much of a man you are good luck with that. I learned a while back to never show fear because they will use it against me. When you look into my eyes, you will acknowledge that I am not weak. I am not a typical competitor that you’ve dealt with. Did you forget already Roman that I am the BREAKOUT champion because I am the biggest thing EBWF has seen in years and that includes you!
King Peter: I hope you don’t mind me asking a question, King Woods. If so, I apologize, but if Roman Reigns is proclaiming all this, then he has to be a threat.
King Woods: Of course, he is a threat, young Peter. He knows how to flex his muscles in order to show his true power and for most, it would be enough. Roman Reigns will make one fatal mistake though young kings and queens of Narnia. He will let his ego get in the way and not take me serious. It is something most do just ask Christian. He will be the first to tell you he did not see me coming, and I took something from him he valued. The same will happen to Roman Reigns because I will push back harder than any man has before. I will acknowledge the fact he needs to be treated like he treats everyone else, and karma is about to catch up to him. Life as royalty can be very nice, but at times, we have to roll up our sleeves. Put on our armor and go to war and if war is something Roman Reigns wants, then it is exactly what he is going to get. You better believe that win-or-lose Roman will have respect for me if he truly ACKNOWLEDGES it. Roman Reigns is a threat, but King Woods has the tools to extinguish the great Roman Reigns. The Head Of The Table, as he wishes to be called. I will acknowledge Roman Reigns for everything he is but champion, leader, provider and the best in the business does not qualify. He will bleed, bruise, cry and beg for me to take it easy and I will not comply. This battle will determine the true Head Of The Table and sadly, for Roman, they will acknowledge that King Woods is the perfect wrestler and the future of EBWF.
Aslan: I am glad to know my dream about you being in danger was a false alarm. You seem to be confident going into the match and that has always been the key. You know what I taught you the last time you were here? Just use it and nothing can go wrong.
King Woods: Of course Aslan. It is something I have never forgotten. Roman Reigns I have one ultimate message for you. LETS GO!
They change the topic and discuss anything that comes to mind. Suddenly King Woods wakes up realizing it was all a dream, but he felt different in a good way as the scene fades.

King Woods turns the knob as the door swings open, a blast of winter air hitting him abruptly. The moment he felt the chill, the memories came flooding back to his time with Aslan. He walked inside, closing the door behind him. He made his way through the wardrobe. It was an odd feeling knowing that Aslan summoned him here. Once in Narnia, King Woods walked the countryside enjoying the beautiful views as he approached Cair Paravel home of King Peter, King Edmund, Queen Lucy and Queen Susan. The doors were open as he casually walked into the Great Hall where the thrones were.

The Great Hall was empty as King Woods felt defeated, not knowing where to find them. He had a feeling Aslan would be with them, which made him proud to be back. King Woods hung his head, ready to leave Narnia, when the door swung open once more and the entire hall is filled with soldiers. The king turns around, wondering what is happening when there before him is a face he knew and Peter, Edmund, Lucy, and Susan.

King Woods kneeled before them, showing respect as Aslan approached him. Xavier stood up, looking down at Aslan as the great Aslan spoke.
Aslan: King Woods, thank you for coming on such short notice. I had a troubling dream about someone trying to hurt you. Someone wants you to acknowledge them. Is this true?
King Woods: Aslan, the dream you had is no dream. It is about to become a reality.
Aslan: Sounds like a discussion at the stone table is needed. We shall meet you there. I’m sure you remember the way correctly?
King Woods: Yes, of course.
King Woods leaves after greeting everyone. Making his way to the frozen lake unsure how solid it was, but it was worth the risk. King Woods steps at the base of the lake and gets a good footing. He makes a run for it, keeping his eyes down for any sudden changes. It seemed longer this time. However, he questioned nothing. He kept moving only a few feet away when he reaches the end and walks up a hill as his destination appears in front of him.

He stood there patiently waiting for Aslan and company. A few hours go by as darkness falls on Narnia the roar of Aslan can be heard. They arrive with one guard as the six of them stand around the table as Aslan spoke.
Aslan: I have told the kings and queens about our past. They know you were the one who came through making Narnia what it is today. I trust you so in return they do as well. The floor is yours to speak to and tell us what we need to know.
King Woods smiled as he speaks.
King Woods: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I am sure you have pressing needs to deal with in a country like Narnia, but a new war is on the horizon. We are royalty and all of those around us give it to us willingly. We do not force the issue because it is not in our nature to be mean. However, there is a man known as Roman Reigns that proclaimed himself Head Of The Table. He wants the world to acknowledge him, but I warn each of you do not give in to his demands. The man known as Roman Reigns wants you to fear him and threatens pain for anyone who does not acknowledge him.
Aslan: What do you think of Roman Reigns? Why should we not acknowledge him? You know Narnia cannot handle another war.
King Woods: Absolutely not Aslan. What place can handle war on multiple occasions? Regarding Roman Reigns, I say this. What exactly I’m I acknowledging? The fact that you are a horrible excuse for a man? Yes, I acknowledge you. Someone, who loves putting people down and through pain and never feeling remorse? Yes, I acknowledge you. A man who sacrifices his own family in order to be successful? Yes, I acknowledge you Roman Reigns. However, if you expect me to acknowledge you for being a great wrestler, I ask you this. What makes you great? Do you have a championship around your shoulder? I know I do so by default. We should acknowledge King Woods long before you. He has been with EBWF for a few weeks and wants to bully people. I dare him to step foot in Narnia and do that. I would humble you quicker than you can blink. It is my duty to step in the ring with him and show him how a true leader acts. I can’t help the fact he was jealous of his own cousin, someone that clearly could outshine him at any time. What kind of man who claims to be the best in the business gets jealous of someone? Most would go out and prove they are the best but he betrays his family, leaving his cousin to make his own path.
Aslan: What about him being Head Of The Table? Is he a lost king?
King Woods: No! he is far from royalty, trust and believe that. He is a smooth talker that can make anyone believe what he is saying. However, he is a fraud that hurts everyone he speaks to. Roman Reigns may tell you he is Head Of The Table, but even he does not realize what that means. All of us standing here in this moment know that in order to be the head of anything, you have to be trusted. He is the most deceitful man around and deserves nothing but the worse. I hate saying that knowing what I stand for, but I’ve had enough of his antics talking down about me. King Woods is someone who speaks for the people and everyone agrees I am the only one who can compete with you. You’re only tough because the competition to this point has not been top-notch, but that stops here. Not only will you be kneeling before me Roman Reigns but you will ACKNOWLEDGE ME proclaiming me Head Of The Table.
He takes a deep breath as he continues.
A man of this caliber does not fool young kings and queens of Narnia. This so-called big dog has no bite and little bark. Being Head Of The Table is important to him because it’s the only time in his life he has felt important. He is trying to compensate for other shortcomings in his life and the world to him is nothing but a cruel place. In fact, the four of you might be young but you could be Head Of The Table before this man because you have courage and leadership. You see, Roman Reigns all your life you’ve fought to be noticed. The family name certainly does not help but to consider you a leader is comical to me. I am sure you will find that disrespectful, but the truth hurts Roman. The truth will also set you free and you’ve been all about speaking “truth” so now it’s my turn. The truth of the matter is this Roman. Nothing you do to me will make me quit. You like beating someone into submission to prove how much of a man you are good luck with that. I learned a while back to never show fear because they will use it against me. When you look into my eyes, you will acknowledge that I am not weak. I am not a typical competitor that you’ve dealt with. Did you forget already Roman that I am the BREAKOUT champion because I am the biggest thing EBWF has seen in years and that includes you!
King Peter: I hope you don’t mind me asking a question, King Woods. If so, I apologize, but if Roman Reigns is proclaiming all this, then he has to be a threat.
King Woods: Of course, he is a threat, young Peter. He knows how to flex his muscles in order to show his true power and for most, it would be enough. Roman Reigns will make one fatal mistake though young kings and queens of Narnia. He will let his ego get in the way and not take me serious. It is something most do just ask Christian. He will be the first to tell you he did not see me coming, and I took something from him he valued. The same will happen to Roman Reigns because I will push back harder than any man has before. I will acknowledge the fact he needs to be treated like he treats everyone else, and karma is about to catch up to him. Life as royalty can be very nice, but at times, we have to roll up our sleeves. Put on our armor and go to war and if war is something Roman Reigns wants, then it is exactly what he is going to get. You better believe that win-or-lose Roman will have respect for me if he truly ACKNOWLEDGES it. Roman Reigns is a threat, but King Woods has the tools to extinguish the great Roman Reigns. The Head Of The Table, as he wishes to be called. I will acknowledge Roman Reigns for everything he is but champion, leader, provider and the best in the business does not qualify. He will bleed, bruise, cry and beg for me to take it easy and I will not comply. This battle will determine the true Head Of The Table and sadly, for Roman, they will acknowledge that King Woods is the perfect wrestler and the future of EBWF.
Aslan: I am glad to know my dream about you being in danger was a false alarm. You seem to be confident going into the match and that has always been the key. You know what I taught you the last time you were here? Just use it and nothing can go wrong.
King Woods: Of course Aslan. It is something I have never forgotten. Roman Reigns I have one ultimate message for you. LETS GO!
They change the topic and discuss anything that comes to mind. Suddenly King Woods wakes up realizing it was all a dream, but he felt different in a good way as the scene fades.