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Breaking Rank (Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy)

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:54 am
by Billy
Luchasaurus was standing around the center console of a non-infringing time machine. He stared with intent at a panel of buttons, dials, levers and lights. They moved and blinked on their own in complex rhythms and patterns that made little sense to the dinosaur. He took hold of a knob and restrained it from turning itself. He chuckled.

Show me the destination computer and I will turn loose of the knob.

The camera panned out to Jungle Boy sitting on a nearby railing.

Jungle Boy
You may as well give up, she doesn’t react to threats. Besides, I think there’s a good chance those are all just for looks.

No, London turns this one everytime. I’ve seen him do it.

Jungle Boy
He does a lot of things purely for looks.

You mean it is a ruse?

Jungle Boy
Yeah! If people feel like he’s the smartest person in the room, then no one ever questions him. It allows him to get away with some of the crazier things he does. And, he does crazy better than anyone I know.

Luchasaurus turned loose of the knob which proceeded to spin wildly back and forth to account for everything he missed. He hadn’t stopped it from moving but merely delayed a dozen or so different moves.

So, about Last Survivor. You think Paul has a shot at winning? He’s a good survivor.

Jungle Boy
He’s got a tough road ahead of him at number three.

I really think Paul is a number one kind of guy.

Jungle Boy
I don’t disagree but Xavier Woods is number one this year.

Yeah, that makes sense. He had a good year last year. I got ranked eighteen, what about you?

Jungle Boy
I’m number twenty-nine.

Well, at least they don’t think you're the worst wrestler on the roster.

Jungle Boy
You do understand this was a random draw simply to decide what order we enter the match in correct? These aren’t rankings. We don’t do that here.

Well, that’s a bit depressing. I liked my number.

Jungle Boy
You can still be number eighteen!

Thanks! Take that!

Luchasaurs plunged his hand toward the controls and took hold of a lever. It fought against him so hard that it snapped in half. He looked at the piece for a moment in silence while I wide eyed Jungle Boy stared at him. Luchasaurus glanced around the room and then shoved the piece into his mouth. The screen faded to black.