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War Council (Elias and Chavo Guerrero Jr)

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:58 am
by Billy
The camera opened on Chavo Guerrero Junior sitting with his head in his hands. Elias was pacing the room behind him, his fists clenched. A row of nondescript black lockers lined the wall.

Chavo Guerrero
Damn it man. I tried to tell him she needed our support.

Elias Samson
I know, but he’s been spiraling since he lost the title.

Chavo Guerrero
I noticed. Now Kingdom has been robbed of its only Champion and we’ve got to pull it together to make sure one of us walks out of Last Survivor with a shot to reclaim a little glory. We have to come together because none of us pulled a decent number.

Elias Samson
He’s locked himself away and he’s not answering calls. Honestly, I don’t know if its because of what happened with Raquel or because of this issue he has with Christian all of a sudden. Sadly, it doesn’t feel like we have any say in the matter. We’re going to have to walk into a slaughter if Aiden commands it.

Chavo Guerrero
Not me. I’m not walking blindly into a war that I don’t have any say in. No, I’m done being a good little soldier and we get nothing from it. You and I have had less matches on television this last year than Paul London.

Elias Samson
I wish you were exaggerating that statistic. Honestly, it feels like the two of us are being left behind. Not just by Aiden but by the entire EBWF. Really, the tag team division is dead. We’d probably both be better off pursuing solo careers.

Chavo Guerrero
If other talents are any indication, we might do better in Hollywood. Maybe one of us could become a stunt coordinator on a show about a highly respected athlete and actor. Maybe I’ll consider that if I don’t walk out of Last Survivor with a title shot!

Elias Samson
That’s not a bad idea. It’s going to be a long walk if you make it out with the win. Number two. Woooo, talk about an unlucky draw! You’ve got an uphill battle ahead of you! Maybe, think about putting together that Hollywood resume in advance!

Chavo Guerrero
Shut the hell up! You may have a better draw but our luck is about the same. Tell me how you pull right in between the two Gunn kids.

Elias Samson
I’m telling you, if we would have beat Austin down and taken his spot you and I could be entering back to back. That would throw everyone for a loop!

Chavo Guerrero
I don’t think entrance numbers are exchangeable. If they were you can bet that Aiden would have already come knocking for yours!

Elias Samson
True! Your draw has to be kismet either way. Both members of the Guerrero Dynasty come in at number two. I can’t imagine it gets any more coincidental than that.

Chavo Guerrero
I don’t know, if you think about it Raquel and Aiden both drew the number one spot and went on to win both of those matches one year. It’s possible that Kingdom has two aces up its sleeves.

Elias Samson
Lucky for Raquel that there are only ten women in that Last Survivor match! She’s got it a lot easier than either of us!

Chavo Guerrero
Are you kidding me? She’s walking into that match with a target the size of Texas painted on her back.

Elias Samson
You don’t think people are going to come for Kingdom just out of name recognition?

Chavo Guerrero
Hell no! We’re yesterday’s news. Everyone is in a faction these days. Coalition, Bullet Club, Dynasty. No one is left standing on their own two feet.

Elias Samson
Actually. Now that I think about it. Maybe that’s the ticket to the top. Abandon factions and make your own way. Everyone at the top is not a member of a faction.

Chavo Guerrero
Sometimes I don’t even know where your head is when we’re talking.

Chavo put his head back in his hands and sighed.

Elias Samson
Let me tell you about my strategy for the matc….

The camera faded to black as Elias leaned over Chavo’s shoulder.