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Take Your Shot (Colten Gunn)

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:00 am
by Billy
Colten Gunn and his father Billy were sitting on bar style stools on a black set. Billy was checking his watch repeatedly while Colten stared at the ceiling humming to himself with no particular rhythm. An EBWF crew member stepped in from off-camera with a clipboard in his hand.

Crew: Mr. Gunn, we haven’t had any luck reaching Austin either. Do you want us to reschedule for later in the week? I think we have a spot on Thursday that should work for what you had planned.

Billy Gunn: No, we don’t need to do that. Colten is here and he’s ready to talk about the Last Survivor match. We will just run without Austin. His loss. Maybe next time he will keep his phone on and not stay out all hours of the night partying.

Crew: Okay, well we’re ready whenever you are.

Billy Gunn: Colten?

Colten shook the cobwebs from his head and looked at his father.

Colten Gunn: Yeah?

Billy Gunn: Are you ready to roll?

Colten Gunn: Wait, without Austin?

Billy Gunn: Your brother couldn’t be bothered to make it in. We either go now, or you hold all this in until later in the week when Austin thinks our time is worth something.

Colten Gunn: Typical, he always thinks he’s more important than everyone else in the room! Ungrateful little brat. Yeah, I’m ready to go. Where do you want me to start?

Billy Gunn: How about you just go with what we worked on.

Colten coughed as he stood up from the barstool. He made a gun hand sign and held it up to his chest. Billy nodded as Colten stood in silence breathing deeply to clear away his nerves. Colten lowered his head and said a word or two under his breath. When his eyes opened there was a new confidence behind them.

Colten Gunn: We’ve arrived at the first pay per view of the year and the first ever Last Survivor. A new event built on the corpse of the failing intellectual property of a company being propped up by the profits of the new King of Wrestling. Built on the corpse where more than a handful of the entrants in the Last Survivor planted their roots decades ago. Men who came up alongside my father who are still fighting against the current instead of going with the flow and ushering in the next generation of top talent.

Billy chuckled.

Colten Gunn: I’m talking of course about the members of Coalition. The only thing keeping their average age from being lower than their collective IQ is Alexa Bliss. These dinosaurs are clinging to their former glory and claiming some superiority that they haven’t earned and don’t deserve. The Big Red Machine is so outmoded that you have to order his replacement parts from an antique store. Captain Charisma is no longer fit for service. He’s so old that his first tour was essentially the second World War. Someone should speak to him about retirement, life insurance, living wills and pension plans before it’s too late. The Trailer Park Boys aren’t any different. The first time they put someone through a table, they had just been invented. The legends state that one event put the future of the table in question. Had it not been for the pair having less magnetism than a rock, someone may have actually taken notice. It’s not just Coalition walking around with a herd of dinosaurs. No, Kingdom has one of their own. Chavo may still be calling himself Junior but he should have graduated in the eighties. The wrestlers in the back accuse Aiden of using his two goons as a crutch for his lack of talent but I’m thinking it’s more likely Chavo is using the others as a walker.

Billy Gunn: All this age talk could hit a nerve with your old man.

Colten Gunn: I’m sorry pops. Don’t worry, you’ve handed your future to the current generation. You’ve prepared the world for a continued Gunn legacy. Meanwhile these idiots are still clinging to their own glory and hoping to make it for themselves. They just have to succeed on their own because they don’t have someone to succeed them.

Billy Gunn: Nice.

Colten Gunn: It’s time to look to the future. Last Survivor. Twenty-nine men will battle it out to become the next contender but fate has already chosen the one winner. You’re looking at the future of the EBWF. A World Champion in the making! Living in the past could never hope to propel you into the modern times.

Colten held his gun hand sign out to the camera and pantomimed firing a shot. The screen went black.