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Survive (Aiden English)

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:02 am
by Billy
The scene opened on Aiden English sitting alone on a steel folding chair in the middle of a dimly lit locker room. He held his face in his hands, bobbing slightly. There was no sound. There was an abrupt burst of static followed by the closing moments of King of the Ring 2019. Raquel slid in the ring and embraced her husband. Another blast of static and the reveal of a montage. Raquel joined Aiden in the ring over several big victories in his career. She brought him each of the EBWF’s men’s titles several times. They hugged, embraced, kissed. Suddenly the events of Warfare played through static and distortion. There was sound but it was though it played through thick water. Trish Stratus laid Raquel out and cost her the title. The shot cut back to Aiden cradling his head and rocking back and forth in the chair. His head shot up to reveal bloodshot eyes as if he had been crying. His jaw tightened.

~~~Aiden English~~~
Many a time have I laid the blame of my misfortune at the feet of others. I’ve held them to task over their actions, settled the score of justice when it was due. Now I find that I must shoulder the burden of this failure on my own. I am the reason EBWF is without a proper Women’s Champion. Worse yet, it’s not a mistake I can repair with my own hands because I cannot challenge for the Women’s Title. A failure that will never be made right.

He rolled his head back down into his hands.

~~~Aiden English~~~
War has been laid at the feet of Kingdom. A war for dominance and the Coalition has struck the first blow. They have stripped us of our pride and laid us low in a way that none before could claim. Never have I felt this depth of despair. Never have I been so wounded as I am now. Christian Cage. I’m going to make an example of you. I’m going to show your rag tag band of misfits why they should have never involved themselves in the life of Aiden English! At Last Survivor I’m going to make sure that you don’t… survive.

Aiden stared back at the camera. His face twisted into a scowl, his right eye twitching.