The Return

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Becky Lynch
Posts: 173
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:06 pm

The Return

Post by Becky Lynch »

It has been months since the Cerebral Lassassin better known as Becky Lynch had been seen or heard on EBWF Television. The last time that anyone saw her, Becky had gotten into a confrontation with her former best friend, the Satanic Diva also known as Winter.

Winter had cost Becky the Women’s Championship at Fanniversary, and when they got into a confrontation, the Satanic Diva had set the Cerebral Lassassin on fire much to the shock and horror of the onlooking crowd.

In the weeks leading up to XMas Eve of Destruction, the Satanic Diva had been the constant reminder to the entire EBWF fanbase that she and she only was the reason why Becky Lynch was not there. So, the crowds felt nothing but vitriol toward her.

At XMas Eve of Destruction, Winter took on newcomer Allysin Kay in an Inferno Match. Winter almost had that match won until “Celtic Invasion” played. The crowd reaction was equal to or greater than the British Bulldog in Wembley Stadium in 1992. The crowd came absolutely unglued, a louder reaction than anyone else on the EBWF roster could ever get or hope to get.

It distracted Winter long enough to cost her the Inferno Match. There was a pause and laughter coming from Becky Lynch could be heard throughout the arena. Winter, too, went missing.

While Allsyin Kay began asserting her dominance over anyone that decided to step into the ring with her, managing to endear people with her smash mouth take on all comers style, people still wondered when Becky Lynch would make her return.

Lo and behold, the answer came at Last Survivor when Becky Lynch made her return in the Women’s Rumble match. Her stay in the match was not that long considering she made a beeline for Winter, and eliminated both the Satanic Diva and herself. The two former best friends fought their way to the back. The 82nd Airborne could not keep these two apart from each other.

Since then, the Cerebral Lassasin was not seen or heard from the EBWF fanbase nor has Satanic Diva. That is, until this week. This week will be the first time since that fateful night that Becky Lynch was set ablaze that the Cerebral Lassassin will be in action on Monday Night Warfare. Who will her opponent be? Why, it will be none other than Liv Morgan, the Harley Quinn of the EBWF.

So, now the question remains to be answered is this. Will Liv Morgan manage to inch by Becky Lynch with a victory or will Becky show that she has not missed a step since the last time she was in action?
Without any warning whatsoever, “Celtic Invasion” by CFO$ hits the PA System, and the crowd comes absolutely unglued like they would if it was Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1999 or Hulk Hogan in 1987 or British Bulldog in Wembley Stadium in 1992. The entrance curtain opens and the Cerebral Lassassin better known as Becky Lynch walks out onto the stage, greeted by thunderous cheers and applause from the crowd. She stops atop the stage with a stoic look on her face while the crowd continues cheering her relentlessly.

With this reaction coming from the crowd, Becky can feel a smile start to crack on her face but starts making her way down the entrance ramp in order to hide it from the camera.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Christy Hemme begins, “Please welcome back to Monday Night Warfare… The Cerebral Lassassin… BECKY LYNCH!!!”

“On the eighth of November last year,” Mauro Ranallo says, “Becky Lynch was set on fire by her former best friend, Winter. At X-Mas Eve of Destruction, Becky cost Winter the Inferno Match against Allysin Kay. It would not be until Last Survivor that Becky would make her first live appearance since that fateful night that she was set on fire.”

“Since Last Survivor, Becky Lynch has been looking to get her hands on Winter again, but she’ll have to wait until tonight is over in order to continue her search for the elusive Queen of Chaos,” says Nigel McGuinness, “Because tonight, she has to take on Liv Morgan.”

At ringside, Becky climbs up onto the apron and steps into the Monday Night Warfare ring for the first time since November of last year. Christy hands Becky the microphone and leaves the ring while “Celtic Invasion” which cannot even be heard over the crowd reaction, cuts out.

After “Celtic Invasion” cut out, the reaction from the crowd never waivers as they continue cheering their hardest for not only the most popular star in the EBWF, but the most popular cross-over star since The Rock.

Once again, Becky is having a hard time maintaining the stoic facial expression that she has become known for. The crowd breaks out into chants of “Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Welcome Back!” Becky tilts her head down, allowing her hair to cover her face as a grin forms.

The Cerebral Lassassin lifts her head up and cannot stop herself from grinning. Truth be told, she missed her fans. Seeing the grin on the face of their hero only causes the fans to continue chanting.

Becky raises her microphone up to her lips and is about to speak, but just breaks out in laughter in response to the never waiving support from the audience. Truly, she is humbled.

“This crowd is just all for Becky right now.” Mauro says. “Look at her. She can’t even get a word out!”

“This just goes to show the amount of love and respect that the fans have for Becky Lynch, and how much respect she commands from people. She can do no wrong in the eyes of our fanbase.” Nigel says in a matter-of-fact tone.

Becky raises the microphone up to her lips once again, looking to get a word out. All she can say in response to the crowd is, “I take it ya missed me just a little bit, didn’t ya?” Becky says with a grin still on her face. The crowd responds with raucous cheering.

“Yer all un-fookin-believable!” Becky says. “I missed all of ya crazy fookers, too!” The crowd cheers. “Ya know, I had gotten so many letters, well wishes, come back soons from every fan I have, and that spans the entire globe. From the bottom of me heart, I thank ya.” The crowd continues cheering while Becky continues grinning.

“Now, its time fer me to get down to business.” Becky says as her demeanor quickly changes to anger. “The timing of my return isn’t by coincidence. I chose tonight to make my return to EBWF Monday Night Warfare, because we are less than two weeks away from Fallout. Speaking of ‘falling out,’ I look to bury my past. That’s why I’m throwin’ out a challenge to my former partner-in-crime, my former best friend, the bitch that has a day of reckoning comin’ to her. Winter.”

Becky pauses and turns her attention toward the entrance while the crowd lets out a collective reaction of booing that could be heard the world over. “Winter, ya took four months outta my career, and I’m lookin’ to take yer arse out completely! Tonight, I’m throwin’ out the challenge. You an’ me, one on one, at Fallout. Given that I said ‘bury my past,’ ya guessed correctly. I want you an’ me in a Buried Alive match. Loser leaves EBWF.”

“Mama mia! That is a huge challenge.” Mauro says. “One has to wonder if Winter will accept it.”

“Winter had told Becky back November that she wanted to rid EBWF of the Cerebral Lassassin.” Nigel says. “This would be her best chance. If I’m Winter, then I’m taking this chance.”

Becky waits for any sign of Winter, but nothing happens. A few moments go by before Becky starts speaking again. “No answer, Winter? I thought ya’d be jumpin’ at the chance to rid this company of me or maybe yer scared. Either way, ya have until next week to answer my challenge.”

Becky turns her attention to the crowd. “In the meantime, she and all of my fans can bare witness to just the tip of the iceberg of what I have in store fer Winter at Fallout, if she even has the goots to accept me challenge.”

Becky changes her target over to her opponent for her first match back, Liv Morgan. “I almost feel bad fer Liv Morgan, because she has to step into the ring with me. On a normal night, that’d be cause fer concern but tonight in the first match I’m havin’ in five to six months? Almost six months of pent up rage…”

Becky shakes her head. “I’d hate to be Liv’s shoes, because all of that rage and frustration that I built up… All the chompin’ at the bits I did in order to come back and get my hands on Winter… Liv’s just goin’ to be a casualty. It’s not her fault. It’s just the hand that she was dealt. Tonight, I’ll be makin’ an example out of Liv. I’ll show everyone just a sample of what I have in store fer Winter. Liv, ya don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of standin’ up to me, especially with all of the rage that I feel, all of the hatred I have fuelin’ me. Yer gonna find out, like so many others did, that if ya play with Straight Fire, yer gettin’ burned.”
Daffney: 1975-2021
Becky Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2020, 2021), Women's Last Survivor (2024), EBWF Women's Champion (1-Time), Best Actress (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Most Violent Scene in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Villain in a Film (2021, 2022, 2024), Best Antihero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Hero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Allysin Kay Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2022)