The Lightbringer 003 - vs Liv Part III

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Becky Lynch
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Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:06 pm

The Lightbringer 003 - vs Liv Part III

Post by Becky Lynch »

When she was last seen on Monday Night Warfare, the Cerebral Lassassin better known as Becky Lynch took on Jade Cargill, a real monster of a woman, a mountain of a woman. One would be cowed or hesitant to stand across the ring from Jade Cargill, but the Cerebral Lassassin was not. Becky walked into her match with Jade without fear, and it was that fearlessness that led to Becky walking out of the match with her hand raised high in victory.

With that match behind her, Becky finds herself in the Queen of the Ring tournament for the third year in a row. While she has made it clear in the past that she finds the tournament to be a waste of her time and her talent and while she still holds that claim, Becky knows that this is the only way that she could feasibly get a one on one match for the Women’s title.

Like Cool Hand Luke, she will work within the stupid little system much to her own chagrin. The Cerebral Lassassin is biting the bullet so she can win the tournament three years in a row and get her long overdue Women’s Title run.

Tonight, the first round of the Queen of the Ring tournament continues with Becky Lynch taking on the Harley Quinn of EBWF, Liv Morgan. This would be the third time that Becky Lynch finds herself in the ring opposite of Liv Morgan. The first time was prior to the Fallout pay per view, which was the first time that Becky had been in the Warfare ring since Winter set her on fire.

The second time that Becky took on Liv was after the Fallout pay per view. Both times, Liv Morgan tried to topple Becky Lynch. Both times, Liv fell to the Cerebral Lassassin. With this latest outing being in the Queen of the Ring tournament, Becky looks to make it a trifecta when she steps into the ring one more time in order to take on Liv Morgan.

So, that begs the question. Will Liv Morgan manage to do what she could not do before and topple her biggest obstacle, Becky Lynch? Or will the Cerebral Lassassin prove to the world once again that Liv is no match for her?


We see the Cerebral Lassassin better known as Becky Lynch standing in the middle of the ring while the crowd is cheering her. There is not one fan sitting in the entire arena. Everyone is on their feet and cheering this amazing competitor while she stands in the middle of the ring, holding a microphone.

Becky waits for the lovefest coming from the crowd to die down just a little bit. A few moments later, the reaction from the crowd slowly tapers off. Becky raises her microphone up to her lips and the crowd begins cheering again. This time, Becky follows through with speaking.

“It’s June again…” Becky begins. “And you all know what that means. It’s that time of the year again. It’s the time of the year where this company decides to add another King and Queen to its lineage. The King and Queen of the Ring tournaments are once again under way. As the two-time returning Queen of the Ring, I’m entered into this tournament once again to defend my crown.”

The crowd cheers. “Everyone knows how vocal I’ve been in the past about this tournament. Everyone knows exactly what I think about this tournament, and I still stand by what I said, but ya know what? With all of ya behind me, it won’t be so bad.” The crowd cheers again.

“With all of ya behind me, I think I can stomach through another tournament. I think I can make it a third year in a row. I would be the first person to ever do that and then I go on to face the Women’s Champion where I’ll win the title that was repeatedly stolen from me. I’m long overdue when it comes to holdin’ my title, and I’m gonna do it. Come Hell or high water, I’m gonna hold my title.” Becky says as the crowd cheers.

“But that’s then, this is now, and tonight I have to get by Liv Morgan, who I dubbed as the Harley Quinn of EBWF, and rightfully so. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Just like Harley Quinn, I don’t think Liv Morgan is crazy like some like to believe. I made it known that I think she’s crazy like a fox. She knows exactly what she’s doin’. She looks to take people off of their game with how she presents herself, and that might work on other people, but it won’t work on me. Scratch that. It didn’t work on me the last two times I faced her and it won’t work on me tonight.”

“Now, maybe Liv has learned somethin’ new since the last time I faced her. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if she did. I’m lookin’ forward to findin’ out first hand whether or not she’s evolved since the last time I faced her. It doesn’t matter, because whether or not she evolved in the slightest since April, the end result will be same. I’ll take her down and lock her in the Dis-Arm-Her. She’ll tap out. Thanks fer playin’. Simple as that.” The crowd cheers.

“I say that as a supporter of hers.” Becky says as the crowd breaks out into chants of ‘Becky! Becky! Becky!’. “However, no matter how much I might support her, all bets are off once that bell rings. Why? Because I’m a fighter. I’m a wrestler. Along with actin’, it’s something I do best. It’s somethin’ I do better than anyone else. So, I might be a supporter of hers, but if anyone thinks that means I’m lyin’ down and lettin’ her walk over me to the next round, they got another thing comin’.”

“If I were to just lie down and let her walk over to me to the next round, it wouldn’t be fair. It wouldn’t be fair to me. It wouldn’t be fair to her. Most importantly, it wouldn’t be fair to my fans. So, if Liv wants to win, then she needs to bring better than her best. She needs to dig deep down and muster all of her inner strength if she wants to even think of beatin’ me, because I’m definitely bringin’ my best. When I bring my best, there’s no one better.” Becky says as the crowd cheers again.

“Liv might surprise everyone. She might be able to pull it off. If she does, then I’m happy fer her, but the odds aren’t in her favor. Truth be told, I don’t see it happenin’ fer her. It didn’t happen the last two times I faced her, and it won’t happen tonight. Try as she might, and she does try, it’s not happenin’ fer her tonight, not when there’s a title shot at the end of this. There’s nothin’ I won’t do to finally hold the title that I was repeatedly screwed out of the last two years.” The camera pans to various signs in the crowd depicting Becky wearing the Women’s Championship.

“After I beat Liv Morgan fer the third time, I’m lookin’ forward to the next round where I’m ready and willin’ to face anyone whether it’s Alexa Bliss or…” Becky is cut off by ‘Gangstas Paradise’ by Coolio and her head snaps toward the entrance with a scowl on her face as the crowd boos.

Allysin Kay comes in through the crowd behind Becky, and quickly grabs a folded up chair. She slides into the ring under the bottom rope with the chair. In the ring, Allysin walks up behind Becky, with chair in hand, and swings for the fences. A sickening crack is heard throughout the arena as Allysin whacks Becky in the back of the head with the steel chair. The booing from the crowd intensifies while ‘Gangstas Paradise’ cuts out.

“Mama mia! What a chairshot!” Mauro says, wincing.

“That’s one way to try to take out the competition.” Nigel says.

Allysin brings Becky up to her feet and places the head of the chair against Becky’s throat. Then, she drives the feet of the chair into the mat, forcing the head of the chair into Becky’s throat. Becky clutches her throat and writhes in pain.

“A chair guillotine!” Mauro says. “Someone needs to get out here!”

A close up from the camera shows that Becky is bleeding from the mouth.

“No kidding! Becky’s dealing with internal bleeding!” Nigel says. “Someone needs to stop this.”

A group of officials come out to the ring right as Allysin hoists Becky up onto her shoulder.

“Come on, Allysin! Put her down!” says a suited official.

”Okay…” Allysin says as she drops Becky with the AK47 on the chair. Allysin quickly gets up and looks down at the prone Becky. A sadistic grin forms on the face of Allysin as she looks up at the crowd in order to soak in the boos.

"With what just happened..." Mauro says. "I don't know if Becky's gonna be able to compete tonight."

"Like I said, this is Allysin trying to take out the competition until only she remains." Nigel says. "Allysin's in this to hurt people and I'd say that she's accomplished that tonight."
Daffney: 1975-2021
Becky Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2020, 2021), Women's Last Survivor (2024), EBWF Women's Champion (1-Time), Best Actress (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Most Violent Scene in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Villain in a Film (2021, 2022, 2024), Best Antihero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Hero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Allysin Kay Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2022)