The last time we saw King Xavier was in the middle of the ring. The moment he left the arena, he remained busy trying to find the perfect place to live in. He traveled far and wide, wanting certain aspects built in the palace, but there was a struggle. The king was wondering if his perfect palace even existed. He analyzed every country except for India. It was not an ideal location for him considering the weather and language barrier, but rumor had it there was a palace for sale. He had low expectations as he made his way to the location. The gate was open, and he stared at the palace in disbelief.

King Xavier gets out, walking the short distance to the stairs, making his way inside. The royal family greeted him as they offered him a tour. The rooms were full and organized. It was quite impressive. King Xavier saw everything the palace offered, but there was one more room to go. The royal family walks with King Xavier into the throne room and offers him the opportunity to sit down as he nods, taking a seat. The chocolate throne was sweet as the King Of The Ring hopeful enjoyed the true royal treatment wanting to speak about Total Supremacy.
Riddle listen up bro, you've got skill and composure that has shined this whole tournament. The Final Four is a legendary accomplishment. I'm not surprised you made it this far as I've watched you each week prove what makes you a true threat to win this tournament. However, it's a shame that your magical run has to come to an end at the hands of the only king that matters in this company. I was hoping to meet you in the finals because you deserve to be there but no worries there is always next year bro.
He chuckled as he crossed his legs and adjusted his crown.
Riddle you're a young man who needs direction in his life. Perhaps someone who understands what it takes to actually win something. I'm a winner Riddle as you know I'm the Breakout Champion for over six months with hardly anyone worthy of challenging me. It does not mean I haven't been battle tested though Riddle. Every week I go out and defend the title when they ask. I fight whenever they want and don't care what the stipulations are because at the end of the day, I'm one of the greatest athletes to step foot in this company. You will argue that being the greatest does not mean I'm king, but I'd disagree. The king of a country is the highest authority figure. No one can touch him and right now I'm the highest authority in EBWF. Our world champion comes and goes, and he wishes, and I am asked to step up and lead by example which I have done since day 1. When this tournament got announced did you really think anyone other than yours truly would be the favorite to win? Of course, not because King Xavier is automatic when it comes to tournaments.
He stood up for a moment as the camera continued to roll.
Do you really think the EBWF can be taken seriously with King Riddle at the helm? The very thought of it sounds like a joke. It's a nice touch to you I'm sure but you want what's best for the company right bro? Well don't be a clown and show intelligence for once and allow me to be King Of The Ring. Who knows maybe in defeat you will still get an opportunity for gold but only time will tell with that.
He cleared his throat as he demands some chocolate milk, and the servant of the palace retrieves some. Grabbing the glass, he takes a solid drink before speaking once again.
You're not ready for the big time yet. This tournament allowed you to get exposure and understand the pressure that comes with being King Of The Ring. This tournament was made for those who can step-up when needed and even though your run to the Final Four was impressive what good is it if you won't finish the job and trust me you WONT. No one remembers the losers and it's time to face the facts Riddle. King Xavier is always a winner. He always has the right stuff when it matters the most. Not to mention getting attention for all the wrong reasons is something people love about you. You're funny, cannabis friendly and have a great personality just like King Woods. The thing that separates me and you Riddle is I have a competitive drive not a single person can match. I know when to stop playing games and get the damn job done. You think life is about adventure and laughter but Riddle King Of The Ring is not a game it is a matter of life and death for some. It is a moment forever remembered in EBWF. How great does that sound Riddle and yet you will never get the opportunity to acknowledge everyone as king.
He stops for a moment, standing up walking toward the window that overlooks India’s capital. He takes a deep sigh feeling right at home as he shifted the attention to his loyal fans and what it meant for them at Total Supremacy.
My loyal subjects pay close attention to what happens this week. Great things are going to happen for your king. I plan to use this opportunity to showcase why I have proclaimed myself as King Woods from the very beginning. I told each of you to never give up and stick it out with me and be rewarded. We are so close that everyone can taste the finish line. Four men one winner and Total Supremacy. It does not matter if you are considered the best in the business. Your promo skill and style does not matter because if you don't have the ability to back it up words are useless. I know you just heard every time I said about Matt Riddle, and I am never going to apologize for telling the truth. He is the toughest opponent outside The Miz I will face. They are two different men as one has done this for years and Matt Riddle is just getting his feet wet. He is paving the way to a great career, but it will be tarnished as a second-class athlete. The man who gets so close but never finishes what he starts. How is that going to make him feel my loyal subjects? Should we feel sorry for the guy or help him become a better star. I know you guys love him and trust me I get it but everybody who hears this message is going to ride or die with King Xavier.
The day was turning to evening as he looked away from the window back at the great hall. The huge room made of chocolate as he smiles. Walking over to the royal family of India and purchases the palace. Win or lose he was going to make the most of this place. Once the deal was done, he left the palace standing on the lawn listening to everything around him. He stood tall and spoke once more.
You see Riddle I may not be the tallest, biggest or smartest guy in EBWF. I respectfully stand up to authority because I want to be treated with equality, respect and dignity. This is a huge match for us that even a veteran like me is nervous. When this match starts, I don't want you to cheat. We don't need excuses on why you won or lost let's have a fair contest and truly see who has the best talent. We don't know what the future holds for both of us and winning the finals is not even promised. I am going to change you Riddle and it's not going to be the way you expect. It is my purpose to snap you back to reality and make you realize that you’ve come a long way from what you used to be and yet it's still not good enough. It never will be good enough if you want to compete at Kings Wood level.
Once the sun goes down King Woods makes his way to the airport. He gets on the first plane toward the United States sitting in first class. He puts on blindfolds drifting off to sleep. It was a long flight as he begins to ease his mind of all the thoughts going through his mind right now.
Matt Riddle I am going to close out this part of the conversation with you by saying this. Total Supremacy will be memorable. It will be a night of pain, suffering and tears for you. King Woods is going to show the entire world what I've been saying from the beginning. I am the future and carrying the men's division on my shoulders will not bother me at all. Being the humble king, I am when I beat you tonight, I will still give you an opportunity to acknowledge my greatness. It is something that might humiliate you Matt Riddle but many decades from now when you retire, we will talk. You will say thank you for this moment. It will hurt though realizing that King Of The Ring 2022 was the event that launched King Woods to a world championship and leave you wondering where you went wrong. Meeting me in the Final Four o this grand tournament is where you went wrong. I think what bothers you the most is I'm the only one who can solve the riddle and I will make it look easy.
His thoughts quiet as he drifts into deeper sleep. The plane lands on American soil as the impact startles him awake. Waiting for the plane to connect to the corridor so they can leave King Woods took a moment to address the other two men in this tournament.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman the man simply known as MJF. Are you really that lazy not to speak your full name? Are you not proud of who you are? That does not surprise me though because you have always been one to talk a great game and when it comes down to it you do nothing in the ring that impresses people. It doesn't matter if you're in the final four or the finals you will get what's coming to you. I know who you are and what you're about. In fact, our battles in the past are nothing compared to what will happen to you this time around. I'll be honest I'm sick of hearing your name being mentioned in the same breath as mine. I will be the first to say you are a man of your word. You continue to make history by sleazing your way into big marquee matches that you do not belong in. The entire EBWF and my loyal subjects will be the first to tell you that no one other then you MJF thought you'd be here. In your mind this is the perfect opportunity to become world champion and be acknowledged as king. The reality is this is the only way to a world championship opportunity Maxwell. You're not ready for the best of the best. This company could be further along in growth if it did not have to cater to you. How does that make you feel Maxwell? Does it hurt your feelings that EBWF is better off without the great MJF? You will get over it for sure. My personal opinion is you won't even beat Christian Cage. He is better than you and you know it. It's not our fault that you cannot comprehend the basic of the industry. You will never do a main attraction with King Woods around. I know that bothers you but what will you do about it Maxwell? You going to pull off an upset for the ages and beat Christian Cage and the winner of my match in the finals? Or are you going to retire as a young man with an ego so bruised that there is no hope for healing.
The plane connects with the airport as everyone exits. King Woods makes his way through the lobby making a connecting flight to Chicago not wanting to be late for the show. He arrives in Chicago with only a few hours to spare as he continues to speak on MJF before catching a taxi to the arena.
Maxwell, if you make it to the finals to face yours truly it is going to be a day of destruction. Your ego, pride, face, body and soul will be destroyed by the one man you have yet to beat in this company. Do you think I do this stuff for fun? No! I compete because it's what I was made to do. I was born a leader and will not stop until my mission is accomplished. That mission is to make all who come in my path regret doing so. I've done it toward you multiple times. I even took out your posse and made you look like a fool. According to you that is something people don't do and get away with it but yet I am still waiting for you to seek revenge. Let's say you do win the whole thing Maxwell. Is it worth it knowing that you will lose when it matters the most and I'll still be a champion waiting for you to join the ranks. No worries though when you lose the best opportunity of your life I'll be waiting to offer you a rematch for my Breakout champion.
He gets in a cab making his way to the United Center. He sits back finally able to relax just a bit from the hectic airport life.
I'm sure your wanting another opportunity at me and want to share my spotlight. How about I humiliate the great MJF without saying anything? When I beat you in the finals, I will make you crown me yourself. How would that make you feel? I think it would be the crowning achievement of your career. It would make everything priceless for me watching you be my servant and finally kneeling at my feet knowing where you belong when in my presence. Maxwell consider this a retirement tour for you and what a perfect ending to a sad little career. Ever since I gave you the first defeat in this company you haven't been the same and I love that little fact.
The driver arrives at the arena as King Woods gets out. He adjusts the crown which soon enough could be real gold and officially the king of EBWF. The driver took off as King Woods stood there watching the fans enter.
Christian Cage I am saving the best for last. Don't let that comment go to your head but yes out of everyone in this tournament I knew you'd make it this far. Wanting another opportunity to be destroyed by me will motivate people trust me. I'm not sure what you expect to gain from winning this tournament because it won't change the fact you're a jobber. The entitled jobber does have a nice ring to it don't you think? However, the chosen king at birth yours truly will not be denied the precious spot on the throne. I'm sure Christian Cage has all the twitter heads giving him support and cheering for him to dismantle "king" woods. Funny thing though everybody on twitter hides behind the computer. They would never have a match with me and say it to my face because I would prove them wrong like i have with you multiple times. You told me the very first week I was here I was a joke. You've told me I would never be champion. I would never amount to anything and would never belong. Yet seven months later I have surpassed you in everything. I have more victories, more popularity and already considered the greatest Breakout champion of all-time. So Christian you've made it clear that I was never accepted and that's fine with me. It gives me a great opportunity to show you again that when it comes to the highest mountain, I'm at the summit. You will never admit it but you want to be King Woods. Having this success would make you feel accomplished. Winning this tournament will give you validation and a reason to gloat at me. Do you really think I will allow that to happen Christian? On my worse day I can still outshine you. Outperforming you is easy because I'm healthy and not a walking pharmacy like yourself.
He walks inside to his personal locker stepping inside and shutting the door. He grabs his title kissing it before changing into his wrestling attire.
Christian I really wanted to be friends, but nothing is ever going to satisfy you. This tournament is truly going to show you just how far apart we are. I don't expect you to see it that way because we all think we're the best. Although I'm not sure what makes you have that illusion. Before I arrived at EBWF I had never heard of you but apparently, you're a legend and know what to expect. Good for you I am a veteran of this business just like you and we're on two different paths. I have my entire future to build my legacy but yours is done and falling apart. King Of The Ring is just another notch of summer greatness for me. You can always live in my shadow Christian I really don't mind because it proves that you are always one step behind me. I'm ready for a battle with you once more it truly is a great night when I can get my hands on you. May the best man win and be crowned King Of The EBWF Ring.
The scene fades with King Xavier stretching before his match-up against Riddle.
OOC: Whoever wins this tournament it's well-earned guys. Best of luck!

King Xavier gets out, walking the short distance to the stairs, making his way inside. The royal family greeted him as they offered him a tour. The rooms were full and organized. It was quite impressive. King Xavier saw everything the palace offered, but there was one more room to go. The royal family walks with King Xavier into the throne room and offers him the opportunity to sit down as he nods, taking a seat. The chocolate throne was sweet as the King Of The Ring hopeful enjoyed the true royal treatment wanting to speak about Total Supremacy.
Riddle listen up bro, you've got skill and composure that has shined this whole tournament. The Final Four is a legendary accomplishment. I'm not surprised you made it this far as I've watched you each week prove what makes you a true threat to win this tournament. However, it's a shame that your magical run has to come to an end at the hands of the only king that matters in this company. I was hoping to meet you in the finals because you deserve to be there but no worries there is always next year bro.
He chuckled as he crossed his legs and adjusted his crown.
Riddle you're a young man who needs direction in his life. Perhaps someone who understands what it takes to actually win something. I'm a winner Riddle as you know I'm the Breakout Champion for over six months with hardly anyone worthy of challenging me. It does not mean I haven't been battle tested though Riddle. Every week I go out and defend the title when they ask. I fight whenever they want and don't care what the stipulations are because at the end of the day, I'm one of the greatest athletes to step foot in this company. You will argue that being the greatest does not mean I'm king, but I'd disagree. The king of a country is the highest authority figure. No one can touch him and right now I'm the highest authority in EBWF. Our world champion comes and goes, and he wishes, and I am asked to step up and lead by example which I have done since day 1. When this tournament got announced did you really think anyone other than yours truly would be the favorite to win? Of course, not because King Xavier is automatic when it comes to tournaments.
He stood up for a moment as the camera continued to roll.
Do you really think the EBWF can be taken seriously with King Riddle at the helm? The very thought of it sounds like a joke. It's a nice touch to you I'm sure but you want what's best for the company right bro? Well don't be a clown and show intelligence for once and allow me to be King Of The Ring. Who knows maybe in defeat you will still get an opportunity for gold but only time will tell with that.
He cleared his throat as he demands some chocolate milk, and the servant of the palace retrieves some. Grabbing the glass, he takes a solid drink before speaking once again.
You're not ready for the big time yet. This tournament allowed you to get exposure and understand the pressure that comes with being King Of The Ring. This tournament was made for those who can step-up when needed and even though your run to the Final Four was impressive what good is it if you won't finish the job and trust me you WONT. No one remembers the losers and it's time to face the facts Riddle. King Xavier is always a winner. He always has the right stuff when it matters the most. Not to mention getting attention for all the wrong reasons is something people love about you. You're funny, cannabis friendly and have a great personality just like King Woods. The thing that separates me and you Riddle is I have a competitive drive not a single person can match. I know when to stop playing games and get the damn job done. You think life is about adventure and laughter but Riddle King Of The Ring is not a game it is a matter of life and death for some. It is a moment forever remembered in EBWF. How great does that sound Riddle and yet you will never get the opportunity to acknowledge everyone as king.
He stops for a moment, standing up walking toward the window that overlooks India’s capital. He takes a deep sigh feeling right at home as he shifted the attention to his loyal fans and what it meant for them at Total Supremacy.
My loyal subjects pay close attention to what happens this week. Great things are going to happen for your king. I plan to use this opportunity to showcase why I have proclaimed myself as King Woods from the very beginning. I told each of you to never give up and stick it out with me and be rewarded. We are so close that everyone can taste the finish line. Four men one winner and Total Supremacy. It does not matter if you are considered the best in the business. Your promo skill and style does not matter because if you don't have the ability to back it up words are useless. I know you just heard every time I said about Matt Riddle, and I am never going to apologize for telling the truth. He is the toughest opponent outside The Miz I will face. They are two different men as one has done this for years and Matt Riddle is just getting his feet wet. He is paving the way to a great career, but it will be tarnished as a second-class athlete. The man who gets so close but never finishes what he starts. How is that going to make him feel my loyal subjects? Should we feel sorry for the guy or help him become a better star. I know you guys love him and trust me I get it but everybody who hears this message is going to ride or die with King Xavier.
The day was turning to evening as he looked away from the window back at the great hall. The huge room made of chocolate as he smiles. Walking over to the royal family of India and purchases the palace. Win or lose he was going to make the most of this place. Once the deal was done, he left the palace standing on the lawn listening to everything around him. He stood tall and spoke once more.
You see Riddle I may not be the tallest, biggest or smartest guy in EBWF. I respectfully stand up to authority because I want to be treated with equality, respect and dignity. This is a huge match for us that even a veteran like me is nervous. When this match starts, I don't want you to cheat. We don't need excuses on why you won or lost let's have a fair contest and truly see who has the best talent. We don't know what the future holds for both of us and winning the finals is not even promised. I am going to change you Riddle and it's not going to be the way you expect. It is my purpose to snap you back to reality and make you realize that you’ve come a long way from what you used to be and yet it's still not good enough. It never will be good enough if you want to compete at Kings Wood level.
Once the sun goes down King Woods makes his way to the airport. He gets on the first plane toward the United States sitting in first class. He puts on blindfolds drifting off to sleep. It was a long flight as he begins to ease his mind of all the thoughts going through his mind right now.
Matt Riddle I am going to close out this part of the conversation with you by saying this. Total Supremacy will be memorable. It will be a night of pain, suffering and tears for you. King Woods is going to show the entire world what I've been saying from the beginning. I am the future and carrying the men's division on my shoulders will not bother me at all. Being the humble king, I am when I beat you tonight, I will still give you an opportunity to acknowledge my greatness. It is something that might humiliate you Matt Riddle but many decades from now when you retire, we will talk. You will say thank you for this moment. It will hurt though realizing that King Of The Ring 2022 was the event that launched King Woods to a world championship and leave you wondering where you went wrong. Meeting me in the Final Four o this grand tournament is where you went wrong. I think what bothers you the most is I'm the only one who can solve the riddle and I will make it look easy.
His thoughts quiet as he drifts into deeper sleep. The plane lands on American soil as the impact startles him awake. Waiting for the plane to connect to the corridor so they can leave King Woods took a moment to address the other two men in this tournament.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman the man simply known as MJF. Are you really that lazy not to speak your full name? Are you not proud of who you are? That does not surprise me though because you have always been one to talk a great game and when it comes down to it you do nothing in the ring that impresses people. It doesn't matter if you're in the final four or the finals you will get what's coming to you. I know who you are and what you're about. In fact, our battles in the past are nothing compared to what will happen to you this time around. I'll be honest I'm sick of hearing your name being mentioned in the same breath as mine. I will be the first to say you are a man of your word. You continue to make history by sleazing your way into big marquee matches that you do not belong in. The entire EBWF and my loyal subjects will be the first to tell you that no one other then you MJF thought you'd be here. In your mind this is the perfect opportunity to become world champion and be acknowledged as king. The reality is this is the only way to a world championship opportunity Maxwell. You're not ready for the best of the best. This company could be further along in growth if it did not have to cater to you. How does that make you feel Maxwell? Does it hurt your feelings that EBWF is better off without the great MJF? You will get over it for sure. My personal opinion is you won't even beat Christian Cage. He is better than you and you know it. It's not our fault that you cannot comprehend the basic of the industry. You will never do a main attraction with King Woods around. I know that bothers you but what will you do about it Maxwell? You going to pull off an upset for the ages and beat Christian Cage and the winner of my match in the finals? Or are you going to retire as a young man with an ego so bruised that there is no hope for healing.
The plane connects with the airport as everyone exits. King Woods makes his way through the lobby making a connecting flight to Chicago not wanting to be late for the show. He arrives in Chicago with only a few hours to spare as he continues to speak on MJF before catching a taxi to the arena.
Maxwell, if you make it to the finals to face yours truly it is going to be a day of destruction. Your ego, pride, face, body and soul will be destroyed by the one man you have yet to beat in this company. Do you think I do this stuff for fun? No! I compete because it's what I was made to do. I was born a leader and will not stop until my mission is accomplished. That mission is to make all who come in my path regret doing so. I've done it toward you multiple times. I even took out your posse and made you look like a fool. According to you that is something people don't do and get away with it but yet I am still waiting for you to seek revenge. Let's say you do win the whole thing Maxwell. Is it worth it knowing that you will lose when it matters the most and I'll still be a champion waiting for you to join the ranks. No worries though when you lose the best opportunity of your life I'll be waiting to offer you a rematch for my Breakout champion.
He gets in a cab making his way to the United Center. He sits back finally able to relax just a bit from the hectic airport life.
I'm sure your wanting another opportunity at me and want to share my spotlight. How about I humiliate the great MJF without saying anything? When I beat you in the finals, I will make you crown me yourself. How would that make you feel? I think it would be the crowning achievement of your career. It would make everything priceless for me watching you be my servant and finally kneeling at my feet knowing where you belong when in my presence. Maxwell consider this a retirement tour for you and what a perfect ending to a sad little career. Ever since I gave you the first defeat in this company you haven't been the same and I love that little fact.
The driver arrives at the arena as King Woods gets out. He adjusts the crown which soon enough could be real gold and officially the king of EBWF. The driver took off as King Woods stood there watching the fans enter.
Christian Cage I am saving the best for last. Don't let that comment go to your head but yes out of everyone in this tournament I knew you'd make it this far. Wanting another opportunity to be destroyed by me will motivate people trust me. I'm not sure what you expect to gain from winning this tournament because it won't change the fact you're a jobber. The entitled jobber does have a nice ring to it don't you think? However, the chosen king at birth yours truly will not be denied the precious spot on the throne. I'm sure Christian Cage has all the twitter heads giving him support and cheering for him to dismantle "king" woods. Funny thing though everybody on twitter hides behind the computer. They would never have a match with me and say it to my face because I would prove them wrong like i have with you multiple times. You told me the very first week I was here I was a joke. You've told me I would never be champion. I would never amount to anything and would never belong. Yet seven months later I have surpassed you in everything. I have more victories, more popularity and already considered the greatest Breakout champion of all-time. So Christian you've made it clear that I was never accepted and that's fine with me. It gives me a great opportunity to show you again that when it comes to the highest mountain, I'm at the summit. You will never admit it but you want to be King Woods. Having this success would make you feel accomplished. Winning this tournament will give you validation and a reason to gloat at me. Do you really think I will allow that to happen Christian? On my worse day I can still outshine you. Outperforming you is easy because I'm healthy and not a walking pharmacy like yourself.
He walks inside to his personal locker stepping inside and shutting the door. He grabs his title kissing it before changing into his wrestling attire.
Christian I really wanted to be friends, but nothing is ever going to satisfy you. This tournament is truly going to show you just how far apart we are. I don't expect you to see it that way because we all think we're the best. Although I'm not sure what makes you have that illusion. Before I arrived at EBWF I had never heard of you but apparently, you're a legend and know what to expect. Good for you I am a veteran of this business just like you and we're on two different paths. I have my entire future to build my legacy but yours is done and falling apart. King Of The Ring is just another notch of summer greatness for me. You can always live in my shadow Christian I really don't mind because it proves that you are always one step behind me. I'm ready for a battle with you once more it truly is a great night when I can get my hands on you. May the best man win and be crowned King Of The EBWF Ring.
The scene fades with King Xavier stretching before his match-up against Riddle.
OOC: Whoever wins this tournament it's well-earned guys. Best of luck!