All your fault

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All your fault

Post by A.J »

The scene opened in the locker room as a cameraman approached a hooded figure sitting in front of a locker in silence.

Cameraman:Excuse me Kevin but can I get your thoughts on tonight's match with Chris Jericho?

The man removed his hood to confirm that he was Kevin Steen.

Kevin Steen:Doesn't EBWF usually send an actual interview?

Kevin waited for an answer but got none as the cameraman didn't know how to respond to the question. Kevin shook his head.

Kevin Steen:Nevermind so you want my thoughts on Chris Jericho, Well Chris is a very interesting guy you see unlike most of the people on the roster he gets to pal around with the boss and by that I mean the person who writes the checks around here not the person charging Thirty thousand dollars for appearances. Does anybody really think that Chris Jericho's friendship with Wes Ikeda has not affected his career, I mean would Chris Jericho be the Director Of New Talent Development or have been a lot of title shots if he wasn't best buddies with Wes?

Kevin chuckled.

Kevin Steen:Chris I saw your little interview earlier and I found it funny that you said I haven't done anything of note since returning to this company, That's funny Chris because ever since I came back WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? All I've seen you do is lose, you lost the EBWF World title to The Miz at Last Survivor, you lost to Prince Devitt in the first round of the King Of The Ring tournament, and at Total Supremacy, you were choked out by Hook.

Kevin stood up and had an intense look on his face.

Kevin Steen:Chris you had the nerve to question whether or not I still have that killer instinct I had in Ring Of Honor and PWG, Well you're gonna find out because when we step in the ring tonight I will make you bleed, I will make you suffer, and I will break your spirit then you will know if I…

Steen began to punch the locker.


Kevin stopped punching the locker and turned back to the camera.

Kevin Steen:Chris tonight I will end your career and rid the EBWF of the most washed-up piece of shit I have ever seen and when I do you will know that I am Pro Wrestling's Worst Nightmare. Hey maybe after I force you into retirement you can coach a Hockey team and find somebody as embarrassing as your father.

Kevin laughed and grabbed the camera.

Kevin Steen:Chris I want you to remember that this will be all your fault, I want your wife and kids to know that this will be all your fault, and I want your best friend Wes Ikeda to know that this will be all your fault because I will show you no mercy. This will not be Fight Steen Fight, It will be Kill Steen Kill.

Kevin shoved the cameraman down as the scene faded to black.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan