For the greater good

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For the greater good

Post by A.J »

OOC:Sorry this is not my best work,I fell asleep and didn't wake up until about thirty minutes ago.

Last Week on Warfare the world was shocked when Seth Rollins made his return to EBWF and aligned himself with Kevin Steen with the goal of taking out Christian Cage. This week The Messiah goes one on one with another man making his return…Jeff Hardy.

The scene opened backstage as we saw Seth Rollins wearing a Black suit along with his trademark Black glove.

Seth Rollins:Everyone wants to know don't they…they want to know why I have come back to EBWF and teamed up with Kevin Steen.

Rollins smiled.

Seth Rollins:Well it's simple really,a year ago I was on a mission and that mission was to rid EBWF of the then Breakout Champion Raven. You see I had offered the hand of The Messiah to Raven and he refused leaving me with no other choice but to end his miserable existence in this company.

Rollins shook his head.

Seth Rollins:But that didn't happen,Why…it's because Christian Cage decided to swoop in and RIP MY DESTINY AWAY FROM ME. He cheated to become number one contender and he beat Raven for the Breakout championship and ended his existence in this company. When Kevin Steen attacked Christian a few weeks ago I knew that it was time to get my revenge…for the greater good.

Seth chuckled.

Seth Rollins:But enough about Christian for now. Tonight I make my in ring return against the one and only Jeff Hardy. Jeff it's clear that your life has not been the best since you left this company last year. You tried to make it in that pissant company in Jacksonville and you were doing so good….until you got behind the wheel.

Seth laughed.

Seth Rollins:And now Mr.Kahn doesn't want you anymore and you have decided to crawl back to EBWF to try and be something again. Unfortunately you have decided to come back when The Messiah is about to start his work and you have found yourself in the way of the greater good. Jeff I want you to realize the truth that I tried to tell you a few years ago and that is that your career is…obsolete.

Rollins chuckled again.

Seth Rollins:Jeff I want you to know that for EBWF to have a bright future I can't let you exist in it,so whatever happens to you tonight I want you to know that it's all for the greater….good. Trust me Jeff after what I do to you tonight you'll realize that your career the past decade or so has been a giant mistake. After what I do to you Jeff,your family will thank me.

Seth smirked as the scene faded to black.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan