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Milk Lizard

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:33 pm
by Chloe
"Where's Trent?"

~That was the question on the mind of A.J. Lee as wandered the hallways of the Saddledome. She hadn't heard much from her boyfriend since Fanniversary and was a tad bit worried. As she made her way forward she passed Curt Hawkins who was leaning against a wall, texting away. A.J. skid on her heels and spun back around to face him.~

A.J. Lee: Oh! Hey! Curt! Have you seen Trent around?

Curt Hawkins: I haven't.

~A.J. looked a little crestfallen as Curt placed his phone into his pocket.~

A.J. Lee: Oh.

Curt Hawkins: Look he's just probably a little down. I mean he lost his title. Zack lost two in the same night. Listen. Concentrate on your match. I'll round both of them up and all of four of us and Kaitlyn will get together after the show, alright?

~A.J.'s face was blank for a moment before a wide smile appeared on her face.~

Curt Hawkins: You really care about him, don't you?

~She simply nodded~

Curt Hawkins: Good to know. But like I said, don't sweat it, alright?

A.J. Lee: Thank you, Curt!

~Hopping up a bit, A.J. hugged Hawkins around the neck before skipping off. He watched her carefully until the scene ended.~


~A.J. Lee and Kaitlyn stood in front of an EBWF backdrop and even though Halloween was over, they were dressed in strange outfits. Batman villains. A.J. was dressed like Harley Quinn in a skin tight, red and black jester outfit with a painted white face and a black domino mask. She gave one of the white puffs hanging from her hoods "ears" a little swat. Kaitlyn was dressed like Poison Ivy. She wore a green, one piece bikini in a leaf design with green thigh high boots and lighter green colored stockings, along with elbow length green gloves.~

Kaitlyn: Who am I again? Poison Oaky?

A.J. Lee: IVY!

Kaitlyn: And why are we dressed like this when Halloween was like days ago?

A.J. Lee: Because..

~She performed a little twirl~

A.J. Lee: ..I bought these costumes so we could wear them for a Halloween promo! We didn't have a match so I wasn't going to let these sucker's go to waste!

Kaitlyn: And what does Poison Ivy do again?

A.J. Lee: I told you. Plant stuff.

Kaitlyn: Plant stuff? And what do you do?

A.J. Lee: Hit stuff with a big ol' hammer!

~A.J. reached behind her back and produced a large, red mallet which she hoisted over her head.~

Kaitlyn: Why don't I get a hammer?

A.J. Lee: Because you do plant stuff!

Kaitlyn: That's REALLY going to help against...who are we wrestling?

A.J. Lee: Maria and Alicia Fox. And, excuse you, making giant vines crush them or feeding them to venus fly traps would SO help.

Kaitlyn: That might get us disqualified.

A.J. Lee: Who are you? Earl Heffner? Who made you Queen of all rules?

Kaitlyn: It's HEBNER, first off, secondly--

A.J. Lee: WAIT.

~A.J. spread her arms outwards.~

A.J. Lee: I've got this all figured out.

Kaitlyn: ...Do you?

A.J. Lee: There was this episode of the Batman cartoon where Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy like..mind controlled all over Bruce Wayne, right?

Kaitlyn: Right?

A.J. Lee: Well, like, Bruce Wayne is super rich so they jacked up his credit card and bought all this cool stuff.

~Kaitlyn remained silent and nodded along slowly~

Kaitlyn: And how does this help us beat Maria and Alicia?

A.J. Lee: What? Who said anything about that? Let's find some rich white dude and hypnotize him! I'mm'a buy an octopus!

~Kaitlyn's face scrunched up while trying to keep from strangling A.J. before she pointed at the camera~

Kaitlyn: Maria, Alicia, we're going to beat you.

~The blond walked off with A.J. following after her.~

A.J. Lee: What?! That's the most amazing plan EVER!

~Fade out.~