Gateway to Glory was a good night for Liv N Bliss as they defeated Queen’s Court. This week on Warfare Liv Morgan would go one on one with Tam Nakano.
Backstage before Warfare Liv Morgan was warming up for her match when she was approached by her best friend Alexa Bliss. Liv was excited to see her friend and gave a tight hug which caused Alexa to wince.
Alexa Bliss:Ow
Liv let go quickly and Alexa held her side.
Liv Morgan:Sorry.
Alexa Bliss:It's alright.
Liv Morgan:I should probably be easy on the hugs.
Alexa nodded and took a deep breath.
Alexa Bliss:So are you ready for your match tonight?
Liv smiled.
Liv Morgan:Yep and the fact that i'm facing someone I haven't faced before makes it really exciting.
Alexa Bliss:Good.
There was a moment of silence before Liv spoke again.
Liv Morgan:You still haven't forgiven yourself for what you did to her have ya?
Alexa shook her head.
Alexa Bliss:Why should I?
Liv Morgan:I know what you did was bad but you're a different person now Lexi.
Alexa Bliss:But that dark part of me still remains.
Liv put her hands on Alexa's shoulders.
Liv Morgan:Look I know that and I know you did bad things in the past from personal experience but you're not that person anymore. The Lexi I know now is an awesome and caring person that I'm happy to call my best friend.
The two hugged and Alexa smiled.
Alexa Bliss:Thank You.
The hug concluded and Liv smiled.
Liv Morgan:Well I guess it's about time to show Tam what I can do.
Alexa nodded.
Alexa Bliss:Yep.
The two walked off as the scene faded to black.
Different person
Different person
"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan