Backstage we see Seth Rollins and Kevin Steen in the hallway.
Seth Rollins:Kevin isn't it interesting that after weeks of attacks and a heated affair at Fanniversary that The Miz and Matt Riddle are apparently friends now.
Kevin nodded his head.
Kevin Steen:Kind of strange isn't it?
Seth Rollins:Yes it is indeed. Now Riddle let me ask you this,Do you really think you can trust The Miz i mean the guy is notourious for stabbing people in the back and do you really think he would really want to team up with a pot headed loser like you?
Seth laughed.
Seth Rollins:No he doesn't,he's just teaming with you to stab you in the back and prove just how much of an idiot you are.
Kevin Steen:You know I'm wondering if The Miz even asked for this match or if he's forced to team with Riddle? Honestly boys it doesn't matter if you want this or not because you're not gonna beat us tonight.
Seth smirked.
Seth Rollins:I don't know if you two have been paying attention but for the last few months The Revolution has been dominant around here and that's not gonna change tonight so don't get too upset when you lose because you never stood a chance.
Seth and Kevin walked off as the scene faded to black.
Stabbing people in the back
Stabbing people in the back

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan