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Road to Success

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:15 pm
by A.J
The scene opened in a house of all place,we see pictures of the owner on the wall and then we see a dining room table where at the head of it sat none other than Johnny Gargano.

Johnny Gargano:Well,well,well EBWF fans we meet again after over a year. I have to say it's great to be in this company again after a pretty disappointing run last time but this run is going to be different and I promise that it's going to be better because I am focused on carving out my legacy here in EBWF.

Johnny smirked.

Johnny Gargano:And that starts this coming Monday on Warfare when I go one on one with Maxwell Jacob Friedman or MJF for short. Max you are simply put just a coward,a coward that has wormed his way to victory countless times thanks to his buddies and now you've got some new buddies to be apart of the …

Johnny pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and read it

Johnny Gargano:Dynasty World Order….Wow what an original and fresh idea from the mind of Eric Bischoff I really don't know why WCW died.

Gargano rolled his eyes.

Johnny Gargano:Max I want you to know that you're not gonna win this match on Warfare,but you will be the first person to lose to Johnny Gargano on his road to success,see you in the ring buddy.

Johnny chuckled and got up from his chair and walked away as the scene faded to black.