The scene opened up in the "Bro Awesome" RV once again. The camera panned into the vehicle that was driving on the highway. Similar to a week ago Michael Cole was behind the wheel. He wore a shirt that said "Vintage Bro Awesome" and he had a smile on his face visibly happy that he was once again being included by The Miz and Matt Riddle. The camera panned to the living room area once again where The Miz sat back in his chair. He had sunglasses on and a white short sleeve fitted shirt. Riddle sat across from him, looking, well he looked pretty stoned. He wore a purple "Bro Awesome" shirt with yellow writing and a snap back hat that matched, on backwards. Miz had his head back on the chair looking extremely content. Riddle broke the silence.
Riddle: Bro! Great win last week my dude, it was just like, whoa. Great job.
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: I mean was it a win? Yes. Was it a "great" win? I mean I guess. If you want to hop on this notion that Xavier Woods is actually worthy to be this companies champion, then yes, I guess my win on Warfare could be considered "great," my issue Matt, is that I have just have countless wins that by any standards or any notions could be considered "great" and I just don't put The Miz beating Xavier Woods into that category. Someone somewhere was probably like "The Miz beat Xavier Woods" and then the person he was saying it to was just like "duh." You see Matt, I have been in this company a long time, and I have won a TON of matches, I don't think my win over Xavier Woods is going to even make the scrapbook bro.
Riddle: You have a scrapbook? That's rad.
The Miz: It's a figure of speech.
Riddle: Freedom of speech?
The Miz: Figur.. never mind. Let's talk about you, do you actually think you're up for winning a match this week. The powers that be, have decided to put this one on the tee for you to hit a homerun.
Riddle: Oh man I remember tee ball bro, my parents used to take me to Dairy Queen after. Blizzards for days kid!
The Miz smiled and nodded at the positive memory.
The Miz: Well I tell you what, you beat Christian on Warfare, just like every single other person in this company has done at some point, and me you and Cole can go out for blizzards.
Michael Cole didn't remove his eyes from the road.
Michael Cole: Dope bro.
Riddle smiled and nodded at Cole's lingo.
Riddle: I'm in bro, that sounds sick! Like you said, it shouldn't be an issue. I mean Christian Cage even still being here is gnarly to me. I mean the dude literally loses SO much- yet he always seems to show back up the next week acting cool, confident, and like he's successful. I guess you got to fake it till you make it, but that's the problem bro.. I just don't see him every making it. He really like, I don't know, sucks. Maybe sucks isn't the right word, it's just more like.. actually no.. sucks works.
The Miz nodded.
The Miz: I was going to say, I think sucks works.
Riddle smiled and nodded.
Riddle: I mean against normal people Christian wouldn't be good enough, he wouldn't be tough enough, he wouldn't be cool enough to skate by with a win- but against Bro Awesome- against your main bro Riddle- he DEFINITELY isn't good enough. You see a couple of weeks ago I lost to Roman Reigns- and Roman Reigns should be in a creative writing class- because he came up with a whole story about my life that doesn't even exist. It's almost like he's living in an alternate universe- and somehow this dude still beat me. That hasn't sat well with me, so I'm going to choose to stand.
Riddle stood up- almost instantly Cole happened to hit a bump and it knocked Riddle down to his seat.
Riddle: Correction- I will sit- but I'm not happy about it! I have been sitting on this loss now for the past couple of weeks and need a good opponent to take my frustrations out on. Which is why I'm totes stoked to be facing Christian. Christian is the perfect bounce back opponent, because he gets on your nerves like just enough to give you the edge you need to destroy him. Like the fact is a lot of times when you're as terrible as Christian, as the guy facing him, you can't even get motivated for the match. With Christian though- it's actually like not that hard at all, because his attitude like pisses you off so much that you're like "alright, I mean this is going to be easy, but I really want to kick this guys ass just for the sake of kicking this guys ass, because he's such an absolute clown." It's going to be fun bro to slap this guy with a fatter L than I'm used to smoking. I wont even feel bad doing it, because he'll just once again take the L and continue to come back and be on my television the next week somehow. It's like the bro has dirt on Ikeda or something. How else would he still be here, bro? He hasn't done anything that has kept my attention for more than a second, and I'm high LITERALLY ALL THE TIME. I stared at an ant the other day for like 30 seconds, that's like 29 more than I have ever cared to watch Christian for. My hope is that the audience doesn't feel the same way bro, because I want everyone to watch for the duration of this beating I'm about to serve up to this fool. I want everyone to see it, so that people know that The Miz isn't the only member of Bro Awesome that is out here dub hunting, Riddle absolutely is as well!
Michael Cole nodded.
Michael Cole: Dubssss.
The Miz smiled at Cole's new persona.
The Miz: Dubs indeed Cole, dubs indeed. Matty it's well said. I mean I have beaten Christian more than anyone else in this company has, and that is an extensive list. You actually hit the nail on the head with the issue that I've always had with him as well. This guy is the ultimate "who does he think he is?" guy. Like what has he ever done to be confident? What has he ever done to be brash? What has he ever done to think he has any business being in the ring with anyone who has a thumbnails worth of talent, let alone someone like you Matty who can wrestle circles around pretty much anyone in this company. This is going to be yet another embarrassing moment for this jamoak. I mean Christian continuing to wrestle would be like a guy who can't play piano continuing to show up to recitals and just bang on the keys like a moron, in public. Christian is a guy who keep showing up to play- and HE CAN'T PLAY. I would say I respect it, but I really don't. Like save us and everyone the time my man and just stay in your freaking house. Stop showing up to do something you suck at. Really I mean it, and that includes talking. Like stop doing that too, just stop being in the EBWF, you're.. well you're just horrible at it. Go away. I mean it, now works.
Riddle nodded and smiled.
Riddle: Don't worry bro, even if he doesn't listen, I'll do everything I can to get this guy out of all of our lives once and for all. The beating I'm about to issue him on Warfare HOPEFULLY will be enough to drive this bozo away from the company that he clearly doesn't belong in. I'm ready to bounce back, get back on track, and make a statement loud and clear that
The Miz: And I'm THE MIZ
Together: And we're
Riddle: BRO
The scene faded out to an outside shot of the RV on the road.