-Scene 1-
November 1st 2022
Alexa woke up and found herself in a hospital bed,her mouth had the taste of blood,and she felt pain in her entire torso. Alexa looked around the room and saw her best friend Liv Morgan sleeping in a chair next to her.
Alexa Bliss:Li..Liv.
Alexa struggled to get the words due to the pain she was in,Liv woke up and smiled when she saw Alexa.
Liv Morgan:How are you feeling Lexi?
Alexa Bliss:Like I've been run over by a truck.
Liv sighed.
Liv Morgan:Well you have broken ribs and a bruised sternum.
Alexa Bliss:Well that explains it.
Alexa laughed a little but quickly grimaced in pain.
Liv Morgan:I'm so sorry this happened.
Alexa Bliss:It's..not your fault.
Liv began to tear up.
Liv Morgan:I tried so hard to protect you from serious harm and here you are in a hospital bed. I failed.
Alexa reached out and patted Liv on the arm.
Alexa Bliss:Look you did everything you could and if anything it's my fault for being in this situation.
Alexa sighed.
Alexa Bliss:Well i guess I'm gonna be out for a bit but I think I know what I want to do when I get back.
Liv Morgan:What's that.
Alexa smiled.
Alexa Bliss:Take back my title.
-Scene 2-
January 29th 2023
The day had arrived for the second Last Survivor pay-per-view in EBWF history and while everyone else was preparing for the Last Survivor matches Alexa Bliss was focused on taking the Women's championship tonight. Alexa was sitting in her locker room when the scene began.
Alexa Bliss:We are a few hours away Tam,a few hours away from battling it out for the richest prize in Women's professional wrestling the EBWF Women's championship.
Alexa sighed.
Alexa Bliss:Tam it's no secret that you and I have history,A few years ago you and I had a match that left me injured and at the time I was in a very dark place in my life and I took my anger out on you in an extremely violent way. I remember the sight of you laying in Razor Wire screaming in pain…it's a memory that haunts me. Tam I've changed since then and I want you to know that I am really sorry for what I did to you but tonight I'm not gonna hold back,tonight I'm gonna do everything I can to beat you and become a three time EBWF Women's champion.
Alexa smirked.
Alexa Bliss:It's my understanding that there has been questions about some things including my physical health and my focus heading into this match.
Alexa chuckled.
Alexa Bliss:As far as my health goes I'm fine,cleared,and ready to go. My ribs and sternum are healed up. When it comes to my focus I can't let what has happened the last few weeks distracted me from this important match.
Alexa looked directly into the camera.
Alexa Bliss:Tam I really hope you're ready because tonight I'm gonna beat you and become the EBWF Women's champion.
Alexa smiled as the scene faded to black.
Ready(Alexa Bliss)
Ready(Alexa Bliss)
"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan