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Stage Directions Bitch

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:36 pm
by D.J
The Miz had a front row seat to watch Roman Reigns emerge victorious in the Last Survivor match. With the victory Reigns became the #1 contender for the EBWF World Championship. Also in that match was Miz' partner in crime, Matt Riddle. Riddle didn't have much of a showing as he was eliminated from the match by Brock Anderson, the current EBWF Breakout Champion. Riddle wouldn't have to wait long to attempt to get revenge for this somewhat surprising elimination, as he would be going head to head with Brock on the next edition of Warfare. One would have to imagine Riddle would have some thoughts to share.

The scene opened up in a very fancy room. There was a very expensive couch in center frame. After a couple of beats Michael Cole walked into the scene. He was dressed in a tuxedo. His hair was slicked around, and he walked in extremely serious. He sat down on the couch and he had a stack of papers in his hand. He straightened the papers on his knees. After a couple of beats, Riddle came in the open door. He too was dressed in a tuxedo.. well the top of one.. he wore black basketball shorts on the bottom, close enough. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and he walked in very deliberately as if he was trying to be formal.

Michael Cole: AH Matthew! How does this day find you?

Riddle smirked like a middle schooler trying to be serious during a class presentation. He spoke very comfortably as if he was trying hard to play a character.

Riddle: Very well br.. Michael.. very well indeed.. indubitably. We are here today to prove that we are multi- conventional.

Michael Cole: Multi- Demensional.

Riddle: Multi- preventable..

Cole went to correct him again but refrained.

Riddle: You see Michael- Brock Anderson thinks he has me figured out. He thinks I'm just some bro that does nothing but party. I was just so contended when I heard that.

Michael Cole: You mean you were offended.

Riddle: That too. You see Michael, as you can see by my outfit.. I'm very intelligent, I'm very professional, I'm in HALF of a tuxedo.. that's like 34 percent bro. So I don't appreciate being told that I'm some dumb dumb party guy. I already had a score to settle with this Brock Anderson guy, before he even started talking. He eliminated me from the Last Survivor match. I could have been the number 1 offender if I had won.

Michael Cole: I think you're getting those two words mixed up.

Riddle: No Cole! Brock is mixed up if he thinks that he can just eliminate me from that match, call me stupid, and get away with it. I'm not stupid, stupid guys don't sit on couches like this, stupid guys don't get to do candid one on one one interviews with Michael Cole. He's one of the most respected broadcast journalists of all time. I know what you're thinking, hasn't Michael Cole partied with me and Miz as of late? THAT'S how respected he is, that The Miz, the EBWF World Champion, has fully welcomed him into his EXTREMELY exclusive square.

Michael Cole: Circle.

Riddle: Right the squared circle, that's where this match is going to go down with Brock Anderson, Cole. I'm so pumped because for so long, I wanted to break this stigma. I own the fact that I'm not always in a tuxedo. I own the fact that from time to time I like to goof around, and ride my scooter. However, Brock Anderson is going to have to own the fact that he underestimated me as a competitor. I mean he had some pretty nifty trash talk for me earlier, Cole. He told me.. he was going to "beat me in the ring.. one.. two.. three.." he even slapped his hands together when he said it.. it was like he was the ref. Visually this added to the harshness of the chirp. Well Brock, I'm going to beat you one.. two.. three.. four.. how about that? That's two more than three bro!

Michael Cole held up 1 finger to Riddle.

Riddle: Right Cole, we are number 1. Bro Awesome is the best thing in wrestling right now. We got the EBWF Champion, we got the Michael Jordan of Broadcast Journalism, and we got me Riddle- the man who's going to beat Arn Anderson's son into respecting all that I am. Brock don't be mad at me because nobody has ever invited you to a party. Don't talk trash about me because you used to have to eat your lunch in the bathroom stall like, DJ Tanner. Don't be the nerd that comes after the popular guys because you look like a suburb dad who's going to ask me if I want a burger or a hot dog.. because like first of all.. always a burger.. a cheeseburger, what do I look like a psycho? Who gets a hot dog anymore?

Michael Cole nodded.

Michael Cole: Psychos that's who.

Riddle: Exactly, and second of all the only hot dog here is you. Like seriously man, show off a little more, brag a little more. Yes you're the breakout champion, yes you eliminated me from the Last Survivor match. These are things that happened.. but like what do you want a cookie? Cole now all I can picture this guy with a bath robe and tube socks sneaking down stairs for milk and cookies. Does he literally not look like the dad that like keeps stats for his son in little league? The more I think about it, I don't know why we had to come here to prove anything to this guy. We are the coolest guys in this company, why should we care if he thinks we're mess arounds. You know what Cole, Im about to mess around and mess this guy up at Warfare. Then I'm going to smoke a joint- I might even do it in front of him- bring it up at the PTA meeting you dork.

Michael Cole ripped off his tuxedo to reveal black jeans and a Bro Awesome shirt. He put a hat on sideways and popped in a stick of gum. Riddle ripped off his tuxedo top to reveal the same shirt. He undid his pony tail.

Michael Cole: Dork-a- palooza bro.

Riddle nodded and smiled.

Riddle: For realio, Cole. Matches like this pump me up man. I love when a dude who admits he doesn't know me from Adam.. by the way.. who the heck is Adam?

Michael Cole: Adam Levine?

Riddle: Whoa like Maroon 5?

Michael Cole: She will be loved bro.

Riddle: Brock, you have officially tapped on my window and knocked on my door, but I'm not going to make you feel beautiful, I'm going to make you feel as stupid as you think I am. Stupid for talking so much smack, and then admitting that you don't even know me. It would be like you talking smack about making love to a beautiful woman, because he both know you haven't done that either with your local town grocery store manager face of yours. The point is this, you don't know me, so I'm going to introduce myself to you, bro. My name is Matt Riddle, I'm a part of Bro Awesome- and bro.. trust me we really are what the name says we are.. and that's awesome. Much to good, much to experienced, much to tough for someone like you to get over the hump against. Your dad is Arn Anderson, he was a member of the four horsemen, pretty cool, a legend even. You though Brock, you haven't done anything, you haven't accomplished anything that your dad would be proud of. You think Arn Anderson goes to like wrestling reunions and brags about how his son is the EBWF Breakout Champion? I would think he says you're an insurance salesman, since that's what you look like.

Michael Cole: Are you in good hands bro?

Riddle: Yeah Brock, are you? I mean does your dad give you tips? Does your dad call you after matches with feedback. Well trust me on one thing bro, after our match that's going to be oneeee gnarrrllly phone call, because our match is going to be about as one sided as it gets. Our match is going to be a wrestling clinic, it's going to be a display that for some unknown reason, you don't think I'm capable of. Well bro, you may think I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box.

Michael Cole: Cray-cray-ola bro.

Riddle: But I'm smart enough to spot a mismatch when I see one.. and guess what bro... I see one. Me vs. you, is an absolute no contest, mismatch. As always it's going be delightful to prove another hater wrong. When I beat you in this match.. ONE..slaps hands.. TWO.. slaps hands.. THREE.. slaps hands.. FOUR slaps hands.

Michael Cole: Stage Directions bitch.

Riddle: Stage mother effin directions bro. Riddle and Cole fade out.

Riddle and Cole faded out.