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Burn heal

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 8:20 pm
by Juan Ramirez
Narrator: Several years have passed and our hero; a not-so-young-anymore-Trenton…

Chuck Taylor: What a mouthful.

Narrator: Who asked you?

Chuck Taylor:Who named you the narrator of the story?

Narrator: It’s just a convinienc…

Chuck Taylor:Are you even Morgan Freeman?

Narrator: I’m way overqualified for this.

The sound of footsteps can be heard pacing away, a door being shut. A car engine roaring in the distance away from our viewers who until now have been treated to a dark screen. The clicking sound of an arched floor lamp was followed by the appearance of Chuck Taylor, who was rocking some thick bottle bottom glasses he stared straight into the camera rather awkwardly. A brown leather ancient looking book laid on his lap. Chuck coughed to break the uncomfortable silence before glancing at the book.

Chuck Taylor:Alright! Today we would be telling a heartwarming story about a brave child who stood by his beliefs and wrestled around the world to make his dreams come true.

Chuck lifted the book, grunting a bit due to its weight, the camera caught a first shot at the front cover which read:


He flipped through the pages of the book… which were plenty. A whistle escaped his lips as he noticed how much of a heavy read it was.

Chuck Taylor: It’s got a… Buttload of pages! I bet it’s rich in content, I bet it has colorful characters too! So, in order not to offend the colorblind, we’re not reading it… Instead we are listening to an audiobook! Wait, that would offend people with disabled hearing… We’re just gonna sit here and stare coldly into the camera until our on-air time runs out, because that is what we do when we are owned by the son of a sports Tycoon!

Some mumbling can be heard in the background. Chuck removed his glasses, seemingly surprised at the revelation of the new bosses they’re working under.

Chuck Taylor:Well, backdrop me onto a canvas full of thumbtacks. I’d like to personally apologize to our new employer, Wesley Ikeda. DON’TFIREMEPL-

A sudden cut to black was followed by silence. The scene then faded from black suddenly, this time from in between various jars and bottles stored inside a refrigerator. A big jug of milk was moved out of the way by out hero, Trent. Holding the jug on his hand and opening it with his other hand, before putting it to his lips he looked down as if speaking to someone shorter standing next to him, but out of the picture.

Trent: What’s his name again?

Voice out of the picture: Let me double check… PCO.

Trent: What the hell does PCO stand for? Did you google it?

Voice out of the picture: Yeah… Poli Cystic Ovarian syndrome.

Trent scoffed.

Trent: I’ve never been on the Ikeda’s good side, no wonder they want me to cure a fucking disease on my debut match.

Voice out of the picture: You sure…?

Trent: Yeah, I’m screwed.

He took a swig of the jug of milk a voice in the back made him spew some over the floor.

Sue Marasciulo: Greggie, use a glass!

It was his house, he was in his mid thirties, but Trent’s mom was right... And maybe, just maybe she knew how to defeat PCO.

Sue Marasciulo: Oh, Johnny! I didn’t see you there! Have you called your mother yes?

Neither had the viewers seen the man named Johnny. The camera now shifted to a view out of the fridge, a Kitchen, presumably Trent’s. Trent still had the jug on his hand, a bit of milk running down the side of his mouth, next to him the mighty Wheelwoman, Sue Marasciulo and his friend of a thousand battles, eyepatch wearing ‘Azucar’ Rocky Romero.

Rocky Romero: Yes, Sue I did call my mamá.

Trent: Mom, you’re a woman you know... I'm sure if there was a way of circumventing a condition that affects females... You'd knew how to, right?

Sue instantly knew there was something up with her son.

Sue Marasciulo: Where are you going with this?

Trent: How do you beat PCO?

Trent’s mom looked puzzled as she looked at him. Rocky looked on inquiringly through his non-patched eye.

Sue Marasciulo: You know Greggie, there’s natural methods to treat the symptoms, for example a hot bag of water…

Rocky immediately cut her off.

Rocky Romero: You know what could happen if you throw scalding water on him…

Trent: It’d be a tragic supervillain origin story?

Rocky Romero: And you’ll be disqualified.

Trent: No King of the ring for me.

Rocky tapped his two digits against one of his cheeks, pondering.

Rocky Romero: Maybe I could…

Trent: Don’t even...

Sue Marasciulo: You’re going to be King, Greggie? Just don't stop paying your taxes.

Trent: That depends mom. See, I had just signed a new contract with EBWF. And so far things have been looking up so well.

Sue looked concerned.

Sue Marasciulo: Oh, no! How come?

Trent: I wanted to get an interview, but I don’t even know who works here anymore, having not been here for like ten years. All I got is these two cameramen, one I shoved in the fridge, for the opening totally not ripped off from breaking bad opening scene; the other is recording us as I speak.

Trent pointed at the cameraman shooting the scene, Rocky all of a sudden seemed uneasy after glancing at the fridge.

Rocky Romero: Trent…

Trent: I’m not done. Then I return and the stakes are suddenly super high because it’s King of the Ring season and believe me when I tell you there’s nothing I would want more in life than proving my worth, showing everyone how much I have honed my craft in Japan, how much I’ve grown and how much ass I can kick.

Rocky Romero: Trent…

Trent: I’m. Not. Done. See, I’m sure everyone is going to be fighting over this ticket to Summerslam… We’ve got Johnny Gargano, we’ve got Xavier Woods who believe it or not are cheap knockoffs of the gaming ace, Trent. We’ve got Randy Orton who I’ve got a very long and thorough history with. Some new guys who clearly need to be put on their place like Hook, and some others who just need to call it quits… Like Al Snow…

Rocky's concern seemed to grow as he tugged on Trent’s arm a bit more forcefully, Sue seemed mesmerized by her boy’s promo, clearly those Mikey Whipwreck wrestling school lessons had taken him far.

Rocky Romero: Trent?

Trent: Not Now! See? There’s all kinds of people in this tournament, and I’m sure there’s more… PCO, I don’t know if your’e a Gynecological disease or a wrestler. I don’t know if you think you have any chances in this tournament, but let me tell you… The moment you got your name drawn next to mine, those chances went from slim to none, because while you spent your time abbreviating your name, I spent mine--

Sue Marasciulo: Adding a question mark to yours?

Trent was caught aback for a moment, but followed up after his mom's comment.

Trent: Yes, but also wrestling. Wrestling the very best in the world, bleeding, sweating and selling out pay per views.

Rocky Romero: Trent!

Trent: One sec, Rock. I’m almost done. See? While you carried toy belts around dirty gymnasiums I was holding onto the most prestigious tag belts in the industry. Here on EBWF? I’ve seen ‘em come and go, I’ve seen em all, I’ve beaten em all. So even though I’m younger than you, I’ll be the one taking you to school. See, when my phone rings it could be anyone like Kazuchika ####ing Okada… When your phone rings… Its probably the AARP. So come Monday night, yo better rethink your life choices so far, better recalibrate on what your aspirations here in EBWF are because after I’m done with you, it’s back to square one. I don’t do catchphrases, but I’ll definitely let your face catch my knee at Warfare.

Rocky Romero: Trent?

Trent: What!!!!

Rocky pointed to the frozen cameraman, who had probably stood inside the fridge too long to get the proper shots for the scene.

Trent: Anybody’s got any burn heal?

Rocky Romero: ...What?

Rocky looked puzzled, Sue shook her head. Trent just sighed and ran a hand along his head.

Trent: Nothing. Roll credits.

Re: Burn heal

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 8:13 am
by D.J

Re: Burn heal

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 2:15 pm
by Ben M
This was great! Haha.

Welcome back, Juanito <3