The Hayteful Chronicles 002 - Watch Liv Go Down in Flames

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Becky Lynch
Posts: 173
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:06 pm

The Hayteful Chronicles 002 - Watch Liv Go Down in Flames

Post by Becky Lynch »

On the previous edition of the EBWF’s flagship show, Monday Night Warfare, Oedo Tai member Jamie Hayter found herself in the ring opposing an old nemesis. She found herself facing off against Tam Nakano. In the past leading up to last week, their battles were epic. They were stiff, hard-hitting, and just downright brutal. Last week, there seemed be a difference in Jamie Hayter. It seems as though that her joining the reformed Oedo Tai, the very same legendary faction that she was a part of in Japan, had awoken something inside of her. Last Monday night, Jamie seemed a lot more focused and was much more intent on destroying her opponent, Tam Nakano.

As with their past battles, this latest chapter between Jamie and Tam proved to be a physical excursion. The two put each other through hell. Like their past battles, this one also proved to be a stiff, hard-hitting, and brutal encounter. With the re-energized Jamie Hayter, she proved to be too much for Tam Nakano. Despite the more vicious Jamie beating her from pillar to post, Tam managed to gain the upper hand but it was only until Jamie’s partner interfered and attacked the Women’s Champion, causing a disqualification. While the battle ended in the favor of the Women’s Champion, it was Jamie that won the war by leaving Tam a broken heap.

Now, one week later, Jamie Hayter of Oedo Tai finds herself in a match against a member of another faction. Jamie finds herself going one on one with one of the Rebellious Angels, Liv Morgan. So, will people watch Liv win or will she become just another victim of the HAYTERADE?
“I am the shadow, I am tomorrow…
I am the hero with a buggy whip…”

“Teenage Nosferatu Pussy” by Rob Zombie hits the PA System and the crowd instantly gets to their collective feet, beginning to boo. The entrance curtain opens, and Jamie Hayter walks out onto the stage. She’s clad in a black pair of jeans, a pair of black boots, and a purple Oedo Tai shirt. The mere sight of Jamie causes the reaction from the negative reaction from the crowd to intensify. She makes her way down the entrance ramp with a purpose.

“Please welcome at this time…” Christy Hemme begins. “Representing Oedo Tai, JAMIE HAYTER!!!”

“Last Monday night on Warfare, Jamie Hayter took on the Women’s Champion, Tam Nakano but there was something different about Jamie last week.” Mauro Ranallo says.

“Yeah, last week, Jamie displayed some of that tremendous viciousness that carried her well during her time in Japan, and I think that Oedo Tai reawakened that side of her. If that’s true, then everyone in EBWF beware.” Nigel McGuinness says matter of factly.

Jamie makes it to ringside with great haste and climbs up onto the apron. She enters the ring and is handed a microphone by Christy Hemme. Christy leaves the ring and Jamie raises her microphone as “Teenage Nosferatu Pussy” by Rob Zombie fades out.

“Last week on Monday Night Warfare, I faced off against the Women’s Champion, Tam Nakano, in another long-awaited match between us. She learned very quickly that it wasn’t the same Jamie that she had faced before.” Jamie says. “I had her dead to rights. There shouldn’t have been any way that she could stand up to me, but she managed to do just that. It was the most fluke win that she ever got. In the end, she failed to put me away, because I’m still here and I’m still standing. She might have won the battle, but I won the war. The next time I face her, I’ll destroy her.” Jamie says as she looks into the camera with an angry glare on her face.

“Now, with that out of the way, I can focus on tonight.” Jamie says, changing the subject. “I go from facing the Women’s Champion last week to facing another victim this week. Liv Morgan.” Jamie says and the crowd breaks out into a cheering fit, causing Jamie to shake her head.

“Liv, I know you’re back there. I know you’re watching while you prepare for tonight. I know that you’re living in some kind of fantasy world where you’ll emerge victorious. That’s compounded by you worrying about one of your friends, Alexa Bliss. I know that Alexa is one of the people that encourages you and helps you try to overcome any obstacle, but tonight?” A cruel smirk forms on the face of Jamie.

“Tonight will be different for you, because your pint-sized friend is gone. Even if she were around, there wouldn’t be much she can do to save you from my onslaught. Like I’ve said, I’m not the same Jamie that I was before. Oedo Tai has awakened the beast from within and nothing on this planet or in the cosmos can stop me. What you’ll see before you tonight before your brutalization is the most powerful woman in wrestling. You’ll get the most dangerous woman in wrestling, and when that bell rings, I won’t stop until you drop.”

Jamie looks into the camera with a smirk. “So, think about what lies ahead of you. I’m the most powerful woman in wrestling. Think of all the powerhouses in women’s wrestling that have come before me in this business. Chyna. Jazz. Beth Phoenix. Natalya. Awesome Kong. Not one of them could match power with me. So, wonder to yourself how you got into this, and while you’re wondering, I’ll knock your head off with the HAYTERADE. When I’m done with you, you can pick up your head in the fifth row.”

“You’re nothing more than lamb walking to the proverbial slaughter and when I’m done with you, there won’t be anything. You see, joining Oedo Tai has helped me. It helped me get back to form. Reforming Oedo Tai feeds me the fuel that I need for the fire to burn inside of me, and it’s burning. The old Jamie Hayter has returned, and that spells doom for everyone in my way.”

Jamie glares into the camera. “Liv, you aren’t the first victim but you will be the next. The pain and anguish that you will endure will be otherworldly because I won’t stop hitting you until I knock you the fuck out. The only thing you can do is lie down and pray that I don’t beat you to death, but that won’t stop me. It also won’t cause me to take pity on you, because you’re dealing with the most ruthless woman in wrestling. I won’t stop and I can’t stop until I’ve made an example out of you, and that’s exactly what I’ll do.”

“Like your midget friend Alexa, you have the uncanny ability to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, but I’m not going to give you such a luxury this week. I’m focused, I’m pissed off, I’m dangerous, and I’m going to set an example by beating you within an inch of your life.”

“You like to run around and say ‘Watch me.’ Well, we’ll all watch you. We’ll watch you as you’re loaded into an ambulance and sent on your last ride. Despair and destruction looms in the near future, and you will be the next casualty of Oedo Tai courtesy of Jamie Hayter.”
Daffney: 1975-2021
Becky Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2020, 2021), Women's Last Survivor (2024), EBWF Women's Champion (1-Time), Best Actress (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Most Violent Scene in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Villain in a Film (2021, 2022, 2024), Best Antihero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Hero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Allysin Kay Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2022)