Broken Dreams

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Broken Dreams

Post by Ashlee »

The EBWF exclusive joined Trish Stratus backstage in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She had an oversized powder makeup brush in her hand, and she ran it over her cheeks. The reflection of her eyes in the mirror caught the camera. She ran the brush over her nose, and then rolled her eyes.

Trish Stratus: I suppose you want me to say something?

She sighed.

Trish Stratus: Should I address Tam? Should I address Arisa? Should I address the basement dwellers who spent all week on the internet saying, “Oh, remember when Trish said she didn’t have anything to prove?”

Trish flipped her hair, and turned in her chair so she was facing the camera. She crossed her right leg over her left and rubbed her temples with her well manicured fingers.

Trish Stratus: I don’t really have to explain myself to anyone, so let me just address Arisa. Arisa Hoshiki knows what’s up. She is one of the absolute best in this business today. EBWF is lucky to have her, and I know she’s going to take me to the absolute limit here tonight. And she’s going to have her time. She won’t be denied her time, but the problem for Arisa is that her time is not quite yet.

She shrugged.

Trish Stratus: I know I’m in for a fight, Arisa. And what’s better, I know you feel slighted so you have something to fight for too. You’d be a full not to prepare for this matchup to the fullest extent. I respect you, and you’ve said enough for me to know that you respect me too. That’s what I appreciate about you, Hoshiki. You’re not concerned with whether or not I’m a good guy or a bad guy. You’re smart enough to know that none of that matters. I’m a legend. That’s the only qualifier I need.

She smirked.

Trish Stratus: I guess you really think you’ve pulled some type of “gotcha” by pointing out that I’ve taken a well deserved break this year. I had to go home as to not outshine the rest of the women’s division. You’re welcome! And while yes, it’s true that you eliminated me from Last Survivor, and yes, you eliminated me from Queen of the Ring, but let me remind you… when you have my resume then you get to call your shots, Arisa. When you’re Trish Stratus, you don’t have to win silly tournaments and form a line behind the women’s champion. No, I am always at the front of the line.

She laughed.

Trish Stratus: It’s so cute that you think I cut though. I literally created the line, sweetie! You’re lucky you even get to stand in it. There would be no line without me, and if that makes you sick, maybe you should go home until you’re feeling better, because I don’t find it at all surprising that you can’t handle a little competition. I don’t find it all surprising that when things don’t go exactly your way you want to throw a tantrum. That’s the problem with your generation. You think just because you’ve wrestled all over the world, and you’re so, so talented, that everything should just be fair.

Trish put her hand up, presumably waiving Arisa off. Something came over her. She seemed to slightly lose her resolve.

Trish Stratus: Life isn’t fair. Do you think it was fair, Arisa, when Becky Lynch hired a poor doppelgänger to play Trish Stratus on the big screen and then her and her merry band of goons proceeded to murder that look alike for the entire world, including my daughter, to see? Was that fair? Was it fair that I didn’t even know how to continue after that? Was it fair that all my momentum, all of my screen time, all of my passion for this business died with that hack actress that was supposed to be me. So excuse the hell out of me, Arisa, that I wasn’t here to entertain you, while I tried to figure out if it was even worth my effort. If this world even still wanted me anymore.

She pushed her hair out of her face.

Trish Stratus: Maybe all that matters though, is that I still want it. And if that means waltzing to the front of the line? I’ve earned that right. I’m better than you. I’m better than you on my worst day. I’ve forgotten more about what it means to be a woman in this business than you’ve ever known. I’m going to keep you fighting for your life, Arisa. It’s what you do best isn’t it. Just barely getting by. Just by the skin of your teeth. I saw the shock on your face when you eliminated me from the Queen of the Ring tournament. You didn’t even quite believe in yourself. Do you believe in yourself now? Do you think you’re better than me?

Trish licked her top lip, deep in thought. She seemed torn.

Trish Stratus: Now, trust me. I’ve heard what you have to say, but do you believe it? Truly? Because I think you know I had my reasons for walking away when I did, and the fact that I’ve decided to grace this ring, this business on my terms? That’s a victory in and of itself. I want more. I thought I was out of goals in this business, Arisa, but it turns out I’m not. Not only do I want to remain the longest reigning women’s champion in EBWF History… I am making it my mission to ensure that Becky Lynch NEVER becomes EBWF Women’s Champion as long as I have air in my body. You, Tam, whoever else is in my way. So it works, how I say it works. Because this is personal to me. And it doesn’t matter that I think you’re talented, and lovely, and a deserving Queen of the Ring. What matters is that it is my mission to make sure that Becky Lynch wakes up every damn day knowing that I am, and always have been, exactly who I say I am. Better. Than. Her.

Trish looked remorseful for a moment.

Trish Stratus: If I could not end your dreams while I did it, Arisa, I swear I would find a way. But this is the only way. Because maybe you’re right. Maybe I showed weakness by letting Becky, Liv and Alexa drive me away from the only constant in my life, but unlike you, I learned from my mistakes. Because you may pick yourself up and keep fighting, Arisa, but you’re broken, in pain, and should know better. You should still be licking your wounds, healing, regrouping. Maybe you should have even listened to those doctors who said you shouldn’t be here. I don’t know. That’s not for me to decide. If it’s the truth though, Arisa, I’m going to find a way to exploit it.

Trish looked regretful as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

Trish Stratus: I think the whole world knows that I can play the babyface or I can play the bitch. But, right now? I’m neither. I’m just doing what needs to be done. And I’m not asking. I’m telling. Because it works exactly that way, Arisa. Because you may have earned a title shot, but I’ve earned the right. And if you’re the fighter you say you are, Arisa, you shouldn’t have any problem with fighting me for the Women’s Championship instead of Tam. After all, you’ve been in my way all this time. You’ve bested me already. What’s the matter? You afraid? Worried that you might lose it all?

Trish’s smirk returned.

Trish Stratus: Just like that.

Trish snapped her fingers and turned back toward the mirror, she picked up a lipstick and began to apply it as the scene faded to black.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote