Tam Nakano: Final Boss Conference

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Tam Nakano: Final Boss Conference

Post by Utami »

The conference room at the hotel is filled to the brim with members of the media. There's a buzz in the air as they await the arrival of their expected guest. When the door finally swings open all eyes are glued on Tam Nakano as she enters. On the eve of her next title defense, the champion arrives in style, wearing a fancy black dress and carrying the EBWF Women's Championship on her shoulder. AZM is in tow as Tam gingerly takes a seat in front of the Fanniversary backdrop. After setting the title down before her, Tam casually motions to the assembled reporters.

TAM: The press conference for the cutest Final Boss in the Cosmos and greatest EBWF Women's Champion of all time starts now. Make it quick, Tam's got important things to do.

REPORTER 1: Tam, Fanniversary marks one year since you won your second EBWF Women's Championship. How does it feel heading into the biggest show of the year the way you finished last Fanniversary?

Tam grins at the simple question.

TAM: Isn't it obvious? It feels fantastic. My biggest goal when I returned last year was to return to the top of EBWF. Sitting here now, still champion, I'm comfortable and confident that I am the undeniable face of women's wrestling. Sure, maybe it gets annoying at times dealing all the attention.. who am I kidding? I love the attention. No one deserves the spotlight more than Tam! The fact that I have remained the top star in this sport means everything is right in the world. End of story.

REPORTER 2: The women's division has become deeper and even more competitive since you became champion last year. What do you think of the new landscape of EBWF and are there any potential challengers you want to face should you retain?

Tam sighs and her eyes narrow a bit as she responds.

TAM: Hold on, I wouldn't say that much has changed at all. I've run through this entire division for the past year. None of the so called stars in this company have been able to keep up. They might talk a big game and have delusional fans who think they're better than they are, but they're mostly garbage. They should be thankful that Tam is here to clean things up. Otherwise the whole place would fall apart and be embarrassing. Every last one of the girls in the back - yes, girls not women - need to take a hard look at themselves and get better. And when they think they've done that, Tam will test them and break them like always. EBWF is Tam's House now, and with Oedo Tai I run the division. Period.

REPORTER 3: You're facing your former tag team partner and friend Arisa Hoshiki at Fanniversary. Can you tell us where your mind is at as you prepare to face a woman who's been on a roll this year?

Tam snorts at the question.

TAM: A Friend? Look, Hoshiki is and always has been a sidekick who thinks she's the star and weasels her way into more attention than she deserves. When we teamed up it was always Tam doing the heavy lifting and Hoshiki stealing the spotlight. Back home, she came back out of nowhere and forced herself between me and someone I looked up to. She stole that spot from me, just like she's trying to steal my spot now. It's not going to happen. At home she broke herself down, here I'm going to do the breaking for her.

Tam's face is full of malice as she continues.

TAM: As for being on a roll, that rolling sure doesn't last long. So she won Last Survivor and Queen of the Ring, big deal. The only thing that makes her is slightly less garbage than everyone else. She's still too stupid to realize that she'll never beat me again. Two times she's come after me and two times I've put her down. This time it'll be for good.

REPORTER 4: Are you saying that you're planning to end her career?

Tam rolls her eyes.

TAM: I wouldn't have to try even if I wanted to. It's just the facts. Her body couldn't hold up to being champion three years ago. It could barely keep itself together each time she lost to me here. Now that I'm done being nice and smiley, she's going to get Tam at her most dangerous. She was out two months the last time she shared a ring with me. This time she'll probably just dissolve into dust by the time I'm done with her. And I'd be doing you all a favor, too. We don't need a has been clinger on whose body can't keep up with the sport around here. You're welcome in advance.

REPORTER 5: What do you have to say to people who question your reign after your match with Trish Stratus at Gateway to Glory?

Tam scowls and grabs the title protectively.

TAM: They can all shut their mouths. Trish couldn't get the job done, just like all these other girls couldn't. If she's upset that the most dominant woman in wrestling beat her down, she can go cry in the back. Grow up. I earned this spot, and the fact that I've gone undefeated since returning here last summer makes me the Final Boss. And if you don't like it, too bad. Everyone needs to get better before the run their mouth about Tam not deserving this spot.

She then stood up, draping the belt over her shoulder.

TAM: This press conference is over. Please look forward to Tam destroying Hoshiki yet again.

With that she and AZM stormed out of the room to a flurry of unanswered questions.