The scene opened in a dimly lit part of the arena where Nikki Cross was standing,thinking about her match with Britt Baker on Warfare.
Nikki Cross: Britt,Britt,Britt it's funny,you are funny. You tell jokes about getting a title shot and beating Nikki tonight.
Nikki let out a deranged giggle.
Nikki Cross: Doc I've never played with a dentist before,I wonder what games we can play.
Nikki thought about it for a moment.
Nikki Cross: Maybe Nikki can put a string on all of your teeth and pull them out,watching all the blood pouring out of your gums would be something to behold. Maybe Nikki can test the strength of your teeth by tapping them with a lead pipe. Maybe Nikki can…maybe Nikki..can.
Nikki seems troubled as she's in thought.
Nikki Cross: Hm I can't think of any other teeth related games,well whatever game we play it's a shame that Nikki won't be able to hear your jokes afterwards,the joke about taking the title is my favorite of all of them. Britt in all seriousness, if anyone is facing Becky for the Women's Championship it's me. A few years ago Becky abandoned me,she left me all alone in the world and I have made it my mission to take everything away from her,everything important to her,everything and everyone she loves in this world it all has to be taken away. Becky has to pay for what she did to Nikki and unfortunately for you Britt it means Nikki has to crush your dreams tonight.
Nikki began playing with her hair.
Nikki Cross: I'm sorry Doc, maybe if there was another way I would take it but there's not and to get what Nikki wants,Nikki has to destroy you in the middle of the ring tonight on Warfare.
Suddenly The Instant Classic Christian Cage walked up to Nikki,putting a hand on her shoulder.
Christian Cage: You don't have to be sorry Nikki,Britt Baker is no different than most of the women on the EBWF roster. She's convincing,selfish,a glory hog. She will do anything to get ahead including abandoning her friends,The truth is she's
Nikki's face twisted with anger and she let out a crazed scream as she ran off. Christian smirked and chucked as the Scene faded to black.
No Different
No Different

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan