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Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 11:37 pm
by Cory
It was an early day at the Allstate Arena for Damian Priest. exclusive interviews, workouts, and conversations about match choreography. Damian had just wrapped up a one on one interview with Michael Cole, to be added to the video package hyping up his match with CM Punk for the EBWF World Championship. It was lunchtime, and Damian grabbed his stuff and headed back towards the garage, where his Harley cruiser was parked, with the plan to get a bite to eat, and then get another workout in at a local Chicago gym. Damian had his helmet tucked underneath his arm, and his title belt in his other hand. As he walked toward his bike, he noticed someone studying the motorcycle. His eyebrow raised and he was about to ask the person to leave until he got closer and realized who was checking out his practically brand new Harley 2024 Hydra Glide Revival..

The man was wearing motorcycle boots and dark washed denim with a plain black tee that was loose in the midsection, but strained a bit in the upper body against his wrestler’s build. He was facing Damian, but didn’t look up as he leaned over to run his finger over the custom Harley logo on the gas tank. He cocked his head inquisitively before he sensed the movement in front of him, and looked up. He was usually surrounded by people, so to see him standing there alone was so unusual that Damian almost didn’t register that he was talking to him.

Wes Ikeda: This your machine?

He tipped his chin toward the helmet. Damian's helmet was a black Gargoyle with a full face cover, and he hung it off the brake lever before nodding to Wes.

Damian Priest: Yeah, man. Good weather so I figured I'd cruise here. Thanks for buying it for me.

Wes chuckled.

Wes Ikeda: Naw, that was all your grind. I just sign the checks. They don’t come in this color, that purple bleeding into that blue is nice. I sent a picture to my son.

His grin hadn’t faltered.

Wes Ikeda: I got a blue MV Agusta in my garage, but always end up on my Harley. You been riding for a long time?

Damian's eyes widened, clearly impressed. He nodded slightly, both in approval and affirming Wes' question.

Damian Priest: Definitely, dog. I rode a beater for years before I got this guy a couple months back. Rode with a couple of guys back in my Ring of Honor days. Even rode with Kevin Sullivan once. That was a trip.

Wes Ikeda: Well, there’s a name I only hear on conspiracy theory podcasts these days. I’ll need to hear about that trip sometime. We’ve only really met a couple times in front of the suits and production, right? I keep telling myself things will slow down, and then they just never do. You prefer Luis or you like keepin’ kayfabe alive?

Damian chuckled as he folded his EBWF World Championship belt and placed it into one of the leather side storage containers on the rear of his Harley.

Damian Priest: Luis is totally fine, though I'll look up to both. Old school guys call me Damian and I'm cool with it.

Wes Ikeda: I get that. I look up to Mr. Ikeda, but I don’t prefer it.

He extended his hand.

Wes Ikeda: Wes.

Damian shook his hand firmly.

Damian Priest: It's a pleasure, man. I watched a lot of your film when I was training at the Monster Factory back in the day.

Wes Ikeda: Larry Sharpe, rest his soul. He probably showed my tapes in a seminar he called “how not to break your neck”, but I guess I’ve managed not to, so you should be alright.

Damian laughed and nodded.

Damian Priest: Yeah, there was a whole segment of film for guys working smaller than their size. You can imagine that piqued my interest.

Wes Ikeda: I like that. Chris introduced me to Rey in early 2000. He told me anyone could do the springboard spike hurricanrana if their opponent timed it right, and I never looked back. Trusted way too many idiots in hindsight.

The left side of his mouth lifted slightly in a smirk. He seemed to remember something.

Wes Ikeda: You were trying to get out of here. Sorry to keep you. I’m assuming you meet with Paul and JR for production later today?

Damian nodded.

Damian Priest: 2:30. Figured I'd grab a bite and hit a gym up before I found out what I was doing.

Wes nodded back.

Wes Ikeda: Well, I hope you can respect that I’m not the kind of guy who will run into you unexpectedly, shake your hand, make small talk about your bike and walk away like I don’t know a thing. I hope you don’t take it too hard, but it’s Punk. Iron’s too hot. Gate’s too big. Timing was too right. And I want you out of Chicago alive. You’re doing a great job, this isn’t a demotion. The truth is, you’re a guy who can go every week so putting you in the tournament with Adam Cole, Aiden, Edge, Randy… it might not be a call that feels good, but it’s the right one.

Damian looked away for a moment as he processed the news, scratching the stubble on his chin before finally nodding.

Damian Priest: Honestly, figured it was probably 50/50 either way this time around.

Wes Ikeda: Randy told Paul that if we went with Phil he wanted you to know that it wasn’t stroke. He didn’t give a shit about his record being broken. And I know it’s no secret that me and Phil have a history, but it’s not a matter of trust. It’s a matter of the company making more money in the slowest time of the year, so we can all have bigger pay days come October.

Damian nodded again, putting his hands up.

Damian Priest: Look, y'all rolled out the red carpet for me when I came on board. The streak, last year's tournament, the title. It's been a ride. So I'm grateful either way. Punk's money, totally makes sense to me. I'm not gonna turn down a chance at a higher paycheck either. This baby needs a lot of chrome polish.

He casually tapped the handlebar of his Harley.

Wes Ikeda: Paulie told me you were a class act. I uh, get yelled at by dudes much smaller than you on a regular basis, so I appreciate the break. Just know you factor into all our plans, deal?

He stuck out his hand again. Damian shook it firmly.

Damian Priest: I ain't worried. Thanks for the heads up, by the way. I appreciate you letting me know.

Wes Ikeda: Yeah, you bet. You can tell Paul and Jim I talked to ya already. They’re still going to be interested in what you think about a finish. Once they talk to Punk, you two can even sit down if you want. He only looks like he bites. I appreciate you. Have a good one.

Wes walked around the front of the bike, and Damian threw his leg over. Wes got a few feet away, and then turned back as if he forgot something.

Wes Ikeda: Next Monday after the show, Chris and I got a late flight out. Let us get you a round. Not too many guys around that knew Larry Sharpe anymore, and you’ll have to catch us up on how Danny Cage is doing with the whole thing. Plus, the only person who wants to hear that Kevin Sullivan story more than me, is gonna be Chris.

Damian chuckled as he kicked the starter pedal and the engine roared to life.

Damian Priest: Deal.

He put on his helmet and gave the accelerator lever a few pumps as he turned the bike around and rode off. Damian felt good despite the end result. Wes seemed like a stand up guy, unlike his previous boss. Whatever happened in the King of the Ring tournament this year, he felt confident that this company was going to do right by him.