Warfare Results - 05/20/2024

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Warfare Results - 05/20/2024

Post by Ashlee »


Mauro Ranallo: Get Ready Folks… it’s time for Warfare!

The pyro went off all over the stage at the Allstate Arena, and Chicago was on their feet as the spotlight settled on Christy Hemme in the center of the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is a first-round match in the King of the Ring tournament and is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Plainview, New York, weighing in at 201 pounds, He…is…Hook!

Mauro Ranallo: The cold-hearted handsome devil, Hook, is making his way to the ring. He’s been on a tear recently, Nigel, but tonight he faces his toughest challenge yet.

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Hook is a prodigy with a mix of raw talent and ruthless aggression, but he’s up against a legend in Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Victoria, Texas, weighing in at 252 pounds, Stone Cold Steve Austin!

The glass shattered and the crowd cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: Here comes the Texas Rattlesnake! The arena is on fire, and you can feel the intensity radiating from Stone Cold.

Nigel McGuinness: Austin is a master of mind games and brawling, but can he overcome the youthful vigor and technical prowess of Hook?

The bell rang and the crowd was already roaring. Austin and Hook circled each other, the atmosphere electric. They locked up, and Austin quickly transitioned into a headlock. Hook pushed him into the ropes and Austin came back with a shoulder block, knocking Hook down.

Mauro Ranallo: Stone Cold making an impact early with that shoulder block.

Hook got up quickly, unfazed. They locked up again, and this time, Hook slipped behind Austin, applying a waistlock. Austin threw an elbow, but Hook ducked and hit a snap German suplex, sending Austin sprawling.

Nigel McGuinness: What a suplex by Hook! He’s showing no fear against the Rattlesnake.

Austin rolled out of the ring to regroup, pacing around before climbing back in. They tied up again, and Austin went for a knee to the gut, doubling Hook over. Austin hit a few clubbing blows to Hook’s back and whipped him into the corner. Austin followed with a running clothesline, then started stomping a mudhole in Hook.

Mauro Ranallo: Vintage Stone Cold, stomping a mudhole in Hook and walking it dry!

Austin dragged Hook out of the corner and set up for a suplex, but Hook blocked it and countered with a suplex of his own. Hook quickly transitioned into a mounted position and started raining down punches on Austin.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook with the ground and pound, turning the tables on Stone Cold!

Austin managed to shove Hook off and got to his feet, but Hook charged and hit a devastating T-bone suplex. Hook covered.One... two... kick out! Austin kicked out with authority, but Hook stayed on him, locking in a crossface. Austin gritted his teeth, trying to fight out of the hold. The crowd was on the edge of their seats.

Mauro Ranallo: Hook has that crossface locked in tight! Can Austin find a way out?

Austin used his veteran instincts, slowly inching towards the ropes. He finally grabbed the bottom rope, and the referee called for the break. Hook released the hold but quickly went back on the attack, stomping on Austin’s back.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook is relentless, not giving Stone Cold a moment to breathe.

Hook lifted Austin and whipped him into the ropes, but Austin reversed it. Austin went for a Lou Thesz Press, but Hook caught him mid-air and countered with a spinebuster. Hook wasted no time, going for the Redrum submission.

Mauro Ranallo: Hook is looking to lock in the Redrum! This could be it!

Hook locked in the Redrum, and Austin was caught in the middle of the ring. He struggled, reaching out for the ropes but they were too far away. Austin tried to power out, but Hook tightened the hold, wrenching back with all his strength.

Nigel McGuinness: Stone Cold is in serious trouble! Can he hang on?

Austin made one last valiant effort to break free, but the pain was too much. With no other option, he tapped out.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s it! Ring the bell!

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, by submission, Hook!

Mauro Ranallo: Hook has done it! He’s defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin in the first round of the King of the Ring tournament!

Nigel McGuinness: What a match, Mauro! Hook just made a huge statement by submitting a legend like Stone Cold.

Hook stood tall in the ring, his arm raised in victory, as the crowd reacted with a mixture of shock and awe.

Mauro Ranallo: An incredible victory for Hook, but you have to respect the fight that Stone Cold brought tonight.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook advances in the King of the Ring tournament, and this young man’s future looks brighter than ever. What a performance!

The camera focused on Hook celebrating in the ring as the show cuts to a commercial, leaving the audience buzzing from the unexpected outcome.


“Drama over the Limit” hit and the fans popped for the arrival of Io Shirai. Io burst out onto the entrance ramp, a confident grin on her face. After striking her ‘Let’s go!’ pose, she marched down to the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is a Queen of the Ring tournament match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Tokyo, Japan... Io Shirai!

Io posed atop the corner post as the fans continued to cheer. The mood changed significantly as “Oedo Ranbu” hit and the camera switched back to the ramp. Himeka emerged with an Oedo Tai t-shirt over her gear, face cold and focused. Tam Nakano was right behind her, grinning ear to ear. As Himeka headed to the ring, Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley emerged from the back as well. With Oedo Tai in full force, things immediately looked bad for the Joshi Ace.

Christy Hemme: And her opponent, representing Oedo Tai, ‘Dangerous Princess’ Himeka!

Oedo Tai posed at the bottom of the ramp, and then Tam gave Himeka some instructions. With a nod, Himeka climbed into the ring and tossed her t-shirt to the outside. The ref checked both women and called for the bell.

Nigel McGuinness: The 2024 Queen of the Ring tournament is kicking off in high gear with this intense matchup.

Mauro Ranallo: Io Shirai has been at war with Oedo Tai since her arrival in January, and tonight could easily - MAMMA MIA!!

Io stepped out of her corner and immediately got folded in half by a spear from Himeka! Boos rained down as Himeka ripped Io off the mat by the hair and hurled her clear across the ring! Io managed to get back to her feet, but Himeka was right there to turn her inside out with a lariat from hell. Himeka covered - only two! She smirked as she pulled Io up off the mat and tossed Io to the center of the ring with a release German suplex.

Unrelenting, Himeka stalked Io and pulled her back off the mat - another German suplex! Io looked dead in the water, which clearly delighted Tam. At the Final Boss' encouragement, Himeka signaled for the end. She picked Io up off the mat - JP Coaster - no! Io countered with a hurricanrana! Both women were down and Io kipped up to a massive pop from the crowd.

She taunted Himeka to bring it on, which the larger woman did with a lariat. Io matrix-evaded it, ending up behind Himeka and hitting a bridging German suplex. It was only two, and Himeka used the momentum from her kickout to roll out of the ring. At barked orders from Tam, Rhea went to check on Himeka while Io moved to the ring apron. Seeing the duo there, she grinned and springboarded to the top rope - and right into red mist from Tam!

Mauro Ranallo: Come on! This is blatant interference by Oedo Tai, that should be an immediate DQ.

Nigel McGuinness: Oedo Tai are experts at the numbers game, and it's going to cost Io Shirai her chance to become Queen of the Ring!

However, the referee didn't see the attack as he was busy warning Jamie on the other side of the ring. Io fell to the apron, clutching her face; Rhea pulled her off the apron and hit a powerbomb to the arena floor. Himeka soon recovered enough to hurl Io into the ring steps hard enough to dislodge them. Rhea then pulled a chair out from under the ring and set it up. No one took a seat though - Tam instead pulled Io into position... Violet Screwdriver onto the chair!

The boos were deafening as Io lay motionless atop the twisted wreckage of the chair. Tam could be heard screaming, “It’s over Io! Oedo Tai wins!” Meanwhile, the ref had enough of Jamie and ejected her from ringside. He then turned to Tam and Rhea and gave them the same treatment. Tam feigned protest but casually walked to the back with Rhea and Jamie.

While the ref watched them go, there was another pop from the crowd. Himeka was standing over Io, ready to throw her in the ring - and then suddenly collapsed to the ground. A moment later, we saw Utami Hayashishita standing over her with a chair in hand. Knowing time was of the essence, Utami pulled Himeka up - Hijack Bomb onto the ring steps! She then leapt the ringside barrier just as the ref turned around to check on the competitors.

With both women down, he began to count. Though the crowd counted along with him, some people chanting Io's name, neither woman stirred. Seeing little other choice, the ref counted to 10 and called for the bell.

Mauro Ranallo: This is not how anyone wanted our first Queen of the Ring match to end.

Nigel McGuinness: Oedo Tai's actions have gotten far out of hand! Utami Hayashishita seems determined to stop them, but at what cost?

Mauro Ranallo: This match is going to have ripple effects on the whole tournament, Nigel. With Io Shirai and Himeka eliminated, the winner of the first round contest between Natalya and Nikki Cross… or whoever is selected to replace Nikki now she is the number one contender for the Women’s Championship… will advance straight to the semi finals. Whoever wins that contest may have just become the new favorite to win the tournament.”

Himeka managed to reach her feet and her face fell as she realized what had happened. Utami waved playfully, then hopped the barrier to help Io back to her feet. At that, a graphic was shown for the upcoming King of the Ring match between MJF and The Miz.


Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we've got Maxwell Jacob Friedman in action as he goes one on one with The Miz!

MJF made his way to the ring first, followed by The Miz. When both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. The Miz started with a quick approach, attempting to catch MJF off guard with a series of punches. MJF fought back with some right hands of his own then hit an arm wringer, twisting The Miz's arm and bringing him to his knees. MJF followed up with a body slam, then stomped on Miz several times.

Mauro Ranallo: An aggressive start here by MJF! He doesn't just want to beat Miz... he wants to hurt him.

Nigel McGuinness: MJF will do whatever it takes to win, Mauro... I think he wants to prove a point with a dominant victory here tonight.

MJF set Miz up for a suplex, but Miz blocked it, then hit a quick DDT that planted MJF onto the mat. After pulling MJF to his feet and whipping him into the corner, Miz hit a corner clothesline, then followed up with a series of punches in the corner. Miz pulled MJF out of the corner and set him up for the Skull Crushing Finale... MJF countered, slipping free and hitting The Miz with a pendulum backbreaker.

Mauro Ranallo: What a counter by MJF! The tide has turned once again in this thrilling first-round match!

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz is no slouch, but MJF is showing his resilience here tonight in Chicago.

MJF followed up with a back suplex, then applied a Boston Crab, causing The Miz to writhe in pain. Miz was able to get to the ropes, and the referee ordered MJF to break the hold. MJF did so, but when Miz was back on his feet, MJF lifted him up, hitting a brainbuster! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Miz kicked out! After taunting Miz, MJF set him up for the Double Cross, but The Miz narrowly escaped and rolled MJF up! The referee counted - 1... 2... MJF kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Miz almost stole a victory there!

Nigel McGuinness: That was a close call for MJF!

As both men got to their feet, they exchanged right hands back and forth. Miz gained the upper hand, and went for the Skull-Crushing Finale once more... but MJF countered, pushing The Miz into the corner and slamming his head against the turnbuckle! Miz was dazed, and MJF dragged him along the ropes, before hitting the Heat Seeker! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Mauro Ranallo: It's over! MJF wins!

Nigel McGuinness: What a match, Mauro! MJF advances in the King of the Ring tournament, and he did it in style!

MJF celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When Warfare returned from the commercial break, Jade Cargill was in the ring ready for the next match.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back! Still to come, we've got Chicago's own, CM Punk, challenging Damian Priest for the EBWF World Championship in our main event... but first, we've got another Queen of the Ring first round match as Jade Cargill goes one on one with the reigning Queen of the Ring, Arisa Hoshiki!

"Shining Star" hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Arisa Hoshiki made her way to the ring. When Arisa was in the ring, the referee called for the bell, getting the match underway. Jade charged at Arisa, going for a big boot, but Arisa ducked under it and countered with a swift dropkick, sending Jade stumbling backward.

Mauro Ranallo: What a start by Arisa Hoshiki! The reigning Queen of the Ring showing her agility right out of the gate!

Nigel McGuinness: Jade Cargill needs to stay focused. Arisa's speed can be a game-changer.

As Arisa got back to her feet, Jade hit her with a series of punches, then lifted Arisa up, showcasing her strength with a thunderous Fallaway Slam! Arisa quickly recovered and retaliated with a series of kicks, keeping Jade on the defensive. Arisa then hit a rolling neckbreaker, taking Jade down to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: Arisa's versatility is on full display! That rolling neckbreaker was perfectly executed.

Nigel McGuinness: Jade Cargill is in trouble if she can't slow Arisa down.

Arisa hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Jade kicked out! Arisa then pulled Jade to her feet and went to whip her against the ropes, but Jade reversed the Irish whip, sending Arisa against the ropes before hitting her with a Spear! Arisa clutched her ribs as she got back to her feet, and followed up with a Pump Kick. Jade went for the cover, but Arisa kicked out at two.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! Jade Cargill almost took Arisa's head off with that Pump Kick... but it wasn't enough to get the three count!

Nigel McGuinness: Jade needs to capitalize on this momentum, Mauro. Arisa won't stay down for long.

Jade tried to set Arisa up for Jaded, but Arisa fought out of it, then landed a series of knee strikes. She followed up with a German suplex, bridging it for a pinfall attempt... but Jade kicked out at two. Arisa then pulled Jade to her feet and set her up for a second German suplex... but Jade broke free and spun around, hitting Arisa with a forearm smash. Arisa stumbled backwards, and Jade grabbed her, whipping her towards the ropes... but Arisa springboarded off the ropes and connected with a cutter, driving Jade into the mat!

Mauro Ranallo: Springboard Star Cutter! Arisa is pulling out all the stops tonight!

Nigel McGuinness: Jade Cargill is resilient, but Arisa's relentless offense is wearing her down.

As both women got to their feet, Arisa lifted Jade up and executed a brainbuster, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... Jade kicked out just before the 3! Arisa sensed the end was near and signaled for her finisher. As Jade slowly rose to her feet, Arisa unleashed a devastating spinning roundhouse kick to the head.

Mauro Ranallo: Pulsar Kick! That's got to be it!

Nigel McGuinness: Jade Cargill is out cold!

Arisa covered Jade, hooking the leg once more. The referee counted - 1... 2... 3! As Arisa celebrated her victory, a video package began to play promoting the main event.


The scene opened with Christy Hemme standing in the center of the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the EBWF Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 218 pounds, CM Punk!

“Cult of Personality” hit and the Chicago crowd came unglued for the Voice of the Voiceless who stepped out onto the stage and did his signature taunt.

Mauro Ranallo: The Straight Edge Superstar, CM Punk, is making his way to the ring, and you can feel the electricity in the air, Nigel!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Punk has been on a mission since returning to the EBWF, and tonight, he’s looking to add another championship to his already illustrious career.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from New York, New York, weighing in at 249 pounds, he is the EBWF Champion, Damian Priest!

Mauro Ranallo: Here comes the reigning champion, Damian Priest. He’s been dominant, in fact he’s undefeated, but tonight he faces one of the toughest challenges in CM Punk.

Nigel McGuinness: Priest’s combination of size, speed, and striking makes him a formidable opponent, but Punk’s experience and technical prowess could be the key factors in this matchup.

The bell rang and both men circled each other, eyes locked. They tied up in the center of the ring, and Priest quickly used his strength to push Punk into the corner. The referee called for a clean break, and Priest stepped back, smirking.

Mauro Ranallo: A powerful start by the champion, establishing his dominance early on.

Punk shook it off and moved back to the center. They locked up again, and this time, Punk slipped behind Priest, locking in a waistlock. Priest tried to break free but Punk transitioned into a side headlock. Priest lifted Punk off his feet and dropped him with a back suplex, but Punk held on, maintaining the headlock on the mat.

Nigel McGuinness: Classic strategy by Punk, wearing down the bigger man with that headlock.

Priest fought to his feet and pushed Punk into the ropes. Punk rebounded and hit a shoulder block, but Priest didn't budge. Punk ran the ropes again, ducked a clothesline, and nailed a dropkick that staggered Priest. Punk followed up with a series of kicks, targeting Priest’s legs.

Mauro Ranallo: Punk using those educated feet to chop down the big man!

Priest finally caught one of Punk’s kicks and countered with a spinning heel kick, flooring Punk. He covered. One... two... kick out! Priest lifted Punk and whipped him into the corner, following up with a leaping back elbow. He pulled Punk out of the corner and hit a falcon arrow. Priest hooked the leg! One... two... kick out!

Nigel McGuinness: Near fall for Damian Priest. He’s really taking it to Punk now.

Priest lifted Punk for The Reckoning, but Punk slid out and hit a roundhouse kick to the side of Priest’s head. Both men were down, and the referee started the count.

Mauro Ranallo: Punk with a desperate counter, can he capitalize?

They both got to their feet at the count of seven and exchanged stiff forearms. Punk gained the upper hand with a series of strikes, finishing with a spinning back fist. He hit the ropes and nailed a running knee to Priest’s face, followed by a bulldog. Punk signaled for the GTS as the crowd erupted.

Nigel McGuinness: Here we go, Mauro! He’s setting up for the GTS!

Punk hoisted Priest onto his shoulders, but Priest elbowed out and landed behind Punk. Priest went for The Reckoning again, but Punk twisted out and caught Priest in the Anaconda Vise!

Mauro Ranallo: Anaconda Vise! Punk’s got it locked in!

Priest struggled, reaching for the ropes. He inched closer, but Punk tightened the hold. Just when it seemed Priest might tap, he used his long legs to get a foot on the bottom rope. The referee called for the break.

Nigel McGuinness: Incredible resilience from the champion to get to the ropes!

Punk, undeterred, climbed to the top rope. He signaled to the crowd and leaped off for a flying elbow drop, but Priest rolled out of the way at the last second. Both men were down again, and the crowd was on their feet.

Mauro Ranallo: High risk, no reward for Punk!

Priest slowly got up and set up for The Reckoning one more time. He lifted Punk, but Punk countered mid-move and hit a hurricanrana, sending Priest into the corner. Priest stumbled back, and Punk hoisted him up for the GTS. This time, he connected perfectly.

Nigel McGuinness: GTS! GTS! Punk hit it!

Punk covered Priest, hooking the leg tightly.

One... two... three!

Mauro Ranallo: The streak is over! Damian Priest has been pinned!

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, and the new EBWF Champion, CM Punk!

Mauro Ranallo: He’s done it! CM Punk has captured the EBWF Championship in an absolute classic!

Nigel McGuinness: What a match, Mauro! Both men gave it their all, but tonight, CM Punk reigns supreme!

Punk celebrated in the ring, holding the EBWF Championship high above his head as the crowd chanted his name. Damian Priest slowly rolled out of the ring, exhausted but respectful, acknowledging Punk’s victory with a nod before making his way to the back.

Mauro Ranallo: What a night, what a match! CM Punk is the new EBWF Champion, and this is a moment we will never forget!

Nigel McGuinness: The era of CM Punk has begun once again here in the EBWF. What a journey it has been for him!

The show closed with Punk standing on the turnbuckle, holding the title high, as the crowd continued to cheer for their new champion.
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