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Warfare Results 06/03/2024

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:31 pm
by Ashlee

Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks... it's time for Warfare! Tonight, we are live from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and what an opening contest we have in store Nigel! Jamie Hayter, the powerhouse of Oedo Tai, goes one-on-one with the versatile Maika!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Jamie Hayter is known for her ruthless aggression and devastating lariats, but Maika's blend of strength and technical prowess will make this a tough battle for her.

Maika made her way to the ring first, followed by Jamie Hayter. The referee called for the bell and as the bell rang, the two women locked up in the center of the ring. Hayter quickly gained the upper hand with a knee to Maika's midsection, followed by a snap suplex that sent Maika crashing to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: Jamie Hayter wasting no time getting the upper hand with that snap suplex!

Nigel McGuinness: Hayter's suplexes are some of the best in the business, Mauro. She knows how to deliver maximum impact.

Hayter continued her assault, stomping on Maika several times before pulling her to her feet and lifting her up for an exploder suplex. Maika, showing her resilience, countered mid-air and landed on her feet. She quickly turned the tables with a big boot to Hayter's face, sending her reeling.

Mauro Ranallo: What agility from Maika! She turned that exploder suplex into an opportunity!

Nigel McGuinness: That big boot just rocked Jamie Hayter!

Maika followed up with a series of judo throws, showcasing her technical background. Hayter, disoriented, tried to regain her footing, but Maika kept up the pressure with a powerful German suplex. Both of Hayter’s shoulders were down and the referee counted - 1… 2… Hayter kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Maika's not letting up! That German suplex was picture-perfect!

Nigel McGuinness: Hayter's in trouble here, Mauro. Maika's hitting her from all angles.

As both women got to their feet, Hayter fought back with a series of forearm strikes, before hitting Maika with a spinebuster. As Maika sat up, Hayter attempted a running knee strike… but Maika rolled out of the way just in time. Maika then hit Hayter with a spear, before signaling for Sakura! As Maika lifted Hayter up, Hayter wriggled free and countered with an ushigoroshi, dropping Maika neck-first onto her knee. Hayter quickly went for the pin - 1… 2… Maika kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Hayter with the ushigoroshi! But Maika kicks out! What resilience!

Hayter, frustrated, pulled Maika to her feet and set her up for the Hayterade… but Maika ducked under the lariat at the last moment and countered with the Maika Cutter! Sensing victory, Maika picked up Hayter and executed her secondary finisher, the Enka Otoshi, driving Hayter into the mat with a front powerslam into a sidewalk slam. She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Hayter kicked out just before the 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Unbelievable! I thought the match was going to be over right there!

Nigel McGuinness: It wasn’t all over then, but it could be now… because Maika is going for Sakura!

With the crowd roaring, Maika lifted Hayter into the air and nailed Sakura, her Michinoku Driver II, planting Hayter firmly in the center of the ring. Maika covered her for the pin and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3! The bell rang, and Maika stood victorious, her hand raised high by the referee as the crowd cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: What an opening match! Maika with a hard-fought victory over Jamie Hayter!

Nigel McGuinness: That was a phenomenal performance by both women, but Maika pulled out all the stops and got the win here tonight.

Mauro Ranallo: If this is how we’re starting Warfare, I can’t wait to see what else is in store!

Maika celebrated in the ring, soaking in the adulation from the Toronto crowd as Jamie Hayter rolled out of the ring, clutching her back in pain and frustration.


“My Last Breath” by Evanescence hit and the crowd booed as Christian Cage made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we’ve got Christian Cage taking on the man of 1,000 faces, Al Snow…

When Christian was in the ring, the Four Horsemen theme started up… but after the intro, the Bojack Horseman theme played and out walked Al Snow, wearing a latex horse mask. Nigel McGuiness could be heard laughing on commentary.

Nigel McGuinness: I don’t believe this, Mauro! Christian Cage isn’t facing Al Snow tonight… he’s facing Snowjack Horseman!

Mauro Ranallo: I have no words… although I hope he cleared this with Netflix first…

Snow (or should that be Snowjack?) was wearing a J.O.B. Squad t-shirt and as he entered the ring, he immediately lay down on the mat. Though his voice was slightly muffled from the mask, he could be heard telling Christian “PIN ME, PAY ME!” The referee called for the bell, and Christian immediately placed his foot on Snow’s chest. The referee counted - 1… 2… 3! The crowd booed as the referee called for the bell and raised Christian’s arm in victory. As Snow got to his feet, Christian handed him an envelope, presumably filled with cash. Snow raised his arms in the air as if celebrating, then made his way to the back as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from the commercial break, Utami Hayashishita was on her way to the ring for the next match.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back! Still to come, Damian Priest competes for the first time since losing the EBWF World Championship in our main event, when he goes one on one with Adam Cole! But up next, we’ve got Utami Hayashishita in action as she takes on Liv Morgan! There is a lot of history between these two women, Nigel… This one promises to be a barnburner!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Liv Morgan’s agility and high-flying style against Utami’s power and technical prowess – this should be an incredible contest!

When Utami was in the ring, “Reach for the Sky” by Social Distortion hit and the crowd cheered as Liv Morgan made her way down to the ring. When Liv was in the ring, she locked eyes with Utami, and the two women stared one another down as the referee called for the bell. As the bell rang, Utami went to lock up with Liv Morgan, but Liv used her speed to dodge Utami’s initial grapple attempts. Liv then hit Utami with a series of quick forearm strikes, before following up with a dropkick that knocked Utami down to the mat.

Nigel McGuinness: Liv Morgan using her speed to her advantage early on!

As both women got to their feet, Liv hit Utami with a series of punches, but Utami absorbed the blows and countered with a powerful lariat that floored Liv. Liv was still dazed as she got back to her feet and Utami lifted her up for a bridging German suplex. As Liv’s shoulders hit the mat, the referee counted - 1… 2… Liv kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Utami showing her power with that German suplex, but Liv kicks out!

As Liv sat up, Utami grabbed her, applying a sleeper hold. Just when it looked like Liv was fading, she managed to slip out of the hold, then as both women got to their feet, Liv hit Utami with an enzuigiri!

Nigel McGuinness: Beautiful enzuigiri by Liv Morgan! That might turn the tide!

Liv then ran against the ropes and followed up with a running bulldog, planting Utami face-first into the mat. Liv went for the cover, but Utami powered out at two. As both women got to their feet, Utami charged at Liv, hitting a running knee lift, then lifted Liv up for a belly-to-belly suplex, driving her hard into the canvas.

Nigel McGuinness: What an impact from Utami Hayashishita! That suplex shook the ring!

As both women got to their feet, Utami went to whip Liv into the corner, but Liv reversed the Irish whip, sending Utami into the turnbuckles. Liv then hit Utami with a step-up knee strike, and as Utami stumbled out of the corner, Liv climbed to the top rope before connecting with a missile dropkick! Liv made the cover and the referee counted - 1… 2… Utami kicked out at two and a half! Undeterred, Liv pulled Utami to her feet and shoved her against the ropes, setting her up for ObLIVion… but Utami blocked it and countered with a uranage slam.

Mauro Ranallo: What a counter by Utami! That might be the game-changer!

Utami lifted Liv up over her shoulder, setting her up for Koumori Tsuri Otoshi… but Liv wriggled free and hit Utami with a codebreaker! Utami stumbled backwards, dropping to her knees, and Liv quickly followed with a superkick, knocking Utami down. Liv hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… again Utami kicked out! Both women slowly got to their feet, and began exchanging punches back and forth. Utami was able to gain the upper hand, and she lifted Liv onto her shoulders, putting her into the torture rack submission!

Nigel McGuinness: Utami's got Liv in the torture rack! This could be it!

Liv screamed in pain but managed to shift her weight, slipping out of Utami's grasp. She hit a dropkick, then set Utami up for a DDT… but Utami blocked it and lifted Liv up, hitting her with a brainbuster! Utami then lifted Liv into the air once more, this time hitting the Hijack Bomb! She hooked both legs and the referee counted - 1… 2… 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Utami’s arm in victory.

Mauro Ranallo: Utami Hayashishita with an impressive win over Liv Morgan! What a contest that was, Nigel!

The crowd applauded the efforts of both women as Warfare cut to a video package promoting the Total Supremacy pay-per-view.


“You Know It’s All About Tha Boom!”

Mauro Ranallo: Toronto has been on fire all night, Nigel, and they’re welcoming Adam Cole!

Nigel McGuinness: That's right, Mauro. Adam Cole is looking to make his mark in the King of the Ring tournament. He’s as cocky as they come, but when you’ve got his resume, you can afford to be!

Adam Cole walked out to a huge pop from the crowd, flashing his signature "BAY BAY" taunt. He confidently strided to the ring, eyes fixed on the prize of becoming the next King of the Ring. As Cole’s music faded, the lights went out again, and a hauntingly deep beat signaled the arrival of Damian Priest. The Archer of Infamy stepped through a misty smoke, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the entrance ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Damian Priest! The former EBWF World Championship might feel like he has something to prove after losing the title to CM Punk. With his size and agility, he's a force to be reckoned with. He’s looking to carve his name in the history books tonight!

Nigel McGuinness: Priest is a formidable opponent, Mauro. He’s got the power, he’s got the skill, and tonight, he’s aiming to take down one of the best in Adam Cole. This is going to be a battle.

Priest entered the ring, his eyes locked on Adam Cole. The referee signaled for the bell, and the match began.

Mauro Ranallo: And we’re off! Both men circling each other, looking for an opening. Adam Cole, with his technical prowess, and Damian Priest, the powerhouse.

Nigel McGuinness: Cole is the smaller man, but he’s got the agility and ring IQ. Priest is going to have to keep his wits about him and not fall into Cole’s traps.

The two competitors locked up in the center of the ring. Priest quickly used his strength advantage to push Cole into the corner. The referee steped in to break it up.

Mauro Ranallo: A show of strength from Damian Priest right off the bat. Cole looks unfazed, though. He’s seen it all before.

As the ref separated them, Cole slipped under Priest's arm and delivered a quick forearm to the jaw, followed by a series of strikes. Priest stumbled back but recovered quickly, retaliating with a thunderous right hand that sent Cole reeling.

Nigel McGuinness: Vicious strike from Priest! Cole’s going to have to watch out for those heavy hands.

Cole, used his speed, ducked another big swing from Priest and countered with a low dropkick to Priest's knee, bringing the big man down to one knee. Cole immediately capitalized with a DDT, driving Priest's head into the mat

Mauro Ranallo: Adam Cole with the DDT! Quick as a cat, Nigel. This is what makes him so dangerous!

Nigel McGuinness: Cole needs to keep the pressure on. He can't let a man like Priest have any breathing room.

Cole went for a quick pin, but Priest powered out at one. Cole stayed on the attack, delivering a series of knee strikes to Priest's head.

Mauro Ranallo: Only a one-count, but Cole’s staying aggressive! He knows he has to keep Priest grounded.

Priest began to fight back, catching one of Cole's knees and flipping him over. Both men got to their feet, and Priest charged, hitting a devastating lariat that flipped Cole inside out.

Mauro Ranallo: Priest showing his power and determination here! The momentum could be shifting.

Priest followed up with a standing senton, crushing Cole beneath his weight. He hooked the leg for a pin.


Cole kicked out just before the three-count. Priest pulled Cole up and whipped him into the corner, charging in for a splash. Cole dodged at the last second, and Priest crashed into the turnbuckle.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh! Nobody home! Priest hit the turnbuckle hard!

Nigel McGuinness: Quick thinking by Cole. That could be the opening he needs!

Cole seized the opportunity, hitting a big superkick that sent Priest staggering back. He followed up with the Ushigoroshi, dropping Priest neck-first onto his knee.

Mauro Ranallo: USHIGOROSHI! Adam Cole connects! This could be it!


Priest kicked out at two, and Cole looked frustrated. He slapped the mat and signaled for the Last Shot, setting up in the corner as Priest slowly got to his feet.

Nigel McGuinness: If he hits this, it’s over!

Cole charged for the Last Shot, but Priest ducked at the last moment. Priest grabbed Cole around the waist and lifted him for the South of Heaven chokeslam. Cole tried to fight out, but Priest's grip was too strong.Priest slammed Cole down with a thunderous South of Heaven. He covered Cole, but Cole barely got a shoulder up at two and a half.

Nigel McGuinness: How did Cole kick out of that?

Mauro Ranallo: Both these men want to advance to the next round, and they’re giving it everything they’ve got!

Priest, visibly frustrated, pulled Cole up and set him up for the Reckoning. As he spun,, Cole slipped out and hit a desperation superkick. Both men collapsed to the mat, exhausted.

Mauro Ranallo: Superkick from Cole! Both men are down! This crowd is going wild!

Nigel McGuinness: Who’s going to get to their feet first? This is a pivotal moment in the match!

The referee began to count as both men struggled to their feet. They reached their knees and started exchanging punches. Cole got the upper hand and stood up, but Priest delivered a big boot that sent Cole reeling into the ropes.

Mauro Ranallo: Back and forth they go! Neither man is willing to give an inch!

Cole bounced off the ropes and hit a last-ditch Panama Sunrise out of nowhere, spiking Priest into the mat. The crowd erupted, but Cole was too exhausted to cover immediately.

Nigel McGuinness: Can Cole make the cover?

Cole slowly dragged himself over and draped an arm over Priest.


Priest kicked out at the last possible moment, and the crowd exploded with excitement.

Mauro Ranallo: HE KICKED OUT! Damian Priest kicks out of the Panama Sunrise! This match continues!

Nigel McGuinness: Unbelievable! Priest showing the heart of a champion!

Cole, in disbelief, pulled himself up and signaled for one more Last Shot. He lined up as Priest slowly got to his knees. As Cole charged, Priest sprung to life, catching Cole with a spinning roundhouse kick.

Mauro Ranallo: Spinning kick from Priest! What a counter!

Priest, now with momentum on his side, lifted Cole and hit the Reckoning in the center of the ring. He covered Cole, hooking the leg tightly.

Nigel McGuinness: THE RECKONING! Priest connects! This has to be it!


Mauro Ranallo: Damian Priest wins! Damian Priest advances in the King of the Ring tournament!

Nigel McGuinness: What a match, Mauro! Both these men left it all in the ring, but in the end, it’s Damian Priest who stands tall. An incredible performance by both competitors!

Priest rose to his feet, his arm raised in victory. Cole lied in the ring, a look of disappointment on his face but a nod of respect towards his opponent. The crowd gave a standing ovation for the hard-fought battle.

Mauro Ranallo: A valiant effort by Adam Cole, but tonight belongs to Damian Priest. The Archer of Infamy moves one step closer to the crown.

Nigel McGuinness: And another step closer to reclaiming the EBWF World Championship!

Priest threw both hands in the air in celebration as the crowd continued to cheer and Warfare went off the air.