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Warfare Results - 06/10/2024

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:06 pm
by Ashlee

Mauro Ranallo: Get Ready Folks… it’s time for Warfare!

Nigel McGuinness: We’re live from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments roll on here tonight. Tonight, we have an exciting matchup between Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D and the rising star, Ava Johnson!

Nigel McGuinness: That's right, Mauro. Britt Baker has a proven track record and a reputation for being one of the top technicians in the business. But Ava Johnson is a powerhouse with the hunger and potential to make a huge impact tonight.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a first-round match in the Queen of the Ring tournament! Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D!

Britt Baker's music hit, and the arena buzzed with a mix of boos and cheers. Britt strutted down the ramp, her white jacket glistening under the lights, a confident smirk on her face. She pointed to her name on the back of her jacket before entering the ring, exuding her usual arrogance.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker, with her blend of brains and brawn, is a formidable opponent. Her experience and skill could give her the edge tonight.

Nigel McGuinness: Indeed, Mauro. But she'll have her hands full with Ava Johnson.

Christy Hemme: And her opponent, from Orlando, Florida, Ava Johnson!

Ava Johnson's music blared through the speakers, and the crowd erupted into cheers. Ava emerged with a focused expression, her athletic physique and determined stride radiating confidence. She paused to soak in the crowd’s support before high-fiving fans on her way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Ava Johnson has all the tools to succeed—strength, speed, and a legacy that speaks volumes. Tonight, she has a chance to prove herself against one of the best.

Nigel McGuinness: She's got the pedigree and the potential. This match is crucial for Ava, and she knows it.

The bell rang, and the match began.Britt and Ava locked eyes, sizing each other up before engaging in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Britt, using her technical prowess, transitioned into a wrist lock. Ava, displaying her raw power, countered by flipping Britt over and breaking free.

Mauro Ranallo: Ava Johnson showcasing her strength early on. She’s not intimidated by Britt Baker’s experience.
Britt, slightly taken aback, quickly regrouped and charged at Ava, only to be met with a hip toss that sent her crashing to the mat. Ava followed up with a quick dropkick that sent Britt rolling out of the ring to catch her breath.

Nigel McGuinness: Ava Johnson is in control, and the crowd is loving it! Britt Baker needs to rethink her strategy here.

Britt paced outside the ring, visibly frustrated. She slid back in at the referee's count of seven, this time more cautious. The two locked up again, and Britt cleverly raked Ava’s eyes, temporarily blinding her and drawing boos from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker resorting to underhanded tactics! Anything to gain an advantage.

Taking advantage of Ava's momentary blindness, Britt delivered a snap suplex and quickly went for a cover. One... Two... Ava powered out, showing her resilience.

Nigel McGuinness: It’s going to take more than that to keep Ava Johnson down. She’s got the heart of a champion.

Britt transitioned into a series of stomps, targeting Ava's midsection to keep her grounded. She then applied a seated abdominal stretch, wrenching Ava’s torso and trying to wear her down.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker methodically targeting the core, trying to sap Ava Johnson’s strength.

The crowd started to rally behind Ava, clapping and chanting. Drawing energy from the crowd, Ava fought through the pain, twisting her body and breaking Britt’s grip.

Nigel McGuinness: The crowd is behind Ava Johnson, and she’s feeding off their energy! She’s not backing down.

Both women got to their feet, and Ava exploded with a series of powerful forearms, backing Britt into the corner. Ava then charged in, hitting a devastating corner splash that left Britt reeling.

Mauro Ranallo: Ava Johnson is on fire! She’s turning the tide in her favor!

Ava pulled Britt out of the corner and lifted her for a suplex. Britt tried to wriggle free, but Ava's grip was too strong. She executed a stalling vertical suplex, holding Britt in the air before crashing her to the mat.

Nigel McGuinness: What a display of power by Ava Johnson! She’s in control and looking to finish this.

Ava went for the cover. One... Two... Britt kicked out just in time. Ava, undeterred, picked Britt up and set her up for a spinebuster. However, Britt, sensing danger, managed to rake Ava’s eyes again, unseen by the referee.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker using every trick in the book to stay in this match.

With Ava momentarily blinded, Britt hit a superkick, sending Ava staggering. Britt followed up with a sling blade, taking Ava down and seizing the momentum.

Nigel McGuinness: Britt Baker capitalizing on the situation. She’s a master at turning things around.

Britt signaled for the Lockjaw, her signature submission hold. She grabbed Ava's arm and attempted to lock it in, but Ava fought back fiercely, throwing elbows into Britt’s ribs.

Mauro Ranallo: Ava Johnson knows what's coming and she’s fighting with everything she’s got to avoid it.

Ava's resistance paid off as she managed to roll out of Britt’s grasp. Both women got to their feet, and Ava caught Britt with a sudden and powerful spinebuster, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Nigel McGuinness: What a spinebuster by Ava Johnson! She’s got Britt Baker reeling!

Ava didn't waste any time, quickly pulling Britt up and setting her up for her finishing move, the Rock Bottom. With the crowd on their feet, Ava lifted Britt and slammed her down with thunderous force.

Mauro Ranallo: Ava Johnson with the Rock Bottom! This could be it!

Ava covered Britt. One... Two... Three! The referee's hand hit the mat for the third time, and the bell rang, signaling Ava's victory.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Ava Johnson!

The crowd erupted into cheers as Ava stood tall, her arm raised in victory. Britt rolled out of the ring, clutching her ribs, a look of disbelief on her face.

Nigel McGuinness: What a match! Ava Johnson has done it! She’s defeated Britt Baker and advances in the Queen of the Ring tournament!

Mauro Ranallo: A phenomenal performance by Ava Johnson! She showed incredible resilience and power, and she’s just earned the biggest win of her career!

Ava celebrated in the ring, climbing the ropes and raising her arms to the adoring fans. The camera caught Britt retreating up the ramp, shaking her head in frustration.

Nigel McGuinness: Ava Johnson has proven tonight that she is a force to be reckoned with. This is a huge step forward for her.

Mauro Ranallo: Tonight, Ava Johnson moves one step closer to the crown. But for now, she’s soaking in this well-deserved victory. The Queen of the Ring tournament just got a lot more interesting!

As Ava continued to celebrate, the camera panned out, capturing the excitement and energy of the crowd before cutting back to the announce table.


Mauro Ranallo: What a victory for Ava Johnson! Up next, we’ve got the Breakout and Gateway Champion, Aiden English, in action as he takes on Matt Riddle!

Riddle made his way to the ring first, followed by Aiden English. When both men were in the ring, the referee went to call for the bell… but as he did so, the lights in the arena went out!

Mauro Ranallo: Please bear with us, folks, we appear to be experiencing some technical difficulties…

Nigel McGuinness: I’m not sure these are technical difficulties, Mauro… I can hear a commotion in the ring!

A few moments later, the arena lights came back on. Standing in the center of the ring was a masked man, dressed all in black, wielding a steel chair. Aiden English and Matt Riddle were laid out on the ring mat either side of him. The masked man placed the chair on the mat, grabbed Riddle, and hit him with a DDT onto the chair… then did the same to Aiden English! The lights went out again, and when they came back on, the masked men had disappeared. The referee checked on both English and Riddle, counted to 10, then reluctantly called for the bell. As the bell rang, EMTs entered the ring to check on both competitors.

Mauro Ranallo: Who was that masked man, Nigel? And why did they attack Aiden English and Matt Riddle?

Nigel McGuinness: I’m not sure, Mauro, but I’m sure the masked man will reveal themselves in due course. For now, I just hope neither Aiden English nor Matt Riddle are too badly hurt!

The EMTs continued to tend to English and Riddle as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from the commercial break, the camera cut to Renee Young who was standing backstage.

Renee Young: Good evening, EBWF fans, and thank you for joining us. We are almost at the end of the first round of the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments. As the quarter finals of both tournaments will begin next week, we thought it was a good opportunity to review the updated brackets, and also make a couple of announcements regarding decisions that have been made to ensure tournament integrity. First, let’s take a look at the Queen of the Ring bracket.


Renee Young: We know what three of the quarter final matches will be: two former Women’s Champions will collide as Alexa Bliss takes on the leader of Oedo Tai, Tam Nakano; Maika will go one on one with Utami Hayashishita; and after her victory over Britt Baker earlier tonight, Ava Johnson will take on another former EBWF Women’s Champion, Arisa Hoshiki. However, a question mark remains over who the winner of our final first round match, Natalya versus Candice Michelle, would face, due to the match between Himeka Arita and Io Shirai ending in a no contest. Ordinarily, that would result in a bye, which would mean the winner of Natalya versus Candice automatically advances to the semi final… however, instead it has been designed that one of the women who lost their first round match will get a spot in the quarter finals instead. Two of the women eliminated in the first round will compete in a “redemption match” next week; those two women have been randomly selected, and I can exclusively reveal that they are Britt Baker and Liv Morgan. So despite her surprising defeat earlier tonight, Britt Baker’s Queen of the Ring tournament isn’t over just yet! Now, let’s move onto the King of the Ring bracket.


Renee Young: The right side of the bracket is confirmed - former rivals will go head to head as MJF takes on Hook, and Johnny Gargano faces his arch nemesis, Christian Cage. And given the underhanded means both MJF and Christian have used in the past, I have been asked to warn them both that if there is any outside interference in either of their matches to help them win, they will forfeit their place in the tournament and the persons who interfere in their matches will be suspended. Now, let’s take a look at the left side of the bracket. The winner of our main event tonight, Seth Rollins versus Winnipeg’s own Chris Jericho, will take on Richard Holliday; but who will reigning King of the Ring and former EBWF World Champion, Damian Priest, face after what happened to Aiden English and Matt Riddle earlier tonight? I discussed that with Wes Ikeda during the commercial break, and a decision was made to take the same approach we took to the Queen of the Ring tournament. So next week, two defeated first round competitors will face off in a “redemption match”, and the two men selected at random to compete in that match are The Miz and Stone Cold Steve Austin! That’s all from me; Mauro, Nigel, back to you.

The camera cut back to Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness at ringside.


Nigel McGuinness: Well that was unexpected, Mauro! For the first time ever, there will be “redemption matches” in the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments!

“Missile” by Dorothy hit and the crowd cheered as Natalya made her way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Natalya, who now knows that if she beats Candice Michelle tonight, she won’t advance straight to the semi finals, but instead will face either Britt Baker or Liv Morgan in the quarter finals.

Nigel McGuinness: Knowing Natalya, Mauro, I don’t think she will mind that one bit. Of course she would have welcomed a bye to the semi finals - who wouldn’t? But she is a competitive person, it’s in her blood, and she wouldn’t want anyone thinking she didn’t earn her spot. That is of course, assuming Candice Michelle doesn’t cause an upset here tonight!

When Natalya was in the ring, Candice Michelle’s theme hit, and the crowd gave her a mixed reaction as she headed down the ramp. Once Candice was in the ring, the referee called for the bell. The two competitors circled each other before locking up in the center of the ring. Natalya quickly gained the upper hand, putting Candice in a headlock, but Candice fought out of it and managed to push Natalya off into the ropes. As Natalya ran back towards her, Candice went for a big boot, but Nattie ducked underneath it and spun around, hitting a powerful discus clothesline that sent Candice to the mat. Natalya followed up with a snap suplex, showcasing her strength and agility.

Mauro Ranallo: Natalya is wasting no time here! She's looking to dominate this match from the get-go.

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Natalya knows she has the crowd behind her, and she's using that momentum to her advantage.

As both women got to their feet, Natalya set Candice up for a German suplex… but Candice showed her resilience, landing on her feet and hitting Natalya with a spinning heel kick, catching her off guard. Candice then climbed to the top rope, hitting Natalya with a diving crossbody! She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Natalya kicked out! As Natalya got back to her feet, Candice ran against the ropes and attempted a headscissors takedown… but Natalya countered it, lifting Candice onto her shoulders before hitting a fireman’s carry swinging side slam!

Mauro Ranallo: What a counter by Natalya! She's showing why she's considered one of the best technical wrestlers in the business.

As Candice got back to her feet, Natalya went for a German suplex once more… and this time, she hit it! Both of Candice’s shoulders were down as she hit the mat, and the referee counted - 1… 2… Candice kicked out! As Natalya got back to her feet, she grabbed Candice by the legs, going for a sharpshooter, but Candice kicked her away before getting to her feet. Candice then dragged Natalya towards the corner and managed to hit a tornado DDT, planting Natalya headfirst into the mat. She went for the cover - 1… 2… Natalya kicked out! Candice looked frustrated at only getting a two count, and after stomping on Nattie several times, she went back to the top rope. Determined to gain the upper hand, Candice went for an elbow drop… but Natalya rolled out of the way at the last second! As both women got to their feet, Natalya seized the opportunity to swing the momentum in her favor, delivering a vicious Nattie by Nature spinning lariat, knocking Candice to the mat.

Nigel McGuinness: Oh my word, Mauro… Natalya almost took Candice Michelle’s head off!

Natalya followed up with a Michinoku Driver, hooking the leg - 1… 2… Candice kicked out just before the 3! As Natalya got to her feet, she grabbed Candice by the legs once more… and this time, she was able to lock in the Sharpshooter! Candice tried to get to the ropes, but she was unable to reach them. With the crowd chanting Natalya's name, Candice accepted defeat and tapped out! The referee called for the bell, and Natalya released the hold, raising her arms in victory as the Canadian crowd erupted in cheers.

Mauro Ranallo: What a match! Natalya advances to the quarter finals of the Queen of the Ring tournament!

Nigel McGuinness: An incredible performance by both women, but tonight belongs to Natalya. The Sharpshooter was the difference-maker!

Natalya celebrated in the ring, embracing the adulation from the crowd, then made her way to the back as a video package began to play promoting Total Supremacy.


“The Rising” by Def Rebel hit and the crowd booed as Seth Rollins made his way to the ring for the main event.

Mauro Ranallo: It is time for our main event! Seth Rollins is used to the crowd being against him, but tonight these fans will be even more anti-Rollins than usual… because The Messiah is going one on one with a man who grew up right here in Winnipeg, Y2J Chris Jericho!

When Rollins was in the ring, the 5 second “Jericho countdown” that hadn’t been seen in many years began to play on the tron. As the clock struck zero, “Break the Walls Down” hit, and the Winnipeg crowd erupted as Jericho stood at the top of the ramp, his back to the ring and his arms outstretched. Jericho was even wearing a Winnipeg Jets hockey jersey.

Mauro Ranallo: Chris Jericho is going old school tonight, Nigel!

Nigel McGuinness: He’s shamelessly pandering to this crowd is what he’s doing, Mauro… what a suck up!

Jericho took his time making his way down to the ring, stopping to greet fans in the front row, taking selfies and signing autographs. As he entered the ring, he removed his Winnipeg Jets jersey and locked eyes with Rollins. Rollins yelled “the Jets suck, and so do you” which caused loud boos from the crowd. As the bell rang, Rollins ran at Jericho, going for a clothesline… but Jericho ducked underneath it, then spun around and hit Rollins with a series of punches! Jericho then went to whip Rollins against the ropes, but Rollins reversed the Irish whip sending Jericho into the ropes before delivering a dropkick that sent Jericho sprawling to the mat. Jericho quickly got back to his feet, only to be met with a flurry of strikes from Rollins. Rollins whipped Jericho into the corner and followed up with a running forearm, then a sling blade, sending Jericho crashing to the canvas. Rollins hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Jericho kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: Seth Rollins is starting strong here, trying to silence this raucous Winnipeg crowd!

Mauro Ranallo: But never count out Chris Jericho, Nigel. He's got the experience and the crowd behind him.

As Rollins pulled Jericho to his feet, he went to put Jericho in a headlock, but Jericho caught Rollins with an enzuigiri, then took him down with a one-handed bulldog. Seizing the moment, Jericho went for the Lionsault… and to the delight of the crowd, he hit it! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Rollins kicked out! Jericho pulled Rollins to his feet and whipped him into the corner, where he hit Rollins with a series of backhand chops. Jericho then sat Rollins on the top rope, setting him up for a superplex, but Rollins fought back with a series of punches, knocking Jericho down from the ropes before hitting a blockbuster! Rollins followed up with a springboard knee to the side of Jericho’s head, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… Jericho kicked out again, much to Rollins' frustration.

Nigel McGuinness: Seth Rollins is throwing everything he has at Chris Jericho, but the veteran is refusing to stay down!

Mauro Ranallo: This is the kind of action you can expect on EBWF Warfare! Two of the best giving it their all!

Rollins then went for the Curb Stomp… but Jericho moved out of the way at the last second, before hitting a Codebreaker out of nowhere! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Rollins got his foot on the rope, breaking the count! Jericho looked frustrated, but he quickly composed himself and dragged Rollins towards the center of the ring. Jericho then went for the Walls of Jericho… but Rollins managed to roll Jericho up with a small package! The referee counted – 1… 2… Jericho kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Rollins almost stole a victory there!

Nigel McGuinness: I think there would have been riots in Winnipeg tonight if that’s how the match had ended, Mauro!

As both men got to their feet, Jericho went for a clothesline, but Rollins ducked underneath it, then hit a superkick, dropping Jericho to his knees. Rollins then ran against the ropes and caught Jericho with a knee strike to the face, before following up with the Curb Stomp! The crowd booed, and Rollins taunted them momentarily, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… Jericho kicked out just before the 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Unbelievable! Chris Jericho just kicked out of the Curb Stomp! These two are putting on an absolute clinic here on EBWF Warfare!

Nigel McGuinness: Rollins is letting this crowd get in his head though, Mauro… he hesitated for a split second before pinning Jericho, and that split second might have been the difference between a two-count and a three-count.

Sensing the need to end the match, Rollins hit the Falcon Arrow, then climbed to the top rope, looking for the Phoenix Splash. Jericho, with his ring awareness, managed to get his knees up at the last second! Jericho quickly got to his feet, and locked Rollins in the Walls of Jericho! Rollins writhed in pain, clawing his way to the ropes. With the crowd on their feet, Rollins managed to reach the bottom rope, forcing Jericho to break the hold. Jericho, relentless, pulled Rollins back to the center of the ring and attempted to lock in the Walls of Jericho again, but Rollins countered with a roll-up. The referee counted – 1… 2… Jericho kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia, Nigel! What is it going to take to end this match?

Both men, exhausted and battered, stood up and exchanged blows in the center of the ring. Rollins was able to gain the upper hand, and he set Jericho up for the Turnbuckle Powerbomb… but as he ran towards the corner, Jericho countered with a hurricanrana, sending Rollins head-first into the top turnbuckle! Rollins stumbled back towards the center of the ring, looking dazed and confused. Jericho took the opportunity to hit the Judas Effect, spinning and connecting with a devastating elbow strike to Rollins' jaw. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… 3! The referee called for the bell, and a huge “Y2J” chant broke out as the referee raised Jericho’s arm in victory.

Nigel McGuinness: What a victory for Chris Jericho! The crowd is absolutely loving this!

As Jericho celebrated, Rollins rolled out of the ring, glaring back at Jericho as he made his way to the back.

Mauro Ranallo: Chris Jericho, proving once again why he's one of the best in the business. What a night here in Winnipeg!

Jericho, soaked in the cheers, standing proud in the center of the ring as Warfare went off the air.