Utami: Daning Again

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Utami: Daning Again

Post by Utami »

Atop the tallest building in Fargo, Utami Hayashishita stands with a single red rose in her hand. Her expression is stoic and thoughtful as a slight wind picks up and blows errant strands of hair behind her ears. The sun is just starting to set on the horizon, it's turned from blinding yellow to a moody red as Utami taps the rose on her cheek.

Utami: "It's actually kind of disappointing that Alex Bliss didn't come out to get her revenge on me. Or that Oedo Tai didn't decide to get some payback for costing Himeka her shot at eliminating Io and advancing in the tournament. Tossing them around would've really helped me build my muscle for the challenges to come. But it is what it is."

She holds the rose out and smiles wistfully.

Utami: "Maika. How many times have we danced together in one ring or another? I know you've had your heart broken both by me and by Himeka. It sucks. It hurts. But don't feel too bad Red Empress, because I'm going to do you a favor."

There's a twinkle in her eyes.

Utami: "I'm going to fill your heart with the passion of a hard fought battle. No tricks, no mind games, just Utami Hayashishita vs Maika like the old days. Let's see if your power can keep up with the cool, royal, beautiful future of EBWF tonight."

She drops the rose, sending it tumbling down to the street below.

Utami: "Sorry, but that crown will be mine."