The scene opened with static that lasted for a few moments before transitioning to a shot of Liv Morgan up in the rafters of the arena. Liv is getting ready to say her last words before she faces Britt Baker in a Queen of the Ring redemption match.
Liv Morgan: Okay first of all shouldn't we check on the camera guy?
The camera turns to the right and we see a guy unconscious on the ground next to the person holding the camera and soon the voice of Alexa Bliss was heard from behind the camera.
Alexa Bliss: Nah he'll be fine,he just fainted besides we don't need him anyway,I'm holding the camera Livvy.
Liv sighed.
Liv Morgan: Okay but why did you want me doing this up here?
Alexa giggled.
Alexa Bliss: Because Livvy it's a unique setting and it'll immediately grab the audience's attention,Also it's pretty cool. Now begin.
Liv took a deep breath before speaking.
Liv Morgan: Tonight I get a chance at redemption in the Queen of the Ring tournament when I take on Britt Baker. Britt we've obviously got lucky by getting a second chance in this tournament and I don't plan on wasting it and I know you don't either.
Liv smirked.
Liv Morgan: I saw your interview earlier and I found it interesting that you said you respect me which I guess is nice of you. The big thing you said though is that I've been playing the supporting role for far too long. Well Britt you're right I have been playing the supporting role but I plan on getting glory,I plan on being champion again,and I plan on doing that by first winning this tournament and if I have to go through you,Natalya,or even Lexi to achieve that then I will. I'm ready to take the crown once again,I'm ready to take the Women's championship once again even if I have to go through my friends to do it.
Off camera we can hear clapping from Alexa.
Alexa Bliss: Any last words for the good doctor or the viewers at home?
Liv Morgan: Britt tonight when I beat you,all you can do is cry about it.
Alexa put down the camera and walked over to give Liv a hug which startled her a bit it seems.
Alexa Bliss: Good job Livvy.
Liv slowly returned the hug.
Liv Morgan: Thanks Lex.
The scene faded to black.
Supporting role?
Supporting role?

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan