Nowhere Left to Hide (Hook RP)

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Ben M
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Nowhere Left to Hide (Hook RP)

Post by Ben M »

The scene opened in a dimly lit locker room. Hook was sitting on a bench, taping his wrists; his muscles were flexed, and his eyes were full of focus and intensity. The camera zoomed in on Hook’s face, capturing the determination in his eyes as he began to speak.

Hook: It has been almost two years since I first crossed paths with you, MJF. Two years since you handed me the first loss of my pro wrestling career. Ace Austin… do you remember him? I do. He was the one that gave you the assist that night, stopping me from getting back in the ring and allowing you to beat me via count out. Maxwell, you and your Dynasty goons shattered my dream of becoming King of the Ring, but that wasn’t enough for you, was it? Afterwards, you tried to break me.

Hook paused, taking a deep breath, his voice steady and controlled.

Hook: At Fanniversary, a few months later, I sought my revenge. You made me go through each and every member of Dynasty one by one to get a rematch, and I rose to the challenge, taking them all out to get my hands on you again. But you had another trick up your sleeve. Powerhouse Hobbs helped you beat me that night, giving me the first pinfall loss of my career. That one really hurt, because I let you outsmart me again after I promised myself that I wouldn’t let that happen twice. But you know what they say, third time's the charm. At Christmas Eve of Destruction, Hanukkah Havoc... finally, I was the one standing tall. You remember that night, don't you, Max? That was the night that Wardlow and I took you and Hobbs down. I choked out Hobbs that night, and I’m sure as far as you’re concerned Max, that means I didn’t beat you… even though it still counts as a loss on your record. But that was the night the tide turned, and deep down you know that, even if you’ll never admit it. Eighteen months have passed since then, and I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you again. But you’ve barely been around, and when you have been here, you’ve given me a wide berth.

Hook stood up, the camera following his movements as he started to pace the room. There was a heaviness in Hook’s steps, as if he was full of pent-up energy and frustration. The intensity in Hook’s voice rose as he spoke once more.

Hook: Here we are again, another King of the Ring tournament, and this time we’re facing each other in the quarter finals. A lot has changed in these past eighteen months, Max. The Dynasty cronies I dispatched back in 2022 are long gone… except for Richard Holliday, who seems to be attached to you at the hip. But I’m ready for Richard Holliday, I’m ready for whatever tricks you’ve got up your sleeve, and most importantly, Max… I’m ready for you. You see, Max, this isn't just about revenge anymore. It's about destiny. It's about my goal, my dream, my obsession. I signed with EBWF to become King of the Ring, and twice I've been screwed out of my shot. Not this time.

Hook stopped pacing and stared directly into the camera, his expression fierce. The fire in his eyes made it clear that, while Hook was angry about what had happened in previous King of the Ring tournaments, he was using that anger to motivate himself.

Hook: I beat Stone Cold Steve Austin to get here. The Texas Rattlesnake. A legend. And now Max, I face you. I know you're going to try and screw me again, but guess what? I'm ready. I'm not the same rookie you faced in 2022. I've learned. I've grown. And I've got eyes in the back of my head now.

Hook smirked. Despite what had happened in the past, it was evident that Hook was full of confidence.

Hook: You might be a snake, Max, but there’s only so many times you can slither free from my grasp. Eventually, I’m going to catch you, and when I lock you in Redrum, you're going to have two choices: tap out, or get choked out. There's no escape this time. No cronies to save you. No loopholes to exploit. Just you and me, in that ring. And when it's all said and done; when you're lying there, gasping for breath, you'll finally understand that you can't run from your fate.

As Hook stepped closer to the camera, his voice dropped to a low, menacing tone.

Hook: This year, the King of the Ring crown is mine. And I'm willing to go through anyone to get it. Even you, MJF. Especially you. See you in the ring, Max. And remember... there's nowhere left to hide.

The camera slowly faded to black as Hook's intense gaze remained fixed on the lens, his final words echoing in the silence.