Warfare Results 06/24/2024

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 06/24/2024

Post by Ben M »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Warfare! Tonight, we are live from Seattle, Washington on the final stop before Total Supremacy!

Nigel McGuinness: And kicking things off, we’ve got the first of three King of the Ring quarter final matches as long-time rivals Christian Cage and Johnny Gargano go head to head!

“Rebel Heart” by CFO$ played, and Johnny Gargano made his way out to the ring to cheers from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Gargano is ready for this match. Not only does he have a chance to advance to the semi finals of the King of the Ring tournament, but he also has a chance to get revenge on Christian Cage.

Gargano entered the ring and waited for his rival to come out. “My Last Breath” hit, and the crowd booed the arrival of Christian Cage, who was looking over his shoulder as he made his entrance.

Nigel McGuinness: Christian seems to be on edge, and given what went down last week, who can blame him?

Mauro Ranallo: Well, I'm sure he hopes we don't have a clown invasion tonight.

Gargano rolled out of the ring and ran at Christian on the ramp. The two began trading punches.

Mauro Ranallo: Gargano didn't want to wait for Christian to get in the ring.

The two brawled into the crowd, who cheered at the action being up close. Gargano suplexed Christian on the concrete floor and grabbed a nearby chair before hitting Christian across the back.

Mauro Ranallo: That would normally be a disqualification, but the match hasn't officially started yet.

Gargano threw Christian over the barricade and back to ringside. Christian crawled into the ring, and Gargano followed him as the ref called for the bell to start the match. Gargano continued to beat on Christian for the next few minutes with various moves, including a Superkick, Tornado DDT, and an Enzuigiri. Finally, Christian got control after a thumb to the eye that the ref missed.

Mauro Ranallo: Classic offense from Christian Cage.

Christian began to attack Gargano with several strikes and used moves like the Impaler DDT, a Corkscrew Uppercut from the middle rope, and a Reverse DDT. As Gargano made a comeback, both men were going back and forth with punches. Finally, Christian went for the Unprettier, but Gargano pushed him away, and Christian “accidentally” knocked down the referee. Christian took advantage of the referee being out by kicking Gargano below the belt.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh, come on.

The crowd booed as Christian left the ring to grab a pipe from under the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Team Cage has used a lead pipe in the past.

Mauro Ranallo: Including at Fallout in the Mixed Tag match.

Christian entered the ring and waited for Gargano to get to his feet when suddenly “Immortal” by Adema played, and the crowd cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: Wait a minute, that's Alexa Bliss’ music.

Nigel McGuinness: But she's not allowed to directly interfere. No one is.

Christian had his attention on the stage, waiting for Alexa to show up, but Alexa didn't come out. As Christian was distracted, Johnny Gargano got to his feet and took Christian down, locking in the Garga-No Escape. The referee came to and went over to see if Christian wanted to give up. Christian struggled to hang on but eventually tapped out, and the crowd cheered loudly.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Johnny Gargano!

Gargano had his hand raised and celebrated his win.

Mauro Ranallo: After nine months, Johnny Gargano has finally beaten Christian Cage.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, but he had a little help from Alexa Bliss.

Mauro Ranallo: We don't know that for sure, but in any case, Gargano is going to the semi finals.

As Gargano continued to celebrate, Christian sat in the corner holding his arm and had an incensed look on his face as Warfare went to commercial.


As Warfare returned from the commercial break, “Missile” by Dorothy hit and the crowd cheered as Natalya made her way to the ring for the next match.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back! Our next match has the potential to be a classic. We’ll see two former EBWF Women’s Champions go one on one as Britt Baker takes on Natalya! Both Britt Baker and Natalya have a deep respect for each other, and you can feel the energy in the arena tonight!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. These two women are at the top of their game, and it's going to be a treat to watch them go toe-to-toe.

When Natalya was in the ring, “The Epic” by Downstait hit and the crowd continued cheering as Britt Baker headed to the ring. Once Baker was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Natalya gained the upper hand first, taking Baker down to the mat with a snapmare. As Baker got back to her feet, Natalya followed up with a German suplex, but Baker countered it, landing on her feet and delivering a swift superkick that stunned Natalya. Natalya looked dazed as she got back to her feet, and Baker seized the moment, hitting a swinging neckbreaker. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Natalya kicked out! As both women got to their feet, Baker went to whip Natalya against the ropes, but Natalya reversed the Irish whip, sending Baker into the ropes before catching Baker with a discus clothesline. Baker hit the mat hard, and as she got to her feet, Natalya quickly capitalized with an abdominal stretch.

Mauro Ranallo: Natalya applying pressure to Britt Baker's torso, and that could work in her favor if she manages to get Baker in the Sharpshooter.

The pain was evident on Baker’s face, but she managed to break free, then hit Natalya with a hammerlock DDT! She hooked the leg once more – 1… 2… Natalya kicked out! As both women got back to their feet, they exchanged a series of forearm smashes, neither willing to give an inch. After gaining the upper hand, Natalya hit a snap suplex, but Baker bounced back up, delivering a butterfly suplex of her own.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! Just as it seemed like Natalya was gaining the momentum, Britt Baker hits back with a picture-perfect butterfly suplex!

Nigel McGuinness: Both of these women are showing why they are the best in the business, Mauro. What a match!

Baker pulled Natalya to her feet and whipped her into the corner, then ran at her, going for a running knee strike… but Natalya moved out of the corner and grabbed Baker, hitting her with an STO. Natalya then went for the Sharpshooter, but Baker countered, rolling Natalya up into a small package! The referee counted – 1… 2… Natalya reversed it… 1… 2… Baker kicked out! As both women got to their feet, Natalya hit the Michinoku Driver II, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… Baker kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: So close! Both of these women are pulling out all the stops.

Nigel McGuinness: This is what wrestling is all about, Mauro. Pure athleticism and heart.

Natalya pulled Baker to her feet and set her up for a powerbomb, but Baker countered with a back body drop, before following up with a Fisherman's Neckbreaker. Baker then ran against the ropes, and hit Natalya with the Curb Stomp! She hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1… 2… Natalya kicked out just before the 3! Baker looked momentarily stunned, but she quickly regained her composure, pulling out a black glove and placing it on her hand before applying the Lockjaw! Natalya scrambled around on the mat, trying to break free, counter the hold or get to the ropes, but the pressure became too much for her, and she tapped out! The referee called for the bell, and Baker immediately broke the hold, smiling as she got to her feet.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker wins with the Lockjaw! What a match!

Nigel McGuinness: An incredible contest, Mauro. Both of these women gave it their all, and the crowd loved every second of it.

After the referee had raised her arm in victory, Baker helped Natalya to her feet and offered her hand. The crowd erupted in applause as the two women shook hands in a show of mutual respect.

Mauro Ranallo: A fantastic display of sportsmanship here tonight. This is what makes professional wrestling so special.

Nigel McGuinness: Indeed, Mauro. Hats off to both Britt Baker and Natalya for an unforgettable match.

Natalya gave Baker a congratulatory hug, then rolled out of the ring and made her way to the back, leaving Baker in the ring to continue celebrating her victory.


“Better Than You” hit and the crowd booed as Maxwell Jacob Friedman, MJF, made his way to the ring for the next match.

Mauro Ranallo: This is going to be an explosive King of the Ring quarter final match, Nigel. There's a lot of history between MJF and his opponent, Hook, who will be looking to settle the score tonight.

Nigel McGuinness: Why does he need to settle the score, Mauro? Is he still mad about the fact that MJF has beaten him twice?

Mauro Ranallo: You know there’s more to it than that, Nigel. MJF has always found a way to weasel out of a clean victory, but Hook is more determined than ever to make him pay.

When MJF was in the ring, “The Chairman’s Intent” by Action Bronson hit and the crowd cheered loudly for Hook as he headed down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Hook refused to make eye contact with his opponent, and as he walked towards his corner, he turned his back on MJF. Seizing the opportunity, MJF ran at Hook, attacking him from behind! The referee abruptly called for the bell as MJF hit Hook with a series of punches and kicks in the corner. After taunting Hook, MJF dragged him out of the corner and set him up for a headlock takedown… but Hook fought out of it and whipped MJF against the ropes before dropping him with a shoulder tackle. The crowd cheered as Hook followed up with a series of quick, powerful suplexes. MJF, realizing he was in trouble, rolled out of the ring to regroup. Hook, unfazed, waited patiently in the ring. MJF took his time getting back in, jawing at the crowd and the referee.

Mauro Ranallo: MJF is wasting no time resorting to his usual tactics, trying to stall and get under Hook's skin.

Nigel McGuinness: He’s entitled to take some time to regroup, Mauro. That’s one of the reasons why there’s a ten count! MJF is refusing to wrestle this match on Hook’s terms, and you should show him some respect instead of criticizing him.

Back in the ring, Hook locked up with MJF, but MJF shoved Hook into the referee, then raked Hook's eyes and landed a low blow while the referee's view was obstructed. MJF hit a snap DDT and went for a quick cover, but Hook kicked out at 2! As MJF got to his feet, he stomped on Hook several times, taunting him as he did so. Hook managed to roll away from MJF and get back to his feet, but as Hook went for another lock up, MJF blocked it before slapping Hook across the face!

Mauro Ranallo: Oh come on! That was despicable and downright disrespectful!

Hook looked momentarily stunned, but then he smirked and tapped his cheek, as if daring MJF to slap him once more. MJF instead went for a cheap shot with his other hand… but Hook was ready for it and caught MJF's arm, before dragging him down to the mat and applying a cross armbreaker! MJF scrambled, desperately grabbing the ropes to force a break. As Hook broke the hold, MJF rolled out of the ring once more, this time lifting up the ring apron and pulling a steel chair out from underneath the ring. MJF slid the chair across the ring, away from Hook, and as the referee went to grab the chair, MJF pulled some brass knuckles out of his trunks, rolled back into the ring, and punched Hook with the brass knuckles! The crowd booed, sensing that Hook was about to be screwed by MJF once again. Laughing sadistically, MJF removed the brass knuckles and put them back in his trunks, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… Hook got his shoulder up just in time! The crowd cheered, while MJF looked stunned. He began yelling at the referee, accusing him of counting too slowly. MJF then dragged Hook towards the ropes, setting him up for the Heat Seeker… but Hook countered it, hitting MJF with a back body drop and sending him to the outside! Hook then climbed to the top rope, before hitting MJF with a diving double axe handle. After throwing MJF back into the ring, Hook re-entered the ring and signaled for Redrum… but before he could lock it in, MJF fell to the mat and began clutching his knee!

Mauro Ranallo: Oh come on! MJF knew Hook was about to choke him out, so now he’s feigning injury to try and stall things.

Nigel McGuinness: Did you not see the way MJF landed on the outside, Mauro? He might have dislocated his knee… he’s showing incredible bravery by continuing in this match.

MJF made the referee help him to his feet, then when he was up, Hook went to grab him… but MJF raked Hook's eyes once more and attempted a roll-up with a handful of tights! The referee saw it just in time, breaking the count and admonishing MJF. Enraged, MJF began arguing with the referee. While the referee’s back was turned, Richard Holliday ran down to the ring, and went to hit Hook with a big boot… but Hook ducked underneath it, and Holliday accidentally knocked the referee into MJF! Hook then hit Holliday with a release German suplex, before grabbing MJF and hitting an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Hook checked to make sure the referee was okay, then as MJF got to his feet, Hook grabbed him from behind and dragged him towards the center of the ring before finally locking in Redrum! MJF flailed desperately, reaching for the ropes with everything he had. He tried to cheat his way out once more, but Hook's grip was unrelenting. The crowd was on their feet, chanting for Hook as MJF's struggles grew weaker. Finally, MJF had no choice but to tap out.

Mauro Ranallo: He did it! Hook has finally made MJF submit with the Redrum! What a moment, Nigel! Hook has conquered his nemesis and advances to the semi finals of the King of the Ring tournament!

The bell rang, and the crowd exploded in cheers as Hook released the hold, standing tall over MJF. The referee raised Hook's hand in victory, and the young star soaked in the adulation of the fans. As MJF slinked out of the ring, clutching his neck in pain and cursing under his breath, Hook stood tall in the center of the ring, the crowd chanting his name. Hook continued to celebrate as Warfare went to a commercial break.


After the commercial break, the camera cut to Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness at ringside.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back! Still to come, we’ve got Damian Priest versus The Miz in our main event… but first, it’s time for our final Queen of the Ring quarter final match between Alexa Bliss and Tam Nakano!

Nigel McGuinness: There is a lot of history between these two women, Mauro… and certainly no love lost!

“Senbonzakura” by Wagakki Band hit and Tam Nakano was greeted by a chorus of boos as she made her way to the ring. Tam grinned malevolently as she walked down the ramp, making it clear she was unfazed by the crowd's disapproval. When Tam was in the ring, “Immortal” by Adema hit, and the atmosphere in the arena shifted as Alexa Bliss stepped out onto the stage. The crowd erupted in cheers for Alexa, who once again had half of her face painted like a harlequin.

Mauro Ranallo: This is going to be an exciting matchup, Nigel. Alexa Bliss is a fan favorite, but she has her work cut out for her against the dangerous Tam Nakano.

Nigel McGuinness: Indeed, Mauro. Tam Nakano is known for her ruthless aggression and technical prowess. Alexa will need to be at her best tonight.

When Alexa was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women immediately charged towards one another, exchanging right hands back and forth. After gaining the upper hand, Tam tried to slow things down, applying a wristlock. Alexa countered it, flipping out of the hold and taking Tam down with an arm drag. The crowd cheered as Alexa followed up with a series of quick strikes. After a forearm smash knocked her down to the mat, Tam rolled out of the ring to regroup, which caused the crowd to boo. Alexa followed Tam to the outside, but as she did so Tam grabbed her, throwing her into the ring steps! Tam then threw Alexa back into the ring, and as she re-entered the ring herself, Tam immediately went on the offensive, catching Alexa with a running bicycle knee strike that sent her reeling. Tam followed up with a series of forearm strikes, driving Alexa into the corner.

Mauro Ranallo: Tam Nakano is taking control of this match with those vicious strikes. Alexa needs to find a way to turn this around.

Nigel McGuinness: Tam is relentless, Mauro. She's not giving Alexa any room to breathe.

Tam whipped Alexa into the opposite corner and charged in with a handspring elbow, but Alexa dodged at the last second, causing Tam to crash into the turnbuckles. As Tam stumbled out of the corner, Alexa hit a snap DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… Tam kicked out! Alexa continued her offense with a series of punches and kicks, then hit a reverse STO and climbed to the top rope. Alexa went for Twisted Bliss… but Tam rolled out of the way, causing Alexa to crash hard onto the mat! Tam quickly lifted Alexa into an Argentine backbreaker rack, demonstrating her strength before dropping her with a cutter.

Mauro Ranallo: What a move by Tam Nakano! She’s showcasing her diverse arsenal tonight.

Nigel McGuinness: Tam is pulling out all the stops, Mauro. She wants to finish this match on her terms.

As Alexa got back to her feet, Tam went for the Violet Shoot, but Alexa ducked underneath it, then stunned Tam with a reverse roundhouse kick. Alexa then hit a Fisherman's suplex, bridging into a pin! The referee counted – 1… 2… Tam kicked out at 2.5! The crowd were on the edge of their seats as both women lay exhausted on the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: What a back-and-forth contest!

Nigel McGuinness: Both of these women are showing such determination, Mauro. Neither of them wants to lose tonight.

Slowly, Alexa and Tam both got to their feet and they began exchanging strikes in the center of the ring. The crowd booed every time Tam struck Alexa, and cheered every time Alexa struck Tam. With the crowd behind her, Alexa was able to gain the upper hand, and after hitting Tam with a series of punches in quick succession, she lifted her up for a suplex… but Tam reversed it, landing on her feet behind Alexa before hitting a bridging German suplex! Both of Alexa’s shoulders were down and the referee counted – 1… 2… Alexa kicked out! Tam, sensing victory, lifted Alexa up for the Violet Screwdriver… but Alexa wriggled free, landing on her feet and hitting a hair pull backbreaker, then following up with Insult to Injury! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… again Tam kicked out! Alexa looked frustrated, and she pulled Tam towards the corner, then climbed to the top rope, going for Twisted Bliss once again… but Tam quickly got to her feet and grabbed Alexa, climbing the turnbuckles before hitting a superplex! As both women got to their feet, Tam got behind Alexa, locking her arms in a hammerlock before executing the Twilight Dream! Tam bridged into a pin, and the referee counted – 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: It’s over! Tam Nakano wins with the Twilight Dream! What a match!

Nigel McGuinness: An incredible performance by both women, but Tam Nakano proved to be too much for Alexa Bliss tonight.

As Tam's music played, she stood over a defeated Alexa, her malevolent grin returning. The crowd's boos were deafening, but Tam simply reveled in their disapproval. Tam then made her way to the back as the referee checked on Alexa Bliss, who appeared to be in a lot of pain. “My Last Breath” hit, and the crowd booed as Christian Cage ran down to the ring. As he reached the bottom of the ramp, Christian slid into the ring, then the Instant Classic looked down at Alexa.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh, come on! Alexa Bliss is out of it. What does he want now?

Nigel McGuinness: Alexa did cost Christian the chance to advance in the King of the Ring tournament.

Christian pulled Alexa to her feet and began to talk, which the camera picked up.

Christian Cage: You want to cost me the chance to fight for the world title? You want to play games with me? Well, consider this my turn.

Christian grabbed Alexa's arms and spun her around, giving a look at the camera before delivering an Unprettier.

Mauro Ranallo: And there's the damn Unprettier.

Christian turned Alexa over and posed as “My Last Breath” played.

Mauro Ranallo: Alexa Bliss may have cost Christian a shot at the World Title, but the Instant Classic gets the last laugh tonight.

Nigel McGuinness: This whole situation has gotten more and more out of control, and I have a feeling this is far from over.


After a video package recapping the history between Damian Priest and The Miz, the lights in the arena dimmed, and the crowd roared as the opening notes of "Bow" by Zeal & Ardor began to play. Damian Priest, with his imposing presence, stepped out onto the stage, soaking in the mixed reactions from the fans. He exuded confidence as he made his way down the ramp, laser-focused on the task at hand.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a King of the Ring quarter final match! Introducing first, from New York City, weighing in at 249 pounds, DAMIAN PRIEST!

Priest entered the ring, performing his signature taunt before settling in his corner. The arena lights shifted to a golden hue as "I Came to Play" blared through the speakers. The crowd erupted with cheers as The Miz made his way to the ring, showcasing his charisma and confidence.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 221 pounds, THE MIZ!

The Miz played to the crowd, his energy infectious as he climbed into the ring, staring down Priest with determination. The referee called for the bell, and the match was officially underway.

Mauro Ranallo: This is it, folks! The Miz versus Damian Priest, our main event and the last King of the Ring quarter final match. Both of these men have something to prove here tonight!

Nigel McGuinness: That's right, Mauro. These two have a storied history, and tonight is another chapter in their rivalry.

The two men circled each other, tension evident in their movements. The Miz wasted no time launching into some trash talk, to try and get inside Priest's head. But Priest remained composed, focused on his opponent. They locked up in the center of the ring, each vying for control. Priest's power advantage became evident as he overpowered Miz, forcing him into the corner. The referee called for a clean break, and Priest stepped back, allowing Miz to regroup. Miz, ever the opportunist, attempted a quick kick to the midsection, but Priest was ready, catching Miz's foot and spinning him around for a clothesline that sent Miz crashing to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: Damian Priest showcasing his strength early on!

Priest continued to dominate, delivering a series of powerful kicks and strikes, targeting Miz's legs and midsection. The Miz tried to counter with a dropkick, but Priest sidestepped it, maintaining his control. Priest hoisted Miz onto his shoulders, looking for an early finish with South of Heaven, but Miz wriggled free, getting behind Priest and quickly delivering a chop block to take Priest off his feet.

Nigel McGuinness: Smart move by The Miz, taking out Priest's legs to level the playing field.

The Miz capitalized on the shift in momentum, targeting Priest's legs with precise strikes and submissions, working to wear down his larger opponent. Miz locked in a figure-four leg lock, applying pressure to Priest's knees. The crowd rallied behind Priest, chanting his name as he fought to escape the hold.

Mauro Ranallo: The Miz is relentless! He's doing everything he can to weaken Priest.

Priest managed to reach the ropes, forcing Miz to break the hold. Priest then used the ropes to pull himself up, but Miz was relentless, whipping Priest into the corner then charging at him with a corner clothesline. Priest stumbled forward, and Miz followed up with a neckbreaker, before going for the cover. The referee counted - 1… 2… Priest powered out, much to Miz's frustration. Miz continued his assault, dragging Priest to the center of the ring and delivering a series of stomps. He dragged Priest towards the center of the ring before attempting another figure-four leg lock, but Priest kicked him away, sending Miz into the ropes.

Nigel McGuinness: The resilience of Damian Priest is truly impressive!

Priest fought back with renewed vigor, delivering a series of strikes and kicks that had Miz reeling. He hit a spinning heel kick that sent Miz crashing to the mat, then went for the cover. The referee counted - 1… 2… Miz kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: So close! The Miz is hanging in there!

The match continued to see-saw, both men giving it their all. Miz managed to gain the upper hand with a DDT, but Priest kicked out at two. Priest countered with a Falcon Arrow, but Miz kicked out once again. The intensity of the match grew, with both men pushing their limits. In a pivotal moment, Priest set Miz up for the Razor's Edge, but Miz slipped out and countered, hitting Priest with the Skull Crushing Finale!

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale! Is this it?

Miz hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… kickout! The crowd erupted as Priest got his shoulder up, much to Miz's disbelief. Miz, seething with frustration, dragged Priest to his feet, delivering a second Skull Crushing Finale.

Mauro Ranallo: A second Skull Crushing Finale! Can Damian Priest kick out again?

Miz hooked the leg once more, and the referee counted - 1… 2… 3! The bell rang, and The Miz's hand was raised in victory. The crowd had mixed reactions, some cheering for Miz's hard-fought win, others disappointed by the outcome.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, THE MIZ!

As Miz celebrated in the ring, the arena lights dimmed, and a familiar theme echoed through the speakers. "Judas" by Fozzy played, and Chris Jericho appeared on the stage, clapping slowly and deliberately. The Miz turned to face Jericho, a smirk forming on his face.

Mauro Ranallo: Well, look who it is! Chris Jericho, Miz's opponent in the King of the Ring semi finals, making his presence known.

Nigel McGuinness: This is going to be one hell of a match at Total Supremacy, Mauro!

The show ended with a staredown between The Miz and Chris Jericho, the stage set for their upcoming clash at Total Supremacy.