Not Done Yet (Hook RP)

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Ben M
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Not Done Yet (Hook RP)

Post by Ben M »

During the Total Supremacy pre-show, the camera cut to the backstage area of the Moda Center. Cathy Kelley was standing with a microphone in her hand, ready to conduct an exclusive interview. Beside her was the cold-hearted handsome devil, Hook, dressed in his wrestling gear.

Cathy Kelley: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, one of the semi-finalists in the King of the Ring tournament... Hook! Hook, thank you for joining me.

Hook nodded, acknowledging Cathy.

Cathy Kelley: Hook, when you joined EBWF just over two years ago, winning the King of the Ring tournament was your primary aim. After controversial exits from the tournament in 2022 and 2023, your run this year has been much more successful. You even bested your former rival, MJF, in the quarter finals. How are you feeling heading into tonight's semi final match?

Hook: I'm feeling confident, Cathy. This year, things have been different. I've stayed focused, learned from past mistakes, and I'm ready to prove that I belong at the top. Beating MJF was a big moment, but my job isn't finished yet.

Cathy Kelley: Your opponent in the semi final is Johnny Gargano. The last time you two wrestled was back in March; that match ended in a disqualification after Christian Cage and Seth Rollins interfered. At the time, Gargano had you locked in his submission hold, Garga-No Escape. Do you think you would have submitted if they hadn’t interfered?

Hook paused, considering his response.

Hook: You know, Cathy, I'd like to say no. I'd like to say I wouldn't have tapped out. But the truth is, I was in a lot of pain and struggling to get out of the hold or reach the ropes. So, yeah, I might have given up to avoid injury. But tonight, it doesn't matter what Gargano does to me. I won’t quit. Winning King of the Ring is too important to me. I’ve worked too hard to let this opportunity slip away.

Cathy Kelley: If you make it to the final, you'll face either Chris Jericho or The Miz. What are your thoughts on these potential opponents?

Hook: I have a great amount of respect for Chris Jericho. He’s one of the wrestlers that inspired me to become a professional wrestler. I’ve faced him before, and I’ve beaten him before. I know I can do it again. But I don’t take him lightly. He’s a legend for a reason. As for The Miz... I haven't wrestled him before, but I have beaten MJF, who is effectively a carbon copy of Miz.

Hook smirked; it was a rare attempt at humour from someone who normally preferred to let their wrestling do the talking. Cathy Kelley chuckled at Hook’s comment before Hook continued on a more serious note.

Hook: Joking aside, Miz is a threat. He's a seven-time EBWF World Champion for a reason. He’s the only one of the semi-finalists I haven't faced before, so I’ve been scouting him. I know his strengths, his weaknesses. I’ll be ready for him if we meet in the final.

Cathy Kelley: It sounds like you’re well-prepared, Hook. Any final thoughts before your match tonight?

Hook: Just this. Tonight is my night. I’ve come too far and worked too hard to let anything stand in my way. Johnny Gargano, Chris Jericho, The Miz... it doesn’t matter. I’m ready to face whoever steps in that ring with me. Tonight, I will prove that I deserve to King of the Ring, and the next EBWF World Champion.

Cathy Kelley: Thank you, Hook. Best of luck in your match tonight.

Hook nodded and walked off with determination in his eyes as the camera faded out.