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Warfare Results 07/15/2024

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:56 pm
by Ben M

Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks! It’s time for Warfare! Tonight, we are live from San Jose, California, and kicking things off, we’ve got one of this year’s King of the Ring semi finalists in action as Johnny Gargano takes on MJF!

“Rebel Heart” by CFO$ hit, and the crowd cheered as Johnny Gargano made his way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: You say “King of the Ring semi finalist” like it’s an achievement, Mauro. Gargano lost! He didn’t even make it to the final!

Mauro Ranallo: Well he made it further than his opponent, MJF did, in the tournament, Nigel.

Nigel McGuinness: It doesn’t matter! All that matters is who won… second is nothing.

Mauro Ranallo: Sounds like someone is a little bitter about England’s loss in the European Championship final last night, Nigel.

When Gargano was in the ring, “Better Than You” hit and the cheers quickly turned to boos as MJF made his way down the ramp. After MJF had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and Gargano and MJF began circling each other, both men exuding confidence and determination.

Mauro Ranallo: Here we go, Nigel! Two of the best in the business today!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Johnny Gargano's technical prowess versus MJF's cunning tactics. This is going to be a chess match.

The two men locked up, and MJF managed to put Gargano in a headlock. After a struggle, Gargano broke free and shoved MJF into the ropes… but as MJF ran back towards Gargano, he hit a shoulder block, sending Gargano to the mat. MJF then stomped on Gargano several times as the crowd began to boo. MJF taunted the crowd, flexing his muscles and shouting, "That's why I'm better than you!"

Mauro Ranallo: Gargano's not going to be intimidated by MJF's antics.

Nigel McGuinness: Indeed, Mauro. Johnny Wrestling has faced tougher challenges.

Gargano quickly got back to his feet, and the two men locked up again. This time, Gargano gained the upper hand with an arm drag, followed by another, and then a dropkick that sent MJF rolling out of the ring to regroup. MJF paced around the ring, frustration evident on his face. He slowly climbed back into the ring, and the match resumed with a more aggressive tone. MJF took control with a rake to the eyes, followed by a snap suplex. He went for a quick cover, and the referee counted - 1… 2… Gargano kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: MJF showing his devious side there!

Nigel McGuinness: That's what makes him dangerous, Mauro.

MJF continued to wear down Gargano with a series of methodical attacks, targeting Johnny's back with a backbreaker and a couple of knee drops. But Gargano showed his resilience, fighting back with a series of forearm strikes and a stunning enzuigiri that dazed MJF. With MJF reeling, Gargano hit a slingshot spear from the apron, followed by a pin attempt. The referee counted - 1… 2… MJF kicked out just before the 3! The crowd began chanting “Johnny Wrestling!” as Gargano got to his feet.

Mauro Ranallo: What a comeback by Gargano! The heart of this man is incredible.

Nigel McGuinness: The momentum is shifting, Mauro. Gargano's feeding off this crowd.

As MJF got to his feet, Gargano hit a superkick, then went for his signature submission, the Gargano Escape… but MJF managed to wriggle free, and he rolled out of the ring once again. This time, Richard Holliday made his way down the ramp, a determined look on his face.

Mauro Ranallo: Richard Holliday is out here, and this doesn't bode well for Gargano.

Nigel McGuinness: Richard Holliday, always ready to assist his friend MJF. He could be the X-factor here, Mauro!

Holliday climbed up onto the ring apron, distracting the referee. MJF pulled a set of brass knuckles out of his trunks, snuck back into the ring and tried to hit Gargano with the brass knuckles… but Gargano dodged the punch, got behind MJF, and hit him with a backstabber! As MJF hit the mat, he dropped the brass knuckles. The referee heard them hit the mat, and he turned to pick them up. While the referee’s back was turned, Holliday slid into the ring, aiming to take out Gargano.

Mauro Ranallo: Richard Holliday's trying to take out Johnny Gargano!

Nigel McGuinness: This could backfire, Mauro!

Holliday charged at Gargano, but Gargano ducked at the last second, causing Holliday to accidentally clothesline MJF instead! The crowd gasped as MJF crumpled to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: Holliday just took out MJF! He didn't see Gargano move!

Nigel McGuinness: That was a costly mistake, Mauro!

Seizing the moment, Gargano threw Holliday out of the ring, then climbed onto the ring apron, waiting for MJF to get back up. When MJF was up, Gargano jumped over the apron, hitting MJF with One Final Beat! The crowd roared as Gargano went for the cover. The referee dropped to the mat and counted - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Johnny Gargano wins! Johnny Gargano wins!

Nigel McGuinness: What a finish, Mauro! Richard Holliday's interference backfired spectacularly!

As Gargano celebrated his hard-fought victory, MJF slowly got to his feet, glaring at Holliday. The two began to argue in the ring, MJF furious at Holliday's costly mistake.

Mauro Ranallo: MJF and Richard Holliday are at each other's throats! This partnership might be over.

Nigel McGuinness: You can feel the tension, Mauro. This isn't going to end well.

As Warfare went to a commercial break, the last image was of MJF and Holliday continuing their heated argument in the ring.


When Warfare returned from the commercial break, "Oedo Ranbu" hit, and as the Oedo Tai entrance video played behind them, the unit emerged from the back in quick succession. First Rhea Ripley, next Jamie Hayter, then Himeka, and finally Mina Shirakawa. The boos were loud, but they became almost deafening when Tam Nakano emerged with the Queen of the Ring crown and cape added to her ensemble. Rather than a scepter, she had her barbed wire bat in hand. After striking a pose to the delight of only her unit, Tam sauntered down to the ring. All of Oedo Tai followed her shortly thereafter.

Mauro Ranallo: A show of force tonight as Queen Tam arrives on the scene. It was just a few days ago that she completed her journey to the crown. Though she did it through highly questionable means.

Nigel McGuinness: Say what you will about what went down at Total Supremacy, but her tournament was impressive as usual. Defeating Shaul Guerrero, Ava Johnson, Arisa Hoshiki, and Britt Baker is no small feat. With Mina Shirakawa in the fold, Oedo Tai's more dangerous than ever. With all that said, I don't think the fans want to hear what our Queen of the Ring has to say tonight.

Once at ringside, Oedo Tai surrounded the ring and went about preparing the stage for the Final Boss. Jamie berated the crew until she got a mic. Rhea stood guard at the base of the ring steps. Himeka took the bat from Tam. Mina climbed to the apron and held the ropes open for Tam, who gingerly climbed into the ring. With the boos growing louder still, Mina and Himeka climbed into the ring as well. As the music faded out, Tam struck a cute pose which just fired the crowd up more. She laughed at their reaction and looked at her teammates who shared in the mirth. A moment later Jamie got into the ring and handed the mic to Tam.

Tam Nakano: To quote a shattered, broken star... was that not how it was supposed to go?!

This got more boos, to which Tam just offered another adorably innocent pose.

Tam Nakano: I mean, you only have yourselves to blame for that disappointment. You all looked at that semi finals field and got SO excited about anyone but Tam winning the crown, didn't you? Even after everything I've done in the past two years, after I beat literally everyone, you still kept on denying reality. You saw those other three names and pinned your hopes to them all in a desperate attempt to convince yourself that any of them stood a chance. You were so desperate that you'd pin your hopes on someone who did worse things than me, the broken-down remains of Arisa Hoshiki, or even a bonafide dentist! So don't cry to me about how your pick lost. I already told you what would happen before the first bell ever rang!

She grinned confidently as she absolved herself from blame.

Tam Nakano: Three of the more accomplished lower-tier women stepped into that arena believing the same thing you did. But what happened? What did you see before your very eyes? The Crimson Queen fell to a dentist. The Shining Star was lucky to walk out at all. And that dentist simply could not get the job done. She just proved that what I've kept saying is true: they may hate me, but they will NEVER be better than me.

She let that settle in as Oedo Tai applauded her.

Tam Nakano: Queen Tam was inevitable. When I set my eyes on a prize, there's nothing and no one that can stop me from taking it. So when I entered Queen of the Ring for the first time, I decided it was time for me to wear the crown. And that's exactly what happened. It shouldn't be a surprise. It's just a result of me being at an entirely different level than every girl in the back.

She grinned and paused to bask in more rising boos from the crowd.

Tam Nakano: Oh come on, you know you love seeing me do what I do better than anyone! You boo me now, but when the brightest lights lit up the biggest stage, you cheered anyway. Deep down you know that you love Tam. You love seeing the best wrestler in EBWF smoke every girl who thinks she can go the distance with Tam. I know that the people here tonight are only booing because San Jose is so starved for success in sports that you resent anyone who finds it. That's okay. Tam will make it better. Tam will show you what a winner looks like, and you can support Tam as she actually wins a championship, unlike your wretched Sharks.

Another wall of boos slammed into her in response. Tam did a melodramatic double-take in response, feigning shock at such vitriol. She raised her mic again and just got more boos, and this repeated a couple more times. Finally, she decided it had been enough and raised her mic again.

Tam Nakano: Now that I've done EXACTLY what I said I would do and been crowned Queen Tam, I think it's time for a royal proclamation. Be quiet so you can hear my words. It's time that I return to the title picture and reclaim the beautiful championship that was taken from me. Becky Lynch doesn't seem to be here tonight, but I'm going to make sure she understands the situation perfectly.

Some chants of “BECKY! BECKY! BECKY!” rang out but Tam just shrugged them off.

Tam Nakano: Becky, I want you to enjoy the feel of that beautiful belt in your hands. Savor it. Spend every last minute you can with it, because at Gateway to Glory, the Final Boss is coming to take it home where it belongs. I WILL take you down like everyone else who's crossed my path. And once it's home, you won't be allowed to so much as sniff the title picture for a long, long time. I'm not just the greatest EBWF Women's Champion of all time, I'm the NEXT EBWF Women's Champion. That's a Tam Promise.

She grinned savagely as the boos kept on coming.

Tam Nakano: Oedo Tai runs this place. Tam runs this place. Bow Down to the Final Boss.

With that, she dropped the mic and high-fived the members of Oedo Tai as "Oedo Ranbu" hit again. Tam, Jamie, Himeka and Mina made their way to the back, leaving Rhea to prepare for her match with Britt Baker.


After a video package recapping the key moments from Total Supremacy, Warfare cut back to the ring. Rhea Ripley was pacing back and forth, awaiting the arrival of her opponent. “The Epic” by Downstait hit and the crowd cheered as Britt Baker stepped out onto the stage.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Britt Baker, who made it to the Queen of the Ring final at Total Supremacy, where she put in an incredible performance in a losing effort to our new queen, Tam Nakano. She will be hoping to regain some momentum with a victory over Rhea Ripley tonight… and more than that, she’ll be hoping none of the other members of Oedo Tai get involved!

Nigel McGuinness: Didn’t you hear what she said earlier, Mauro? She said she’d be willing to take on all five of Oedo Tai by herself if she had to!

Mauro Ranallo: That’s fighting talk, Nigel… I don’t think she meant it. Besides, we’ve seen how dangerous Oedo Tai can be, and with all due respect to Britt Baker, I’m not sure how many allies she has here in EBWF.

When Baker was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Rhea Ripley used her strength to push Britt Baker into the corner, but Baker quickly ducked under Ripley’s arm and moved back to the center of the ring. They locked up again, and this time Baker managed to apply a wristlock, twisting Ripley's arm. Ripley countered with a powerful forearm smash, knocking Baker to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: Rhea Ripley showing off her power early in this match!

Nigel McGuinness: Britt Baker needs to use her speed and technical skills to outmaneuver Ripley if she wants to win.

Ripley grabbed Baker and lifted her up for a vertical suplex, holding her in the air for a moment before dropping her down hard. Ripley went for a quick cover, but Baker kicked out at two. Ripley pulled Baker to her feet and whipped her into the ropes. As Baker rebounded off the ropes, Ripley went for a clothesline, but Baker ducked underneath it, ran against the opposing set of ropes and came back with a flying forearm smash. As Ripley stumbled backwards, Baker followed up with a dropkick, sending Ripley to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker with a burst of offense! She’s starting to find her rhythm.

Nigel McGuinness: She needs to keep up the pressure on Rhea Ripley if she wants to secure the victory.

Baker pulled Ripley to her feet and hit a swinging neckbreaker, then went for a cover. The referee counted - 1… 2… Ripley kicked out! Baker stayed on the attack, hitting Ripley with a series of right hands. She then set Ripley up for a DDT, but Ripley countered it, lifting Baker up and dropping her with a spinebuster.

Mauro Ranallo: Rhea Ripley with a thunderous spinebuster! The momentum shifts back to “The Eradicator”.

Ripley took a moment to regain her composure before dragging Baker to the corner. Ripley then climbed up to the second rope and went for a diving knee drop, but Baker rolled out of the way at the last second. Ripley clutched her knee in pain as Baker seized the opportunity, applying a half crab to further target Ripley's injured knee.

Nigel McGuinness: Smart strategy by Britt Baker, focusing on Rhea Ripley’s knee. If she can keep this up, she might have Ripley right where she wants her.

Ripley used her strength to power out of the half crab, pushing Baker away with her free leg. As both women got to their feet, Baker hit a running knee strike, knocking Ripley back down. Baker signaled to the crowd, who cheered loudly as pulled out a black glove, ready to apply the Lockjaw.

Mauro Ranallo: The Doctor’s going for the Lockjaw! If she locks this in, it could be over!

Baker managed to get Ripley down and attempted to apply the Lockjaw, but Ripley fought back, using her strength to prevent Baker from fully locking it in. Ripley managed to roll Baker over, breaking the hold. Ripley then hit Baker with a headbutt, followed by a devastating Riptide.

Nigel McGuinness: Rhea Ripley with the Riptide! This could be it!

Ripley went for the cover, and the referee counted - 1… 2… Baker kicked out at the last possible moment! Ripley, frustrated, pulled Baker up and went for another Riptide, but Baker countered with a jawbreaker. With Ripley stunned, Baker hit a drop toe hold and quickly transitioned into the Lockjaw again, this time successfully locking it in.

Mauro Ranallo: Baker has the Lockjaw locked in! Ripley’s in trouble!

Ripley struggled, trying to reach the ropes, but Baker had it cinched in tight. The pain was too much for Ripley to bear, and she had no choice but to tap out.

Nigel McGuinness: Ripley taps! Britt Baker has done it!

The referee called for the bell, and Baker released the hold, standing tall as the crowd cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: What a victory for Britt Baker! She’s regained her momentum and shown that she can overcome even the toughest opponents.

Nigel McGuinness: This is a huge win for Britt Baker. She’s proven that she’s a force to be reckoned with in the women’s division.

Britt Baker celebrated in the ring, soaking in the cheers from the crowd as Ripley rolled out of the ring, clutching her knee and glaring back at Baker. Baker smirked at Ripley, then continued celebrating as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When Warfare came back from the commercial break, the entrance ramp was covered with a red carpet that led all the way to the ring. The camera panned from the red carpet to the ring, which also donned the same red velvet material all over the mat. In the center of the ring there was a throne and on either side of the throne were Michael Cole and Matt Riddle. They wore t-shirts that said "I’m with the King" and arrows that pointed towards the throne. The problem was they were both standing on the wrong side based on their given arrows. Cole noticed this and orchestrated a switch sides movement which got chuckles from the crowd. After several beats we heard.


Followed by "I Came To Play" by Downstait. Mickie Mizanin emerged to cheers from the crowd as she held a crown high above her head. The cheers got louder when The Miz entered a couple of steps behind her. He wore a shirt that read "Your Favorite King's Favorite King" and black pants. He had sunglasses over his eyes and his hair was slicked all around. He didn't look as upbeat and happy as one might expect from someone who just won King of the Ring to become the number one contender for the EBWF World Championship; instead, he walked with a swagger and air of confidence that was more typical of his former self. Mickie looked back at her husband with a wide smile on her face as the couple made their way down the ramp. The Miz entered with his typical ring entrance and he held the ropes open for his wife to enter the ring. Cole and Riddle both clapped excitedly and both held their hands up for high fives. Miz ignored both of them and sat down on the throne. Mickie got a microphone from the timekeeper and gave it to her husband. Miz took his sunglasses off and put them into the collar of his t-shirt. A "Miz is Awesome" chant broke out from the crowd. The Miz smirked at this and began.

The Miz: I am, aren't I?

The crowd cheered again.

The Miz: You see that is the biggest truth that there really is in this entire business. The Miz.. IS… awesome. It's rare to find someone that when they put their mind to it, can SO CONSISTENTLY achieve things that others can only dream about. Everybody that has anything to do with this business thought that maybe my best days were behind me. When I lost to MJF, the world saw an unfocused and unmotivated Miz, that seemingly overnight used that wake up call to return to form.. and when The Miz is "in form" he is quite simply put... the BEST WRESTLER TO EVER EXIST. Period. End of Sentence. So when I was given a second chance to be in the tournament, I knew that I would make the most of it. It was an opportunity that I was given, to prove that my best days are not behind me, but instead right in front of me. I was determined to prove that the beautiful bastard you see in front of your eyes right now, still had MORE than enough in the tank to once again reach the pinnacle of this company, and that is EXACTLY what I plan to do next.

The crowd cheered. Riddle craned in to add something, but the Miz ripped the mic away from his mouth.

The Miz: Not now Matt, the King is talking.

Riddle nodded understanding, but looking a little taken aback.

The Miz: Which leads me to our current champion, CM Punk.

There was a loud reaction at the mention of his name.

The Miz: It's been a while Punk, and I can't say that I've missed you... not even once… but let me be the first to say a couple things. The first - welcome back - and the second - congratulations on beating Damian Priest to earn the EBWF World Championship. You and I are the only two people that have been able to accomplish a victory over Damian - but that's about where our similarities end. You see Punk, you come out here and lie to all my Mizfits each week claiming you are the "Best in the World'' - but are you Punk? Are you REALLY the best in the world? What have you actually done here that would prove that? Do you have the resume? The longevity? The consistency to be able to make such a claim? Now look, I'm not out here saying you haven't accomplished anything.. I mean your career has been... "good".

The Miz used a tone that downplayed that word. He continued.

The Miz: But "BEST" in the world? I mean there's a big difference between being "good" and being the "best" and when the two of us meet for the richest prize in professional wrestling, that difference is going to be put on absolute FULL DISPLAY. You see Punk, I've never liked you - but I'm not going to sit here and claim that you're a nobody - because you're not. The problem is - you are going to be made to look like one, when you go head to head with the BIGGEST SOMEBODY that the EBWF has ever known. The second that the referee's hand hit for three when I won this tournament, was the second that your destiny of losing the EBWF World Title before your reign could even really get started, was written. I'm sure you'll fire back with your brazen, misguided, confident bravado that you always have had Punk, but I think we both know that what I'm saying is right. So I look forward to it, Punk. When that night comes, it'll be about you and me, and that title that you're keeping warm for me.. but tonight... is not that night.

The Miz paused and motioned with his head for Mickie to come over to him before continuing.

The Miz: Tonight - is about me. Tonight is about recognizing me for accomplishing one of the few things that I had never accomplished in this profession. Tonight is about honoring me for becoming the 2024 KING of the RING. Now I of course didn't need a victory in this tournament to call myself the KING of this business, but now I get a crown and a throne, which is... well, which is pretty cool.

Michael Cole craned in to add to that. Again Miz pulled the mic away. Michael had the same reaction as Riddle.

The Miz: Michael, please. So without further ado... I'd like to announce before all of you right now. Your 2024 KING OF THE RING… KING OF WRESTLING… KING OF THE WORLD.

Miz looked a hole through Riddle and Cole, delivering his next line with a hint of malice.

The Miz: Titanic. Bro.

They both looked hurt by The Miz stealing their line.

The Miz: Your FUTURE EBWF WORLD CHAMPION - the best of the best - the cream of the crop - the greatest of the great - the superest of superstars - your FAVORITE KING'S FAVORITE KING... THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

The crowd now had a mixed reaction to this segment which Miz had kind of deflated the fun of 'Bro Awesome' and seemed almost sinister in his remarks. Mickie let out a "WOOO" and eagerly put the crown on Miz's head. Riddle and Cole both clapped but with far less excitement as earlier. Mickie also took The Miz's sunglasses off his shirt and put them over Miz's eyes. Miz flashed an arrogant grin that the camera zoomed in on. Then it panned out to a wide shot of the group. Miz got out of his chair, and put the microphone back to his lips.

The Miz: Tonight - it's long live the king - but soon - it will once again be LONG. LIVE. THE. CHAMP.




"I Came To Play" hit from the PA system once more. The Miz dropped the mic and exited with Mickie in toe. Riddle and Cole followed slowly behind shooting each other a quick, slightly dejected look.


The arena in San Jose was electric as the main event of the evening was about to begin. “To The Wolves” by Stitched Up Heart hit and Damian Priest made his way to the ring, his presence commanding and intimidating. The San Jose crowd gave the former World Champion a mixed reaction as he headed down the ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: It's main event time here at Warfare, Nigel, and what a match we have lined up! Damian Priest, a man who's only tasted defeat twice in EBWF, going one-on-one with the double champion, Aiden English!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Aiden English has been on a tear lately, holding both the Breakout and Gateway Championships. This match is going to be a true test of endurance and skill for both competitors!

When Priest was in the ring, “Moments” by Sevendust hit and out walked Aiden English with a confident swagger, the Breakout and Gateway Championships placed over his shoulders. English made his way down the ramp, his eyes never leaving Priest, who stood stoically in his corner. When English was in the ring, he handed his titles to the referee, who took them out of the ring then called for the bell. Priest and English circled each other before locking up in the center of the ring. Priest quickly used his size and strength advantage to push English into the corner, but English slipped out, using his agility to avoid any early damage. English worked on Priest's arm with a series of arm drags and wrist locks, trying to weaken the big man. Priest countered with a series of powerful strikes, each one echoing through the arena. Priest then followed up with a spinning heel kick that sent English to the mat. Priest went for a cover and the referee counted – 1… 2… English kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Aiden English is showing why he's a double champion, Nigel. He's methodical, targeting Damian Priest's arm to try and neutralize his power.

Nigel McGuinness: Smart strategy, Mauro. But Priest is a former World Champion for a reason. He's resilient and can turn the tide at any moment.

As both men got to their feet, English whipped Priest against the ropes and hit a dropkick, followed by a series of quick leg drops. He transitioned into a front facelock, keeping Priest grounded. Priest powered out, hoisting English up and hitting him with a suplex. English quickly got back to his feet, but Priest was ready, catching him with a clothesline. Priest then lifted English for a vertical suplex, holding him in the air before slamming him down. Priest hooked the leg and the referee countered – 1… 2… again English kicked out! Priest pulled English to his feet and set him up for South of Heaven, but English blocked it, hitting a beautiful tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, followed by a swinging neckbreaker. He went for a pin, but Priest kicked out at 2. Frustration began to show on English's face as he struggled to keep the larger man down. English attempted to lock in a crossface, but Priest powered out, sending English into the ropes. English rebounded with a running dropkick, knocking Priest into the corner. He followed up with a running knee strike to the face, then climbed the ropes for a missile dropkick, connecting perfectly. English went for another pin – 1… 2… but again Priest kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: English is pulling out all the stops, Nigel! He knows he needs to keep the pressure on Priest.

Nigel McGuinness: Indeed, Mauro. But Priest's resilience is legendary. It's going to take more than that to keep him down.

As English got to his feet, he stomped on Priest several times, then climbed to the top rope. When Priest got to his feet, English went for a diving crossbody, but Priest caught him mid-air. The crowd gasped as Priest hoisted English onto his shoulders, transitioning smoothly into a devastating sit-out powerbomb.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA! What a counter by Damian Priest!

Nigel McGuinness: The power of Priest is incredible, Mauro! He just turned the momentum in an instant!

Priest hooked both legs, and the referee counted – 1… 2… English got his shoulder up just before the 3! It was obvious that English was in a lot of pain, and as Priest got to his feet, he stalked his opponent, waiting for him to get up. English was groggy and disorientated as he got to his feet, and Priest took full advantage, delivering a running big boot that sent English crashing to the mat again. Priest then hit a springboard senton, showcasing his agility for a man of his size. As Priest pulled English to his feet, he hit him with a series of punches, but English fought back with some right hands of his own, before whipping him against the ropes and hitting a spinebuster. English then attempted the Camel Clutch, but Priest fought his way out, using his raw power to stand up with English on his back and drop him with an electric chair drop. Priest then lifted English over his shoulders, and the crowd cheered in anticipation, knowing what was coming next.

Mauro Ranallo: Priest is looking for it... here it comes!

Nigel McGuinness: The Razor's Edge!

Priest executed the Razor's Edge flawlessly, driving English into the mat with authority. As Priest hooked the leg, the referee dropped to the canvas to make the count – 1... 2... 3! The bell rang, and the crowd exploded in cheers as Damian Priest stood tall, victorious.

Mauro Ranallo: Damian Priest has done it! He pins the double champion, Aiden English, with the Razor's Edge!

Nigel McGuinness: What a match, Mauro! Priest showed why he's a former World Champion, and English gave it everything he had. This is what EBWF Warfare is all about!

Priest celebrated in the ring as his music played, the fans in San Jose showing their appreciation for the incredible main event. The show closed with Priest standing tall as Warfare went off the air.