
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Post by A.J »

The last month had been quite bad for Team Cage,Seth Rollins got injured by a clown,Christian Cage got eliminated from the King Of The Ring tournament,Nikki Cross lost to Becky Lynch at Total Supremacy,and Christian was assaulted by Becky afterwards. The bad luck continued as Seth was now booked to face The Miz on Warfare,normally Seth would have no problem facing The Miz but with his recent ankle troubles he wanted no part of a match before it properly healed.

Seth was in the trainer's room an hour or two before Warfare,arguing with the doctor about if he could compete or not.

Seth Rollins: Doc I'm telling you my ankle is not 100%,it's not even at 50%. I can't go in that ring tonight and face The Miz.

The doctor shook his head.

Doctor: Seth your ankle is good enough to go.

Seth put his hands on the doctor's shoulders.

Seth Rollins: Doc my ankle is broken in three places,now I know I'm one tough hombre but even I have limits and I cannot nor will I compete tonight. I am not risking my career by going into a match at less than 50%,I am not an idiot like the people of Utah. Doc you are making a mistake by not looking out for the health of your Messiah and that is a one way ticket to having your LICENSE REVOKED.

The doctor had enough of Seth's talking and sighed.

Doctor: Seth I am going to say this one last time,you are fine,you are cleared to compete so please do me a favor and get out.

Seth's face displayed nothing but anger as he grabbed his hair and let out a scream before leaving. As Seth left the room he spotted a camera man and spoke.

Seth Rollins: Miz tonight your ass belongs to me.

Seth walked away as the scene faded to black.


"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan