Permission and Freedom

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Permission and Freedom

Post by A.J »

*Author’s note*

*Hey sorry,I actually finished this hours earlier but I fell asleep before I could upload it *

The scene opened backstage where Jon Moxley was sitting on a stairwell,he was wearing a vest with “MOX” on the back and camouflage pants. Moxley was in thought about what happened last week as he knew people were wondering about his surprise appearance to take down Christian Cage.

Jon Moxley: So I know you all are wondering why,why did I show up last week and drop Christian Cage on his head?

Moxley smirked.

Jon Moxley: Well it's simple, despite not being here in a long time I still kept up with the product and I watched Christian Cage be a slimy little douchebag,constantly trying to screw over the Rebellious Angels,three women that I respect. Now that I'm on the EBWF roster once again I now have the permission and freedom to stop Christian. Last week I called up Alexa and told her that if Christian tried to interfere in her and Liv's match, which I knew he would, that I would be there to put him down. The time came,Christian stuck his nose where it didn't belong and I put him down,he'll that's why Alexa was in the corner laughing after the match was over.

Moxley cracked his knuckles as he turned his thoughts to his match tonight.

Jon Moxley: Now tonight I wrestle my first match in an EBWF ring in almost three years and my opponent is the baby king mystery Dominik Mysterio. Now Dom I obviously know who your dad is,I know he's considered one of the greatest luchadors of all time,and I know he's been a fucking douchebag the last three years ever since he took his mask off.

Moxley reached into his vest pocket and brought out the mask he wore last week.

Jon Moxley: Obviously being that I've worn a mask before I know the power it has in terms of mystery but when it comes to luchadors it means a whole lot more,it represents heritage and honor which is what your dad Rey threw away along with the mask and ever since then Dom things haven't been going great for you or Rey,in fact barely anything goes on at all with you two.

Moxley chuckles.

Jon Moxley: Tonight Dom I'm gonna do to you,what I did to Christian last week and that's drop you on your head and when I do I will be standing over you,a person who had great potential bit was held back by his daddy,I will stand over that person with my hand raised.

Moxley got up and walked away as the scene faded to black.


"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan