Come Home With Your Shield or Be On It.

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Becky Lynch
Posts: 171
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:06 pm

Come Home With Your Shield or Be On It.

Post by Becky Lynch »

The year 2024 has been very fruitful one for Becky Lynch in terms of her career in EBWF. Starting off the year, Becky participated in the Women’s Last Survivor match and ended up winning. Then came the biggest match of her life at Fallout where she took on the then-reigning EBWF Women’s Champion, Sakisama. Becky had been in the position to win the title before. Each and every single time that she had been in a title match, whether it be against the lazy Canadian bitch that’s looks like she’s more plastic than flesh at this point or Raquel Diaz who does burlesque better than she wrestles (which isn’t a high bar to cross) or even Tam Nakano herself, Becky was always screwed out of the title.

Fallout was different this year. This year, Becky would finally get what she wanted after four years climbing and clawing her way to the top. She finally got her one on one title match that’s been long overdue, and there would be no one to fuck it up like Nattie fucked Becky over in 2020, how Raquel fucked Becky over in 2021, and also how Winter was forced to fuck Becky over in the Hell in a Cell I Quit match later that year.

When it came closer and closer to match time, Becky was quite nervous because she was unsure over whether or not she was to walk through the entrance that she would walk back through it with the title. It happens to everyone even those that have had as much experience as Becky does, not just in professional wrestling but also her acting on stage.

When she walked through the entrance curtain to do battle with Sakisama, it seemed as though her nervousness dissipated slowly but surely as the match wore on. When the final count was made, you could have taken British Bulldog’s SummerSlam 1992 reaction and dwarfed it. After walking back through the entrance curtain, Becky felt like she had finally conquered the mountain after all of the trials and tribulations that she had been faced with.

Since then, Becky had shown that she was a fighting champion. She’s been more of a fighting champion than the lazy Canadian bitch that held it four years ago. She made more appearances than Trish as well, considering Trish made less appearances than someone like a Brock Lesnar or a Logan Paul.

At Total Supremacy, Becky took on a face from her past in EBWF. She took on none other than Nikki Cross in a Barbed Wire match, one of the most brutal match types in wrestling history. Becky was well versed with how Nikki operated and was doubly well versed with how Christian Cage operated. Despite interference from Christian, Becky managed to retain the title.

As per the stipulation, Becky got five minutes alone with Christian in which Christian was beaten from pillar to post. The segment ended with Christian being put through a flaming table. Becky had finally achieved vengeance on Christian over everything he put the Rebellious Angels through.

Also at Total Supremacy, Tam Nakano won the Queen of the Ring tournament. With everything that Oedo Tai had put Becky through over the last year, it’s now ‘do or die.’ Will the Rebellion continue or will Tam Nakano representing Oedo Tai get another title reign handed to her by the corrupt system?
Date: August 25, 2024
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Starring: Becky Lynch, Winter, Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, Jamie Hayter, Rhea Ripley, and “Tam Nakano”
Time: 9:30PM

The scene opens up with an exterior shot of a local bar in Columbus, Ohio. The date appears on the screen: “AUGUST 25, 2024.” The song that welcomes the viewer to the scene is “He’s Sure the Boy I Love” by The Crystals. A cut to the interior of the bar shows Becky Lynch and Winter walking in. The two approach Alexa and Liv, introducing her to them.

Becky Lynch: “This is Liv.”

Becky says. Winter and Liv shake hands. Becky points to Alexa.

Becky Lynch: “This is Lexi. It’s her bar.”

Winter and Alexa shake hands. Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the bar is “Tam Nakano,” Rhea Ripley, and Jamie Hayter of Oedo Tai. “Tam” finishes her first drink and then notices Becky.

“Tam Nakano”: “Hey, look at this. It’s Becky Lynch, the EBWF Women’s Champion. You’re all grown up and doing the town.”

Becky notices “Tam,” Jamie, and Rhea on the opposite end of the bar. With grimace, Becky says under her breath but loud enough for Winter, Alexa, and Liv to hear.

Becky Lynch: “Aw, shite. I forgot ya were entertainin’ this bitch…”

“Tam” continues motioning for Becky to acknowledge her, getting even louder.

“Tam Nakano”: “Whoa, whoa! Come here! I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Becky speaks under her breath, but loud enough for her fellow stablemates to hear.

Becky Lynch: “I’m goin’ over to say ‘hello’.”

Becky walks up to “Tam” and they shake hands before “Tam” pulls Becky into a hug.

“Tam Nakano”: “I haven’t seen you in so long. You look good.”

Becky breaks the hug.

Becky Lynch: “Watch the jacket, watch the jacket.”

“Tam Nakano”: “‘Watch the jacket,’ you bitch...”

“Tam” says in a light-hearted manner.

“Tam Nakano”: “I’ve known you for quite a few years now. Don’t go getting too big.”

Becky Lynch: “Just don’t go bustin’ my balls, okay?”

Becky says as she walks away back to her group.

“Tam Nakano”: “If I was planning to break your balls, I’d tell you to ‘go home and get better’.”

Jamie and Rhea chuckle while Becky glares at “Tam.”

“Tam Nakano”: “They used to call her ‘carry them all Becky.’ She would make even the lowliest of jobbers look like fucking stars…”

“Tam” looks at Winter.

“Tam Nakano”: “Excuse my language. She was terrific. She was the best. She was always the bridesmaid but never the bride in the EBWF. She became a huge star in and out of wrestling, too.”

“Tam” holds up her drink as a sign of respect.

“Tam Nakano”: “Congrats, Becky.”

“Tam” takes a drink. Becky is seething with rage and is close to the boiling point but manages to maintain her composure.

Becky Lynch: “No more ‘bridesmaid,’ Tam.”

Becky says as she sips her drink. “Tam” looks at Becky with a raised eyebrow.

“Tam Nakano”: “What?”

Becky replies with a serious look on her face.

Becky Lynch: “I said, ‘No more bridesmaid, Tam.’ You’ve been away a long time. Yer out of the loop. Ya go up and they’ll tell ya that I’m not the bridesmaid anymore. They’ll tell ya that I’m the bride now. I’m no longer the runner-up. I’m the fookin’ Women’s Champion.”

“Tam” is taken aback by Becky’s words.

“Tam Nakano”: “What’s gotten into you? We’re having a party. It’s after the show. We don’t have to be enemies right now. We can save that for Gateway to Glory. Would you relax? I’m just kidding with you, and you’re getting all bent out of shape.”

Becky makes her thoughts known in response to “Tam.”

Becky Lynch: “Sometimes it doesn’t sound like yer kiddin’. I mean, there’s a lot of people here.”

“Tam Nakano”: “I’m only kidding with you. We’re having a party for another show well done in the Ohio loop, and you’re getting bent out of shape. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to offend you.”

Becky calms down a little bit.

Becky Lynch: “Well, I’m sorry, too. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

Becky takes a sip of her drink and “Tam” takes a sip from her own drink. Once “Tam” sets her drink down.

“Tam Nakano”: “Now go home and get better than Tam Nakano!”

In a fit of rage, Becky immediately throws her glass against the bar, and it shatters upon impact.


“Tam” looks over to Becky blowing a gasket and invites Becky to try her. Meanwhile, Alexa manages to push Becky toward the door, trying to hold her back.

“Tam Nakano”: “Yeah, yeah, yeah… Come on... COME ON! COME ON!”

Alexa Bliss: “Calm down, calm down.”

Becky Lynch: “Lexi, she bought her title shots and title reigns, that FAKE WRESTLER!”

Becky yells at “Tam.”


“Tam” continues to invite Becky for a fight.

“Tam Nakano”: “Let her go! Come on and fight me!”

Becky looks at Alexa.

Becky Lynch: “Keep that fookin’ bitch here. KEEP HER HERE!”

Becky grabs Winter by the hand and leaves the bar.

“Tam Nakano”: “Come on! You feel strong! I’ll take your fucking title right now!”

Alexa walks up to “Tam” and offers an apology.

Alexa Bliss: “Tam, Tam, Tam… I’m sorry. Becky gets a little too loaded and she doesn’t mean any disrespect.”

“Tam” raises an eyebrow, shocked that Alexa would say anything like that.

“Tam Nakano”: “She doesn’t mean any disrespect? Alexa, are you crazy?! Teach her some fucking manners!”

“Tam” points at Liv.

“Tam Nakano”: “Hey, Liv. What’s right is right!”

Liv Morgan: “It’s alright. It’s alright.”

“Tam Nakano”: “I mean, the champ’s up here and we’re shaking hands and hugging. Two minutes later, she’s acting like a fucking bitch!”

Liv shakes her head. Obviously, what “Tam” had just said was bullshit, but she’s going to placate to “Tam.”

Liv Morgan: “Nah, nah, nah. You insulted her a little bit. You got a little out of order and you insulted her.”

“Tam” is either oblivious or lying when she answers Liv.

“Tam Nakano”: “I didn’t insult anybody.”

Liv Morgan: “Nah, you insulted her a little bit.”

“Tam Nakano”: “I didn’t insult anybody.”

“Tam” looks at the bartender and orders a drink.

“Tam Nakano”: “Give us a drink.”

Liv smirks before responding.

Liv Morgan: “Okay.”

To break the tension in the room, Alexa approaches the bar.

Alexa Bliss: “Come on. Let’s have some drinks on the house.”

“Tam” speaks up and tries to be generous.

“Tam Nakano”: “No, have the drink with me.”

Alexa and Liv protest and insist.

Liv Morgan: “Nah, the drinks are on the house.”

“Tam” mutters to herself as she grabs her drink.

“Tam Nakano”: “I used to break loudmouth bitches like that all the time in Japan. Fucking break up this party…”

“Tam” says before she takes a sip of her drink.
Date: August 26, 2024
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Starring: Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, and “Tam Nakano”
Time: 1:30AM

The scene has changed and it’s now half past two in the morning. Everyone has left the bar except for Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, and “Tam Nakano.” “Atlantis” by Donovan is playing on the jukebox. Beginning this scene are Liv and “Tam” talking about the upcoming title match involving the leader of Oedo Tai and Becky Lynch. On the opposite end of the bar is Alexa Bliss. Alexa notices the door open and close and runs toward it for good reason. Becky has returned to the bar. The look on Becky’s face shows that her rage hasn’t subsided at all since the insult from a few hours ago.

“Tam Nakano”: “I did my fucking time, Liv. I spent too much time away from the belt. I want what I have to get, and that’s the belt.”

Liv looks up to see Becky approaching.

Liv Morgan: “You’ll get something alright.”

“Tam” turns around right into a punch from Becky Lynch. It’s a punch so hard that it knocks “Tam” down to the floor. Becky immediately mounts “Tam” and viciously punches her in the face. Liv looks at Alexa.

Liv Morgan: “Get the door, Lexi!”

Alexa runs to the door and closes it before locking it, so Becky and Liv won’t be disturbed. Back to the action, Becky continues savagely punching “Tam” in the face. In between punches, Liv viciously stomps on “Tam’s” face. The hits are so vicious that blood spurts out of “Tam’s” head. Becky pulls out a revolver and places the barrel into “Tam’s” mouth.

Becky Lynch: “Let me shoot her in her big fookin’ mouth! Let me shoot her!”

Before Becky can do so, Alexa and Liv manage to pull Becky away from “Tam,” causing Becky to drop the revolver. The impact from the revolver hitting the floor causes the cylinder to pop open and the bullets spread all over the floor. After being pulled off of “Tam,” Becky starts pulling tablecloths off of the tables before draping them on the floor next to “Tam’s” unconscious body.

Liv Morgan: “The fackin’ bitch dented mah shoes.”

Alexa and Liv both kneel down and each grab a limb of “Tam’s.”

Alexa Bliss: “This is fucking bad. Her entire group will be looking for her. We can’t just dump her on the street.”

Liv Morgan: “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of it. They’ll never find her.”

Becky looks at Alexa with a face full of regret.

Becky Lynch: “I didn’t want to get blood on your floor.”

Alexa looks at Becky in shock. She had never seen Becky so bloodthirsty before this. There had been times where Becky came close, but she never fully crossed that threshold into sociopathy before. The scene ends as the Rebellious Angels drag “Tam” out of the bar and to Alexa’s car.
Date: August 26, 2024
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Starring: Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, and “Tam Nakano”
Time: 4:45AM

Before they set out to their true destination, the Rebellious Angels decide to stop at Alexa’s parents’ house to get a shovel. Alexa’s mother made them all breakfast and not only did the trio leave with a shovel, but Becky also borrowed a huge kitchen knife. The trio left at a quarter after four in the morning. While driving her car down the road, Alexa notices some thumping coming from her trunk. Alexa raises an eyebrow.

Alexa Bliss: “What the fuck is that?”

The thumping continues. Alexa quickly glances at Liv sleeping in the passenger’s seat.

Alexa Bliss: “Liv…”

Liv wakes up and groggily answers.

Liv Morgan: “What’s up, Lexi?”

Alexa Bliss: “Did I hit something?”

Becky, who was sleeping in the backseat, is woken up by the thumping.

Becky Lynch: “What the fook is that?”

The sound just won’t stop, and the Rebellious Angels are wondering what the hell is going.

Becky Lynch: “Maybe ya got a flat…”

Slowly but surely, it dawns on the trio. Alexa quickly glances back at the trunk of the car.

Alexa Bliss: “No… It can’t be…”

Alexa says in disbelief.

Becky Lynch: “What the fook is goin’ on? Ya gotta pull over and see.”

As Alexa continues driving, she spots a hidden driveway that leads to a wooded area in the middle of nowhere. When the car is deep enough in the wooded area, Alexa stops the car and places it in park before cutting off the ignition. The trio exit the car and approach the trunk, and the thumping hasn’t ceased. Becky and Liv stand back, the former is holding the large kitchen knife while the latter is holding the revolver from earlier. Alexa approaches the trunk with her keys. Liv nods to Alexa, and Alexa opens the trunk. Once the trunk opens, “Tam” is shown to still be alive, but just barely.

“Tam Nakano”: “No, no… Becky don’t…”

Becky’s eyes fill with rage once again as she looks at “Tam’s” near lifeless body.

Becky Lynch: “She’s still alive… Fookin’ piece of shite!”

Becky approaches “Tam” and stabs her in the chest – one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten times – before backing away.

Becky Lynch: “Die, ya fookin’ coont, die!”

Becky only backs away just so Liv can approach the trunk. Liv aims the revolver at “Tam,” and pulls the trigger, shooting “Tam” - one, two, three, four, five, six times – until the revolver goes click. Liv backs away from the trunk and Alexa slams the trunk shut. The scene fades to black.
Date: September 1, 2024
Location: Spectrum Center; Charlotte, North Carolina
Time: 7:00PM

The reigning, defending EBWF Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch is seen standing at the interview set with the camera situated on her. Once the camera goes live, the image of Becky is seen by all in the packed Spectrum Center. The fans give Becky an ovation so loud that it would be considered deafening.

Becky Lynch: “This year has been the best year in my life here in EBWF. I not only won the Women’s Last Survivor match at Last Survivor, but I also achieved my greatest goal. Some might say that I won all of those awards for my acting, and they’re right. Those awards are some of my greatest achievements, but there was one achievement that eluded me for four years, and that was winning the EBWF Women’s Championship which I finally did at Fallout.”

The crowd cheers upon hearing of Becky’s accomplishments.

Becky Lynch: “I faced one of the toughest challenges in my life when I took on Sakisama. I’ll be the first to say that Sakisama was no joke, but I was just a little bit better that night.”

The crowd cheers.

Becky Lynch: “At Total Supremacy, I took on and destroyed Nikki Cross just because she decided to associate with that piece of shite, Christian Cage. Speaking of Christian, I destroyed him after the match just like I promised.”

The crowd cheers once again and starts chanting Becky’s name.

Becky Lynch: “That brings me to tonight where I’ll face someone that I have history with. Some might say that our history dates back a year because that’s when my problems with Oedo Tai started, but you couldn’t be more wrong.”

Becky unfastens the EBWF Women’s Championship from around her waist and holds it up.

Becky Lynch: “This belt that I have and have held since I won it at Fallout is where our feud began three and a half years ago. She won the belt from some useless plastic old bitch from Canada that’s too chickenshit to face me, and then Raquel Diaz won the then-Women’s Royal Rumble match to become Number One Contender for the EBWF Women’s Championship at what was once called WrestleMania. I ended up beating Tam Nakano in a match on the road to the former WrestleMania. That added me to the match. Ya would think that my time would have come then…”

Becky shakes her head ‘no’ before continuing.

Becky Lynch: “We all know what happened. I won the match and Raquel paid off the referee to declare the match in her favor. Before anyone decides to bring up Winter admitting it, she opted to do that. What really happened was that Raquel did indeed pay off the referee. I fought and clawed my way to another title shot, and it didn’t end in my favor.”

The crowd boos in response to Becky getting screwed over repeatedly.

Becky Lynch: “This last year has felt like a perfect storm with Oedo Tai being a pain in everyone’s arses and needin’ someone to be their hero. I ended up becomin’ that hero. I rose up above Oedo Tai, and I became that hero at Fallout. It’s been an honor to be that hero for everyone.”

The crowd breaks out into “Becky” chants once again.

Becky Lynch: “Oedo Tai is still a major threat with Tam Nakano at the helm, and I know that the odds are definitely against me. Oedo Tai outnumbers and outpowers The Rebellious Angels, that much is true. However, to borrow from Norse folklore, I’m a fookin’ Shieldmaiden. I’m a fierce female warrior, and I’m very well aware that this could be my last match. I’m aware that this could be my last time walking down that ramp as the Women’s Champion.”

The crowd boos at the thought of Becky Lynch possibly losing the Women’s Championship to Tam Nakano.

Becky Lynch: “Every morning I wake up, I know that’s a possibility. The only way that I’m losin’ this title is if ya were to pry it from my cold, dead hands. While I know that it’s highly likely that Tam could win tonight, I’ll do everything within my power to retain my title, but I’m no fool. I know very well that I could burn myself in my own flame, and I’m fully prepared to do just that.”

The camera zooms in on Becky, who glares into the camera lenses.

Becky Lynch: “If I go down, then I’ll go down like a legendary Shieldmaiden. I go out like Straight Fire and take everybody with me in a blaze of glory. If I am reduced to the ashes, be forewarned, because I will rise from those ashes and I will be stronger than ever before.”

Becky furrows her brow.

Becky Lynch: “Tam Nakano, ya always say that in order to beat ya, one has to get better than ya. Well, tonight, I will prove that I’m better than ya by finally exorcisin’ ya and the rest of Oedo Tai from the EBWF. I’ll see that my reign as champion continues into Fanniversary. Tam Nakano will finally be destroyed and the reign of the Shieldmaiden will continue. Count on it.”

Becky says as the scene fades to black.
Daffney: 1975-2021
Becky Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2020, 2021), Women's Last Survivor (2024), EBWF Women's Champion (1-Time;Current), Best Actress (2021, 2022, 2023), Most Violent Scene in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023), Best Villain in a Film (2021, 2022), Best Antihero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023), Best Hero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023)
Allysin Kay Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2022)