
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Post by A.J »

As the scene opened backstage we saw Christian Cage standing near the top of a ladder,a cocky grin on his face.

Christian Cage: You know Wes Ikeda and the rest of EBWF management must really like Adam Cole,MJF,Damien Priest,and Aiden English,he must really like them because he's decided to put them in a big match on pay per view with The Instant Classic Christian Cage. These guys are lucky to be in the ring with me,he'll they're lucky to able to breathe the same air as me now they don't deserve it but hey since all the champions around here are unworthy of their belts,why not put a bunch of losers in a match with the company's biggest draw.

Christian looked down at the ladder he was standing on

Christian Cage: While my four opponents tonight are lucky to be in the ring with me,that's where it ends because they will face me in a match I made famous,a match I put on the map,a Ladder match. You can ask anybody who has faced me in this type of match and they will tell you that I am very dangerous with a Ladder,I am a master of the Ladder arts.

Christian chuckled.

Christian Cage: Do you think someone like Adam Cole realizes what's gonna happen tonight? No he's probably just still riding high off of that fluke win he got a few weeks ago on Warfare. You see Adam,you have had a rough year and it's gonna resume tonight because there's no way in hell that you will become Gateway and/or Breakout Champion again,your Isaac Yankem inspired girlfriend has more of a chance of winning the four way tonight against Mrs.underwhelming,the Lord and Savior from quality television,and Hardly Quinn.

Christian shook his head,especially at the mention of that last person.

Christian Cage: MJF is an overhyped rich boy whose recent big accomplishment was two years ago and since then has done nothing but hang out with a band of merry jobbers and a guy whose most recent accomplishment was in 1997. Damien Priest has done nothing since losing the World title back in May and is still tagging along with a guy who has done nothing but be in a never ending feud with our cowardly,lazy Tag Team Champions.

Christian looked over,presumably at someone off camera.

Christian Cage: Yes the Tag Titles are still a thing. No, I don't know why they haven't been stripped of their belts yet especially since they've refused to show up for work and cry about movie scenes. Yeah at least I do something about my problems with those Rebellious assholes.

Christian turned back to the camera.

Christian Cage: Tonight The Instant Classic will once again prove that I am the master of the Ladder match and become Gateway and Breakout Champion and-

Christian turned back to the person off camera.

Christian Cage: I don't care about Aiden English.

Christian once again turned back to the camera.

Christian Cage: And if you don't know…now you know.

Christian smirked as the scene faded to black.


"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan