As you all probably know by now, Mick Foley will be joining The Rock on a Tag Team match scheduled for Christmas Eve of Destruction against the returning duo Rated RKO. Apparently it was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's idea to bring Foley over, as he feels he is the person who has the most chemistry with. To this date, no official statement has been released about Foley being under an EBWF contract. However, Foley was reportedly adamant to return... He is expected to be on the road with EBWF in some sort of manager role for The Rock, like he did last night on Warfare.
Speaking of which, the EBWF board of directors were reportedly worried about the segment he and Johnson stared in during Warfare where Michael Cole had a shotgun pointed to his head. The board was worried Foley carelessly took a gun to a live show and will reportedly meet up with him to ask him to tone such acts.
Both viewers and directors have been really sensitive about the type of content displayed on EBWF Television since the shooting at EBWF HQ in late October. To this day it is still unknown if Foley will be punished for such a careless act.