Like a kid on Christmas Eve

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Like a kid on Christmas Eve

Post by D.J »

OOC: Hope you guys like this! Good luck Miles. - DJ

It took a 11 months, but in one swift motion EBWF had perhaps it's biggest "holy shit" moment of 2012 when at the Survivor Series, a forgotten man, a wrestling icon, 3 syllables that meant more in this business than most could even fathom, Triple H returned with his sights set on the current EBWF Champion CM Punk. Nobody saw it coming, especially our reigning champion, and many questioned what motives "The Game" had for returning. Those questions were answered on EBWF's Weekly Show, Warfare, when Triple H addressed the reason for his return. He alluded to the fact that the wrestling world that he once helped create, was losing some of it's luster. That the EBWF he once knew, that he once dominated, just didn't pack the same punch as it used to. He mentioned the fact that with his return he hoped to bring this company, a company that he loves, back to prominence. As was to be expected, CM Punk was not impressed, and the thought of him not being worthy to carry this business on his shoulders was a thought that Phil "CM Punk" Brooks would never even remotely entertain or believe. What was set up from a back and forth war of the words, stare downs, and everything else you can think of, was 1 match. A Hell in the Cell match at EBWF's last event of 2012, that would pit CM Punk vs. Triple H for the EBWF World Championship. It was a match-up that at one time could only be dreamed about, or created on an Xbox 360. Now on the day before Christmas, it would be a reality.


The scene opened up in the Sprint Center. The empty Sprint Center. It was a building that in one days time would be filled with a sold out capacity crowd of wild and rowdy wrassling fans, cheering their heads off, but in this moment it was silent, still, peaceful even. The camera panned around the arena as if it was looking for something. It need not look any further than the center of the ring, as that is where the King of Kings Triple H, sat. He wore one of his signature T-Shirts and blue jeans. His hair was over his face and his knees were up around his midsection. His elbows rested on his knees, and it seemed as though he was deep in thought. A bottle of water sat next to him unopened. After several moments of tension build up, Hunter whipped the hair back, and started to speak, not looking into the camera.

Triple H: Everybody's got a place in the world that makes them feel truly alive. A place that when they are there, they're right, they're at peace, they feel whole. For the past few years, I have been happy. I have a life that I enjoy, a beautiful wife, wonderful children, a world that I looked forward to living in every day.. but I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. I couldn't shake the feeling, that something just wasn't quite right. That something that was missing, quite honestly and simply was the feeling that I have right now. The feeling of excitement, anxiety, aggression, passion, love, all rolled into one, untouchable unrivaled feeling. It's the feeling I get EVERY TIME, I'm about to step into this ring and compete in this business. It's a feeling that encompasses me, it owns me. Quite honestly, it's a feeling that in a lot of ways is my drug. I'm addicted to it, and without it, I may be a happy guy, but I'll never feel truly right, truly at peace, or truly whole.

Triple H took a sip of water.

Triple H: I don't always do this. I don't always come out the night before a match, and sit in this ring. I've wrestled in thousands of matches, against numerous opponents, and anyone who's in this business knows that it can become a rat race at times. You are going from arena to arena, performing night after night, and it's easy.. TOO easy to forget to stop and really even reflect on what you're doing. Once you're in it, you're in it, and it's easy to get caught up in it. It's easy to be so engulfed in this crazy world, that we call the norm, and forget to ENJOY IT. I sit in this ring tonight, a man with countless accolades, a man with countless victories, against those numerous opponents that I just mentioned, but as I sit in this ring, as that feeling consumes by entire being, I am a man that for the first time in quite some time is realizing that there are few things that I love to do more, on god's green earth, than stepping into this ring and kicking somebody's ass.

Triple H turned to the camera for the first time.

Triple H: CM Punk, Phil Brooks, two weeks ago on Warfare, I let it be known to the world, that I truly believed that this business was on the decline, and that you personally were the one to blame. The reason I said it Punk, wasn't because I don't like you, even though I don't. It wasn't because I don't respect you, even though I don't, the reason I said you are single handedly ruining this business.. is BECAUSE. YOU. ARE. I said it because I believe it to be the god's honest truth. Punk, this has nothing to do with my being all high and mighty. It has nothing to do with the fact that I think, I made this company what it is today on my own.. because believe me Punk, nobody respects this business more than I do. Nobody lives and dies for this business more than me, and I know and I realize that neither you or I would even be standing here if it wasn't for the men that paved the way, the men that came before us and got this business off of the ground. I would never disrespect those men, because without the Ricky Steamboats, the Ric Flairs, the Hulk Hogans, The Andre The Giants, The Jimmy Supafly Snuka's, there's no CM Punk, and there's no Triple H. What I am saying Punk, is that there are few men, that have taken the ball from some of those greats I just mentioned, and ran with it quite like I have. You may think you have Punk, you may think that because you're on top of the mountain in the watered down product that you've created here, that somehow that puts you in the same category as a guy like me.

Triple H shook his head as if he felt in his heart of hearts that that couldn't be further from the truth.

Triple H: The fact that you believe that you should be, is good, but what's even better is just how angry you get when I tell you that that idea is complete crap, is what's better. Now Punk, I know you don't get so mad and so defensive, because you're just that much of a pansy, and you're that sensitive. I think why it bugs you so much, and why my refusing to acknowledge this false idea that you're the best in the world, really irks you, is because you know, deep down that I'm right. Punk, you may want the whole world to think you're this smug, brash, tattooed ball of confidence and self assurance, but you're not that are you Punk? I think.. no I know.. that you are quite the opposite. Every time you open your mouth Punk, all I hear is a man who's trying to convince himself that he's worth a damn, so that other's will believe it to. You can talk down about a guy like The Miz, but at the end of the day Punk, as far as I'm concerned you and him are on in the same. You are both guys, that the amount of times you talk the talk is ALWAYS going to outnumber the amount of times you walk the walk. The difference between guys like you Punk, and guys like me, is that I don't need to say I'm the best in the world, I don't need to yell it on my way to the ring, I don't need to do any of that, because all people have to do to realize the fact that I am the best in this business, is to WATCH. ME. SHOW IT.

Triple H again took a sip of his water.

Triple H: That's what bugs you about me isn't it, Phil? Between all the "in my day we earn our title shots," and the "when was the last time you've seen a ring.. you're old," jokes that you yourself would make fun of someone else for resorting to, what really drives you nuts about me Punk, is that you completely resent the fact that I really am that damn good. I really am good enough, to be away from this ring for years on end, show up in November, and take the World Championship off your puny little undeserving shoulder in December. You may try to fight it, or try to say you don't believe it, but I think you're fully aware of what you're dealing with here. I think you're fully aware of the mess you're in, and that's why the whining about my qualifications or the trying to imply that I'll be rusty, to get yourself through the night has become commonplace for you over the past few weeks. I don't have time to sit here and read you my accomplishments, but come tomorrow night, when I'm putting you through the most vicious beating you've ever endured, you'll realize that not only am I not rusty, but that with regards to becoming the EBWF Champion, I'm PLENTY QUALIFIED.

Triple H smirked. He then looked up as the Cell lowered down around him from the ceiling. A menacing smile came across his face.

Triple H: But then I almost forgot, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for you Punk. As if it wasn't bad enough that you have to deal with me, now you throw in the fact that you have to deal with me in the devil's playground, in hell and a cell, and you might as well call the hospital before the bell even rings. Like many men have learned before you, you will learn tomorrow night, there are few places more dangerous than being locked inside this cell with me. The reason being is that, unlike most guys in the back, I don't CARE about what happens to you. I don't CARE about what I have to do, all I CARE about is becoming the EBWF Champion. All I care about is showing you first hand, what it really means to be the BEST at what we do.

Triple H's demeanor had now shifted from somewhat calm, to borderline sadistic.

Triple H: Punk if you think that I think, this match is going to be our "passing of the torch" moment, then pal, you don't know me half as well as you might think you do. The fact of the matter is, tomorrow night when you look INTO MY EYES you will know that I'm still holding the torch, and I have to BURN YOU ALIVE WITH IT to become the EBWF Champion, I will. People may look at CM Punk vs. Triple H as being a "dream" match but Punk tomorrow night when this cell lowers down and that bell rings, I'm going to see to it that for you, it WILL BE A NIGHTMARE. Sleep Tight, Champ.

Triple H stared a hole through the camera as the scene faded to black.


EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)

Re: Like a kid on Christmas Eve

Post by Will »

:homer :hhhcross :crotchchop