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Jeff Hardy Released from the EBWF

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:20 pm
by Cory
In a move that was widely regarded as simply a matter of time, it was announced on EBWF's corporate webpage that Jeff Hardy was officially released from his EBWF contract following the Christmas Eve of Destruction PPV event.

Jeff Hardy has been off television for quite some time, dating back to early 2012 after a feud with Randy Orton seemed to just fizzle out of nowhere. There was a lot of speculation that Jeff Hardy's drug history had a part to play in his sudden disapparance, but at this time this doesn't appear to be a factor.

It is unclear as to how long this has been in the works, however a lot of inside sources believe that Wes Ikeda was one of the only people sticking their neck out for the Charismatic Enigma. With Wes on the shelf, Jeff Hardy's allies in the Board of Directors became almost non-existant.