Eddie Edwards
The Sultan of Sleaze
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We open on a camera-shot hastily moving forwards through a corridor backstage at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, Minnesota, rushing down the winding tunnels that lead around the world famous arena. Eventually, the camera grinds to a halt, staring directly down towards the end of the corridor, before slowly turning ninety degrees towards a large, brown door with shimmering golden letters glued onto the plaque that rests a third of the way down...
Slowly, an unseen hand pushes the door open from the outside, revealing the interior of a dark, smokey locker room. The darkness however is purely as a result of the room’s lights being off at the current time, as the furniture is so garishly bright that it’s impossible to miss upon entry into the room. Purple leather adorns the couches and seats that rest, apparently untouched, throughout the space. The walls are covered in posters advertising previous EBWF Pay-Per-Views, but in spite of this we can see the cracks produced from dried paint protruding from behind the large glossy paper. After a few moments of waiting, a large thud is heard from behind the camera and it swings around to see where the noise emanates from, and we see a figure standing in the doorway, motionless, with a cup of coffee in his right hand. After another few moments, the man stood before the camera lifts his left hand up slowly and turns the light on to allow us a better view of him. A pair of RayBan shades rest upon his nose, covering his eyes and expression almost entirely, and he wears a bright purple tee which is almost completely covered by a picture of his own face. The camera pans down to show a pair of (you guessed it) bright purple wrestling tights, with golden “E†E” lettering, and finally a pair of black boots. The man clears his throat, and the camera returns it’s glance up towards his face, to find him shaking his head slowly in disbelief. He calmly shrugs his shoulders, before kicking the door closed behind him with the back of his boot, and slowly walking across the room. He places his coffee down onto the bench, before nonchalantly strolling across the room towards a full body-length mirror. He looks into the mirror with a smirk, completely ignoring the camera in the room awaiting his attention, before reaching into a nearby bag and pulling out a packet of cigarettes. He flips the top open and pulls one out, before casually lighting it up and finally turning towards the camera with an arrogant smirk plastered across his lips. He inhales deeply, before exhaling as he stares down the camera, shades still over his eyes.
Eddie Edwards: There’s a whole lot of people here who are jealous of me. Already. I’ve walked into the door here for the very first time, and already I can feel the glances and the glares burning a hole in the back of my head. All because the people in charge here have the sense to realize that I’m something that a lot of people here aren’t. I’m a commodity. I’m somebody that can and will earn this company a lot of money, and so-called ‘colleagues’ here just cannot accept that. I know they’ve been grafting, and they’ve been working their asses off for attention, but some people just need to accept the fact that for some, it takes a hell of a lot of work to get noticed. For others, like me? Well, I’m just born this way. A born superstar, from the very moment I entered the world I knew that I had a certain calling in life, and I would do anything I had to do to answer that calling. This is that calling, I’m here in EBWF to prove to everybody that I’m one of the greatest Professional Wrestlers ever to step inside the squared circle. And there’s nobody who can stand in my way, because I’m a natural athlete, I ooze personality and charisma, I have a ruthlessness inside of me that can come out when people least expect it. I’m the complete package, exactly what people look for in this business.
Edwards pauses for a few moments, taking another drag on his cigarette and slowly breathing out the smoke, which swirls and twists in the air as it enters the space around the newest addition to the EBWF roster. Edwards stops smirking for the first time in a few minutes as he does this, using his thumb to scratch his chin before rubbing it thoughtfully for a few moments. He turns back towards the mirror, glaring into it at an angle at which he can still look down the lens of the camera as he fixes his hair and wipes his face with one of his palms.
Eddie Edwards: Like everybody in the world, I may have my vices. I smoke, I drink, I do things that aren’t totally healthy, and that may make my career as a Wrestler shorter. But you know what? Unlike some people in this industry, I’m up-front about that. I’m honest, and I’m not gonna hide behind some kind of persona to keep the world from knowing about who I really am. I’m not gonna tell children to eat their vitamins, say their prayers, drink their milk, stay away from strangers, practice safe sex, only once married of course... I’m going to stand here and hold my hands up, and say you know what? I’m not perfect. I have made, and will continue to make mistakes in my life, some more serious than others, and I’d encourage everybody out there to do the same thing. Sometimes in life you have to take risks, do things you maybe wouldn’t normally do, just to get that step further in life. Don’t kid yourselves. You know as well as I do that you’ll raise your children to be completely different to you, and you’re limiting them. You’re stopping them from achieving what they are entitled to achieve by doing what you’re doing, and I know, you know, and everybody else knows that it’s unfair. Let them be what they can be, and do what they want to do, and maybe, just maybe, they’ll be sat where I am one day. On top of the world looking down, a cigarette in one hand, a beer in the other, a personalized outfit, designer shades, their own private locker room. I’m not freakin’ kidding here. I’ve been here one night and I already got a private locker room. You know that means I’m good. I am who I am, and I’m not gonna hide that.
Edwards sharply turns around to face the camera face-on once again, with his cigarette now hanging out of his mouth and him sharply taking drag after drag, blowing the smoke out of his nose so as to not slow down the process. After an amazingly quick draining of the tobacco product, Edwards lets the cigarette drop out of his mouth before placing his boot onto the burning cigarette and stomping it out. Edwards rolls his tongue across the inside of his mouth, causing his cheeks to protrude from their normal state as his tongue comes into contact with the inside of them, before he opens his mouth and lets out a deep sigh. He slowly lifts his hand up to his face and lifts the shades away from over his eyes, for the first time revealing the true nature of his expression. He narrow eyes glare down the camera, and his expression seems far more severe than before with the addition of his eyes to the equation. He slowly walks across the room, and sits down upon one of the bright chairs, letting out a deep sigh as he does so. He beckons for the camera to come closer, and it rests in front of him for him to speak directly to anybody watching, glaring somewhat menacingly into the lens in front of him. He scoffs before speaking, and continues to glare even whilst a smirk once again reappears on his lips.
Eddie Edwards: One of the people who I’ve seen today, and I know beyond any form of reasonable doubt is jealous of what I’ve come to receive as a part of my contract, is my opponent tonight, also making his in-ring debut for the company. Now I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t really know or even particularly care about who Austin Aries is. In fact, I don’t give a tiny rats ass who Austin Aries is. All I know is that tonight, I’ll be going face to face with the guy out there in the ring. I’ll level with you if you’re watching Austin, I don’t like your chances. There’s a reason that I’m in my private locker room with all of my home comforts, and you’re stuck in the cattle-shed in some dank, disgusting corner of this hell-hole arena. They hired you for filler, bro. They didn’t hire you to be the next big thing or the future of this company, they hired you because they need someone to give people like me an easy start, so people like me can ease their way in and the fans won’t crap all over it when I get the inevitable title opportunities that are sure to come my way sooner rather than later. I know how this business works, kid. This is like... Like a tune-up match. Just so I can get my muscles warmed up, show my face out there so the fans can learn to love me as soon as possible, without hurting myself too badly, or even breaking a sweat. I don’t wanna be too graphic about this, Aries, but I’m gonna make you my bitch out there. You’re gonna get down on the ground and you’re gonna take whatever the hell it is I wanna give you. And after it’s all said and done, the three-count has been made, and the bell has rung, you’re gonna get up, you’re gonna look me right in the eye, and you’re gonna say ‘Thank you, Sultan’. Because I’m the Sultan of Sleaze...
Edwards quickly leans forward in his seat, so that his face is almost pressed against the camera lens. With a smirk, he places his shades back over his eyes and opens his mouth into a full grin, his pure white teeth completely on show. He chuckles, before closing his mouth once again into a closed smirk.
Eddie Edwards: And you’re my first sacrifice.
Edwards once again chuckles, before placing his hand over the camera lens, signaling the end of the segment as the camera fades fully to black.
OOC: First roleplay here, hoping people enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, haha. Any feedback or comments or criticism or whatever will be welcomed and taken on board if people want to offer anything.