This Is What I Call Intelligence

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

This Is What I Call Intelligence

Post by Luca_DZ »

*OOC: I'm actually not that confident about this one, especially for the consecutive losses I had. By the way, I just hope this is a roleplay that's worth of your time.*

Dolph is seen in a library, an unusual place for someone like him. He passed almost a half of the shelves in the library, but finally, he finds what he wanted: a book of a philosophical quotes.

“Mmm... finally, there you are!” he says, taking out a book of philosophical quotes.

“This is the perfect object to make you see what philosophy and intelligence are, Damien."

He then finds a good quote to start.

"There are men so philosophical that they can see humor in their own toothaches. But there has never lived a man so philosophical that he could see the toothache in his own humor. This is exactly what I'm talking about. You go on with your discussions without any break, but you can't see the cracks that all of them have got, actually.”

Dolph looks interested on reading a phrase.

“Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices. You're probably wondering why I chose this one. You see dear Damien, I don't see the point of making a statement for a new team in the league if you're just not going to make it big with it. But you see, in the end “charisma” is something that doesn't belong to intellectualls, but only to somebody who actually can handle all the ups and downs of that. With all of this, I'm saying that you don't even deserve to be called intellectual. Intellectuals think, while you just spread twisted words that you don't event know the meaning of. Where's the intelligence?”

Dolph goes on with reading the book, but then he stops and thinks.

“Oh wait, speaking about intelligence Damien, there's something I can't really understand. You claim to spread culture and clean the world from all the ignorance, playing all these people like fools. They don't hear you closely, they just let you speak, but all of your senseless concepts get into their mind. It's not that hard to see that your philosophical Google quotes are just a way to make you feel invincible. It's sad to see that your self-esteem depends on the popoularity EBWF gave you, and it's also sad to know that without it, you would be absolutely nothing. The object of the superior man is truth, and that's a concept you always try to reverse. Being intellectual doesn't make you smarter than anybody. You know Damien, when you live in a lie, but then you get swallowed by the people's power, happy ending becomes just a dream, and you're destined to be just like a witch in a cartoon: dead. By that, I don't mean I'm gonna kill you. Actually, your pride, your decency and your credibility died when you started to open your mouth. I mean one simple thing: your career is destined to end in a really bad way, for what I concern, here in EBWF.”

He says, going on with the pages, trying to find a good quote.

“There's something you should get Damien: no matter how much intelligence you have or how many things you know... you'll always make mistakes. Let's take me as an example. I'm perfection, everybody knows this, but even I make mistakes, althought it doesn't seem so, because I make them perfectly.”

Dolph then puts a smirk on his face. It seems like he's found what he wanted.

“There we are! Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight. This says it all. You should do just like I do: don't try to overcome, avoid your mistakes and losses, just learn from them. As far as I concern, you're not mature enough to get the sense of it all. And you'll see it soon, because at Warfare, you're gonna lose to me just like you lost your match for the Breakout Championship, and until you won't grow up, you'll be destined to fail, Damien."

He then smirks again.

"As Cicero once said: any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. That means just one thing: your words will fade like dust as the time passes by, and your memory will no longer exist because of your "empty" presence. By that, I mean that you're just another person that is destined to be used by the other as an object to take out all the anger on, and the fame you once claimed will not surely be a part of your dream: being respected."

He says, putting the book on the shelf and then going out of the library. Once he's out, he gets into his car, just to look into the camera a few moments later.

“Oh... I got two words for ya.”

He then waves a bit his arm.

“You're welcome.”

Fade out.

Re: This Is What I Call Intelligence

Post by Skyler »

Don't worry about wins or losses. Just have fun!

Re: This Is What I Call Intelligence

Post by Luca_DZ »

I'm having fun man :D The thing is that I always feel like the other roleplayers are a step ahead, that's all
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Re: This Is What I Call Intelligence

Post by Jon »

It's a patients and perseverance type of thing. Don't worry if the others are more advance just give your best, imho.
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Re: This Is What I Call Intelligence

Post by Ben M »

This is a really good RP, Luca. You write better when Megan isn't involved, it helps your match focus :)

Re: This Is What I Call Intelligence

Post by Luca_DZ »

Jon, I know. I give my best and I have fun, but sometimes it seems to me that's not enough. Ben, thank you very much :) Now that I know that, if you see a girl falling from a skyscraper, it might me Megan lol